Optifast vs Premier for pre-op

on 8/16/13 11:15 pm - CA

Hi guys,

So my surgeon put me on Optifast for my pre-op but I can't get those shakes down so I've been drinking the Premier shakes instead. He put me on optifast to shrink my liver so now I'm wondering if there's something that's specifically in optifast that will help my liver to shrink more or if just the fasting itself is what shrinks my liver. Today is day six and I still haven't had anything but the Premier shakes but I still sort of feel like I'm cheating and I'm freaked that when he opens me up he will see that my liver isn't shrunken enough and he'll close me up without doing the surgery. I don;t know if I'm being paranoid or what but I'm stressing out! I called the surgeon's office to ask them about this and they were supposed to get back to me and never did. So I guess my question is: Am I screwing myself over by drinking only premier shakes when I'm supposed to be on optifast.

(deactivated member)
on 8/16/13 11:29 pm

I had the exact same concern ((((((())))). Do the best you can ... it'll be FINE  .

 Wishing you a quick  and complication -free recovery ( keep walking and blowing as many times as U can )  

Member Services
on 8/17/13 3:15 am - Irvine, CA


We did a search on OH for Optifast vs Premier.  Read what other members are saying on this topic. 

http://www.obesityhelp.com/search/action,search_oh/?q=Optifa st+vs+Premier&cx=000946886326336472648%3Ae-vpeg4uyxw&cof=FOR ID%3A9

Good luck, if we can be of any assistance please contact us at :[email protected]

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