Surgery 2/26/2013 and I've Only Lost 31 Pounds

on 5/7/13 6:45 pm

Since surgey on 2/2/2013 I've only lost 31 pounds. The last two weeks I've lost no weight :(

I'm eating two protein shakes each day (60 grams protein and 320 calories for both) and eat once a day so I'm sure I'm not exceeding 800 calories.


Any suggestions or advice?

on 5/7/13 9:05 pm - Indian River, MI
VSG on 03/04/13

Eating only once a day doesn't sound too healthy.  It is ok to exceed the protein if you want, i get my protein in everyday, but i make sure i spread my meals out thru the day.  And how much water are you getting in?  By planning your meals out, and getting your water in, u are keeping your metabolic rate high, but if you are only eating once a day and and having only a couple protein shakes, then your body goes into starvation mode, and you will actually retain weight, its a survival mechanism. At least that is what my NUT explained to me!  If i am incorrect, please somebody post otherwise.  Granted i am new at this, but i used to think the same way and and was stalling in my weight a lot in the beginning.  It never hurts to keep doing research.  I research everyday, i find new recipes that i can use, i find exercise routines that work with my schedule, and i make sure that i get in my water.  Water is super important (for every 8 lbs of water, you lose 1 lbs of fat)...  Good luck to you and keep us updated on your progress.  



on 5/7/13 10:11 pm - VA
RNY on 03/26/13

I agree with Sarahl. I wonder if maybe you are not getting enough food. I don't count calories, just protein. I am supposed to get 105g of protein each day. I have 2 shakes and 3 meals. I eat roughly 4oz of meat for each of those meals and if it fits, a little veggie and/or fruit.

Why are you only eating 1 meal a day?

[Highest: 303] [Surgery Day: 295] [Current: 199.8] [Goal: 180][To Go: 19.8[Height: 5' 8"]

  I have a tendency to wear my mind on my sleeve   

  I have a history of losing my shirt Barenaked Ladies - One Week

on 5/7/13 11:28 pm - Grand Prairie, TX

I'm sure you're going to get some more great responses, but I wanted to note losing ten pounds a month sounds pretty awesome to me. Were you a "lightweight" to begin with? Did you lose a lot of weight pre-op? What surgery did you have? These are all things that will affect your rate of loss.

Keeping track of my progress without a scale...Starting size: 28-Current size: 6-Goal size: 14

sand's not a's a frame of mind...

on 5/7/13 11:37 pm - Indian River, MI
VSG on 03/04/13

i agree, i should have asked those questions as to what procedure and how much you have lost prior to surgery.  Granted 10 pounds is not bad for each month, you are still losing.  I would suggest talking to your NUT and go from there.



on 5/7/13 11:55 pm

Couple of questions---which form of WLS did you have, and what was your beginning excess weight? Both of these impact how much weight you can expect to lose in a given amount of time. Since your profile lists your BMI as 43, let's just assume you started out with 100 pounds to lose. That means you have, in only three months, lost one-third of your excess weight! Fantastic! That's exactly the same as someone who started out with 200 excess pounds losing 62 pounds!

And I agree with the other posters---I don't think you're eating ENOUGH, and you really should eat frequent, small meals. How abou****er? How many ounces are you getting EVERY DAY? What about vitamins?

on 5/8/13 6:00 am - Eugene, OR

Yep - not enough information here.  1) you're at about 3 months, which is magical stall time for nearly everyone.  2) describe your protein shake.  What do you put in it?  What sort of protein are you using?  3) what kind of surgery did you have?

At three months out, you should be eating some real food.  I personally think 2 protein shakes a day is probably not a good way to go.

Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen

on 5/8/13 9:03 pm

Thank you everyone I appreciate your help.

Ok, so I did not loose any weight prior to surgery so my SW was 242 and I am 5'3"

I'm drinking 45 to 64 ounces of water each day. I don't drink any zero calorie or sugar free drinks.

I had RNY on 2/26/2013.

I really should eat at least 3 meals a day so that is definately something I need to work on so planning meals is definately something I also need to work on. 

I will talk to the NUT tomorrow about increasing protein shakes from 2 to 3 a day.

I drink Premier Protein which has 30 grams protein (11 ounces), 160 calories, 1 gram sugar, low fat and 24 vitamins and minerals.

I do the following: 2 Bariatric Advantage Multi Vitamins daily, 1 Celebrate Bariatric B-12, 1 Gynegen Chewable Probiotic, 1 Bariatric Advantage Chewable Iron, 1 Bariatric Advantage Calcium Citrate Chewable and 1 Bariatric Advantage B-1 capsule


I hope I answered everyones questions and again I so appreciate it! :) :) :)


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