A lazy exerciser...Midsection...

on 7/21/14 8:36 am

So my arms and legs are strong...Look good except for excess skin.  I've dropped some weight in the last few months...196-197.  It's the midsection that's the problem.  I just don't want to work that area.  How can water polo players have such great abs??  I know there is a lot of pushing and leg and arm work...But their midsections are tight.  Is there a game or fun exercise that works the midsections (abs and love handles)?  I hate leg lifts and crunchers!!  They get old after awhile...Brian

on 7/21/14 9:43 pm - Northern, CA

You can't spot reduce fat off a particular body part. They have great abs because they are lean. Our bodies tend hold our reserve fat around our midsection so that is the first place fat is put on and the last place it leaves.

Also, as you lose and gain fat over and over, fat cells deposit there and even if you lose 100% of your excess weight, you are never going to have six-pack abs without Plastic Surgery because you will have a flap of skin and fat cells hanging down that prevents your abs from really showing.

What I tell people is that I have a six pack and I love it so much that I protect it with a nice cushion of fat. 

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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(deactivated member)
on 7/22/14 4:55 pm

If you want to have fun with the workouts.Its good that you try Hula Hooping instead of aerobics,salsa dancing is also good and.There are tremendous dances to melt away weight.I hope you gain benefit .

on 7/23/14 8:12 am

Was going through Youtube...Looking at different videos.  In my large city (about 100,000 people) there is not 1 beginning aerobics class.  I really miss those classes.  I saw this one and thought of it.  Doesn't really work the core, but many pre and post op OHers could do this one.  I may try it.  Brian


on 7/28/14 3:53 am - Flowery Branch, GA

Have you ever heard of Focus T25? No crunches but it works the crap out of your core. Also, the workout I'm doing, Les Mills Combat, works your core a LOT without crunches or much floor work at all.

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