TGIF workout

Earl C.
on 9/22/06 4:18 am - Circleville, OH
Man this week went fast. But it's squat day 12:15 pm to 1:45 pm @ Power Shack gym 20 min warm up (walking, stretching, abs) Squat 1/4 Squat and lockouts Squat 225 x max reps Glute Ham Raises superset with romanian deadlifts Icarian Standing Calf raises No cardio tonight, unless you count the dancing after work. Have a good weekend everyone. Earl
on 9/22/06 11:18 am - NY
hi Earl, Today was my first day back since my arm lift!!!  I was afraid I was going to be unable to sustain a workout if I took too long off, so I braved it and went. I did a light workout, just 20 minutes on the elliptical and some squat reps and inner and outer thigh machine. I couldn't do any upper arm things of course, not for a while at least.  They say it takes 3 months to undo 6 months worth of weight strengthening.  I figure I should be well within that window of opportunity, I'm planning on going back to my arm workouts when I am a month out from surgery. Have a great weekend! Donna
Earl C.
on 9/22/06 12:01 pm - Circleville, OH
Great job Donna. Sounds about like what I do when I have an injury. I just train around it. Think of it as a good time to specialize on your legs and hips. That's probably what I would do. Plus do more cardio. Great to have you back. Earl
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