Dehydration & Constipation 6-weeks post-op??

Sarah W.
on 7/9/13 3:51 am - Bel Air, MD
VSG on 05/28/13

Thanks, I will look into it!! :-)

Like I said, I have trouble keeping the water down, it feels like it just sits in my stomach?

I have actually this delicious Hawaiian punch - fruit punch and grape, 0 cal/sugar drink packets.

And I've done decaffeinated tea.

I sip. Constantly, but it's like I'm not sipping enough!

I have a 32 oz powerade zero I've been nursing today- almost two thirds done. That is all. Sigh. I'm going to have a sugar-free frozen pop. lol.


on 7/16/13 5:22 am - Brampton, Canada

If you're constipated and it's an issue,which it seems to be, seriously look at the foods you are eating.. Are they dry foods? or foods like cucumbers or tomatoes that you can eat til the cows come home.

We can also eat berries, which I do every day with my protein shake.  Are you eating enough green leafy foods? Fresh fruits and vegetables especially will aid in this I suspect

Seriously look at your diet before you start going the route to stool softner. Your body needs to be fine tuned to a new way of eating so don't just do the pill thing right away.

The more chemicals in a food, the less nutrients are in it. Eat more cauliflour, broccoli, peppers etc. And yes you can eat berries. and they are full of juice


good luck

Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.  

Sarah W.
on 7/16/13 11:08 pm - Bel Air, MD
VSG on 05/28/13

It has gotten A LOT better since I have started raw vegetables and salads.... Which was a few days to a week after this posting! I've already taken a stool softner, laxative, and enema as the feces was stuck, causing bleeding and pain and I needed something to help move it along.


on 7/16/13 11:24 pm - Brampton, Canada

Youch... that's called being "impacted".

Do check out the berries too though as they are great for keeping ya "movin' along".


Glad things worked out for ya lol

Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.  

Sarah W.
on 7/16/13 11:32 pm - Bel Air, MD
VSG on 05/28/13

LOL, I know what it's called due to my profession :-)

I did not check out berries, I'm still having trouble finishing the protein and vegetable at every meal. Although I have incorporated bananas and skinless apples into protein shakes! :-)

Thanks a lot! :-) Phew, I was praising the lords of salad all weekend! :-)



on 7/16/13 11:51 pm - Brampton, Canada

Not everyone understands the difference between being impacted and constipated though right? lol

Not to be pedantic but apples are a binder... and banana's don't have much fluid in them.

The point is to pick foods that have lots of fluid in them.

For instance:   cherries 1/2C   Calories: 52, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 0g, Sugar: 13g, Protein: 0g.  That'll get ya going lol

Tomatoes, cucumbers etc all have lots of fluids in them.

strawberries:  1 cup Calories: 49, Fat: 0.5g, Carbs: 12g, Sugar: 7.4g, Protein: 1g

Sugar is a bit high..but not so high that you can't have it a couple of times a week

Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.  

Sarah W.
on 7/16/13 11:56 pm - Bel Air, MD
VSG on 05/28/13

That's 100% true!!!

Thank's for the information! I was using them for flavor, but I'm sure I have to check my "reference guide" for the berries because I thought they were on the no-no list with nuts until 6 post-op, but I will check!



on 7/17/13 12:42 am - Brampton, Canada

I thihk the raspberries might be because of the little seeds in them... but not blueberries and strawberries

and they taste awesoe with protein

I have a fruit milkshake every awesome is that lol



Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.  

on 7/9/13 3:25 am - Brighton, IL

The sipping will get easier as it becomes a habit. I take a dose of benefiber in my first bottle of fluids every day and one colace before bed every night. It works for me.



Sarah W.
on 7/9/13 3:52 am - Bel Air, MD
VSG on 05/28/13

Karen, I was drinking 80 oz post op. LOL. Now that I am on solids, it feels like I can't get it all in!

Glad I'm not the only one who has this problem! :-)

I'll check into benefiber as well! Thanks!

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