Mix feelings!!

on 3/20/13 9:48 pm - IL
Hi everyone!! Hope everyone it's doing well. Please I need some advice. My RNY is on March 26 and I'm not sure if i should go through it!! I'm nervous and scared. I'm scared of dying and I'm not sure if i will be able to take the pain. My husband tells me everything is going to be ok. I'm stressing out!! Please help!
on 3/20/13 9:53 pm - Sunny Southern, CA

Absolutely normal to fear dying and complications... from any surgery. The statistics are pretty low and in line with other surgeries. Your medical team will be running a bunch of tests that should reduce risks. Keep an open dialog with them about your anxieties. I am assuming you are having some health issues now do to obesity. Those are scary and potential could kill too. In fact, obesity is a leading cause of preventable death.

I had them too. I freaked myself out for the whole month before... finally I just made peace with the fact that I could die. I just figured I was a ticking time bomb that was eventually going to die from one of the many co-morbidities I had and I wasn't making the most of my time on earth. I was trapped. I chose a surgeon I had faith in and I figured I'd just let the expert do his thing and I made peace with the fact that if God wanted to take me he would and that was that. I'd rather die fighting for life then passively kill myself which is what I was doing. A slow suicide by knife and fork.

BTW I had 0 complications and am happy as a clam most days. Hope you make peace with your decision and you are soon feeling like I do about about having weight loss surgery... best gift I ever gave myself.

~Michelle "Shelly"

P.S. Feel free to read (link in signature) about my journey


Weight Loss Surgery Friendly Recipes & Rambling

on 3/20/13 10:08 pm

I had all the same fears even driving to the hospital that morning.  Everything went fine they control the discomfort in the hospital so you are fine. When you get home the discomfort last about one week then it gets better. You will never be crying in pain its just an annoying discomfort.  I am 7 weeks out down 35lbs I have good days and bad.  But I know deep inside I made the right decision for myself and my family and my health.  If you want to friend me feel free we can always talk and If you have any questions feel free to ask me

on 3/20/13 10:11 pm

I agree with Eggface.  I was more afraid from dying from diabetes than from the surgery.  I have read that the mortality rate for WLS is the same as from gall bladder surgery. 

As for the pain,  I had a pain ball inserted the first day and was on IV paid meds the day of surgery.  I switched to pills the next day. I only took 2 or 3 pain pills after I got home and that was because  did too much at one time (went shopping at Target).

The tests they run are to lower your complication risk.  Ask your surgeon about his complication rate.



on 3/21/13 12:48 am - IL

Thank you everyone for you advice and support. I will keep you updated after surgery! Thanks

Kathleen W.
on 3/21/13 3:58 am - Lancaster, PA

Being scared is a normal reaction to this life changing event. The pain is tolerable.  Don't worry about something like complications that, in most cases, wouldn't happen.  I had my rny September of '09 and I had complications due to infections.  Would I do it again? In a heart beat!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I didn't do anything,  I would be either in a wheelchair (severe arthritis in pelvis and knees), full blown diabetes, heart problems, or I would be dead.. If you don't have the rny, what would the quality of your life be?  We all want you to have a long and healthy life with your husband and family.

SW 327
GW 150
CW 126


on 3/21/13 7:16 am
RNY on 02/04/13

I have no regrets, I've had no problems other than getting dehydrated.......but I've done everything I am suppose to do. I've followed the doctors orders without fail!! Good luck to you!!! 


on 3/21/13 8:02 am
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