Post op diet's

on 3/6/13 10:04 pm

For those of you who have had the surgery already, be it lapband, gastric bypass or sleeve, what was the post op diet your physician set you up with? Was it 30 days liquid? My mother had gastric bypass back in October and her surgeon told her liquids for only 3 days. After the 3rd day, she was already on small portions of processed foods, farina, scrambled eggs and such. She is doing absolutely wonderful! For me, it was the gastric sleeve surgery and I was told liquids for 30 days. While I obviously have no problem with this and continue doing it (Only just got out of this hospital this past Saturday), I was wondering what post op diets some of you folks have or had or are on currently? If replying, also let me know which procedure you had done. I am very curious to see what other folks out there are currently using.

"I will die someday. Until that day, I embrace the knowing."


on 3/7/13 12:14 am
Post op for me is liquids for two weeks then soft foods. For 4 weeks.

I'm only on day two post op
on 3/7/13 12:22 am

Which procedure did you have?

Valerie G.
on 3/7/13 1:38 am - Northwest Mountains, GA

I had the DS, whi*****ludes a sleeve stomach - and I was eating soft foods in the hospital before I came home.  I was told to start with the tenderest of foods first and eat what appealed to me, with a 100g goal of protein right out the gate.  Not all docs are as ambitious as my surgeon was, but i did just fine with it.

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

on 3/7/13 2:25 am

Nice! Yeah, I am told I have to be on this liquid diet...for 30 days! I dont think I can go thaaat long on water, powerade zero, protein shakes and jello. I can't staaaand broth....I seriously would love to be able to incorporate something small and yet very very very soft to my diet......not to the point where i overeat and cant move...just..something comfortable...a little substance to it, lol. What is DS if I may ask???

on 3/8/13 7:45 am

The DS is the gastric sleeve plus an intestinal bypass similar to, but more effective than, that of the RNY. The DS has the very best long-term, maintained weight-loss stats for patients of any size, but especially so for those of us with a BMI greater than 50. It's also got the best stats for resolving or preventing co-morbs like diabetes and high cholesterol. The DS causes permanent malabsorption of calories.

It's the best thing since sliced bread! (*grin*)

Mary Catherine
on 3/7/13 3:18 am

Some people are ready for food at 3 days and some (like me) could not handle food for three months.  Every doctor has his own ideas and every person is different.  It is better to follow what your surgeon wants.  He knows how he did the surgery. 

Some surgeons make a pouch the size of a small egg with a large stoma and some make a micro pouch that is about the size of a grape with a tiny stoma or opening at the end.  That smaller pouch is going to need a lot less food.  There is no standard surgery and no standard post-op diet.  Sleeves are also different sizes.  I am guessing yours is very small and that is the reason for a longer healing time before you put food into it.

And just because a surgeon says you are ready for more food, that does not mean your body will heal on his timeline.  It will be trial and error until you find what is right for you.

on 3/7/13 5:40 am - Portland, OR
RNY on 02/26/13

Clear liquid for three days. Then full liquid until the three week date. After that u can start adding things from the puréed stage. I don't remember how long that stage us, but it's followed by regular wls diet.

Surgery (RNY) scheduled for Feb 26, 2013

on 3/7/13 8:57 am - Silver Spring, MD
You should post this in the VSG forum.

I've been on here since 11/2010 and never seen a Dr require 30 days of liquids. I had 3 days of clear liquids then 7 days liquids and then soft foods. By week 8 I was on regular foods.

I was sleeved 6/2011
VSG 6/10/2011  Dr. Ann Lidor BMore MD 5'5 HW-247 SW-233 GW-145 CW-120   Me rambling about my journey : )

on 3/8/13 7:18 am, edited 3/8/13 7:18 am

I was sleeved on 2/19. I'm doing the puree/mashed stage now. I had to do clear liquids for one week and full liquids for a week. I had to get permission from the surgeon to move out of the liquid diet. Next week I can try soft food like thin deli meats.


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