CrossFit Games... anyone?

Sam LifeNerd
on 3/6/13 10:34 pm

I just started CrossFit 3 weeks ago, and I am no where NEAR able to do a full push up or muscle up, everything I am doing is modified, but I can SEE the progress and actually thinking I might compete.

For those that do not know, is the official site for the Reebok games and you want to be inspired?

Ok, these folks are CRAZY fit, but, there are a LOT of Cross Fit folks out there are are just like you and me (or in worse shape) and if you do it, you WILL get stronger!

This story inspires me to work harder.  She did all this without WLS and wow!  I am sure she would kick my butt 10x over on the daily workout.

So, all of this to ask a question.  Is anyone on here competing in the CrossFit open for 2013?  Would love to keep up with your progress, I am halfway thinking of registering for the $20 for the heck of it.


on 3/15/13 10:42 am - Canada
RNY on 07/10/12

About two years ago I was into crossfit big time and could slug a lot of weight. I certainly couldn't do a pull up nor press x% of my body weight. I'm down just over 100 lbs and starting back up on Monday. I'm scared out of my mind how ill have the energy to do these workouts again. I know I've become physically weak since surgery. How do you fuel your body for these intense workouts?  Since surgery I have low blood pressure. I see myself having issues with a burpee the first time I do them. 


Sam LifeNerd
on 3/15/13 11:10 pm

The first workout was the worst, but since then my body recovers surprisingly fast!

Since I go at 530am, the most I have is a Premier protein shake on the way, so maybe 20 of the 30 grams and fini**** after the workout.

EVERYTHING they can modify so as you get stronger they will up the weights, etc.  I have finished my 4th week now and I am climbing the charts on my weight.  I started off at 45 pounds for the various lifts, but this week on those same lifts I was now at 65 pounds.

I did a bunch of deadlifts at 135 this week, the heaviest I have lifted so far (RX was like 175 or 195 for guys so I am still well under that)

By far the best workouts I have ever done!

on 3/16/13 9:43 am - Canada
RNY on 07/10/12

Have you found a drop on the scale or in measurements since starting? I'm looking forward to Grace, Helen and Diane!


Sam LifeNerd
on 3/17/13 9:59 pm

As of this morning I am down about 4-5 pounds, from what I had been averaging in the 204-205 range, now 200.8 this morning. I am gaining muscle for sure so I suspect I have lost a bit more "fat" than that and I noticed my size medium vest this morning was a bit looser around my belly.

By far the BEST / most complete workouts that I have done since I used to have a personal trainer years ago!  Free weights are a bit intimidating if you are lifting alone but with GOOD instruction I feel much better about them.

The whole point is "real world' type of lifting because you never know what life will throw at you.


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