Manic Monday What's New?

on 5/23/11 2:09 am - Cibolo, TX
Well, hon, I hate to say this, but he's just a man being a man.  Stubborn as rocks, most of them.  I know--I'm married to one!  Sometimes I can make him see the light, but most of the time, he just does exactly what he wants to and damn the consequences.  Sigh.  What'cha gonna do?  I just have to love him anyway.  Here's my motto for marriage:  look to the good and overlook the bad.  It's the only way to survive!


Eileen Briesch
on 5/23/11 3:02 am - Evansville, IN

My mom has problems getting in enough water too; she prefers to drink pop, juice, milk, but not just plain water. And she's diabetic. She got so dehydrated once, she had to go to the hospital ER. Yes, she does drink diet pop, bu****er would be better ... I tell the same thing to my brother, who is trying to lose weight and still drinks all this pop.

As for talking on the phone, have you tried Skype? Download it on the computer, get a webcam and you and your son can see each other (that is, if he has a computer and a webcam). It's kinda cool ... I have done it with my family at Thanksgiving.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 5/23/11 1:18 am - Bradenton, FL
I am winding my time down in Chicagowith my daughter. I am going to be getting packed up and going to take the rental car back to the the rental place and then my daughter is taking me to ohare  so I can fly back home. I get back to sarasota around 930pm tonight. I have to work tomorrow.
Liz had a great shower yesterday. She was very happy.
CArl is driving to chicago for 2 weeks to help her and i am comming back here for a week on June 29th.
It seems like ill be on a plane every 2 weeks!!!!!
image hosting site

on 5/23/11 1:24 am - Manteca, CA
Good Morning Everyone,
I'm taking the day off... I'm exhausted. On Friday, just before the awards ceremony (I did not win- don't worry, I'm happy to be in the three on the final ballot), my daughter brought her dog over (my grand dog Sookie) and she and Roxy got into another fight.  I was taking a nap before the ceremony and woke suddenly to that. I was bitten on my left hand- a couple of fingers- and Roxy was bitten on her back. They obviously both want to be in charge here and it's not good. Anyway, Roxy needs some stitches today- her hair covered the wound, but she has one that needs attention.  We had our little birthday party at the rehab hospital and my Mom has lost her sense of time passing. She thought we hadn't been to see her in several weeks though it had been three days. So after the vet I am going to the rehab hospital and after that to her house to start to organize for the big estate sale. This is the last week of school, so I just need to get through it (hopefully with no more "events") and then I can rest more. I'm going to bathe the dogs right now... Roxy has some blood on her coat and it smells bad. It's grossing me out.
So sorry about the tornado in Missouri... they are so bad this year. Those poor people... I feel bad about complaining about my little problems. Sending healing thoughts to Linda and her mother in the hospital, as well as all of you on here who are dealing with mother and other issues on this day.
on 5/23/11 2:11 am - Cibolo, TX
Oh, goodness, Julia!  The things you are going through these days!  And now a dog fight on top of it!  I'm so sorry.  You complain all you want to.  We're hear to listen and give {{{hugs}}}!


Eileen Briesch
on 5/23/11 2:58 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Trish and my OFF family:

I wondered if Utley was named after the Phillies second baseman, because you talked about the Phillies so much ... being such a baseball fan myself, I also named my pet after a ballplayer. My first cat, Kittle, was named after the White Sox outfielder Ron Kittle (rookie of the year in 1983) ... Kittle was quite a character, too, and so was the cat Kittle. He was a big gray tabby with green eyes and that Siamese meow, very chatty. He also would retrieve things. I'd throw a jingle ball and he'd bring it back to me, or a milk ring, or a piece of popcorn ... he'd also catch things in his paws and bring them back to me. He was quite athletic. Kittle wound up getting diabetes when we lived in Georgia; his blood sugar was up to 700 at one point, but with testing and insulin, we brought it down to normal so I didn't have to give him insulin anymore for awhile (it's called honeymooning). But then his organs started to fail; he was nearly 17 when he died.

Enough memories ... Kittle was quite a cat and I loved him dearly; he's been gone since December 24, 2000; not quite the Christmas memory I wanted.

Not a lot happening here; work was work last night, kinda quiet. White Sox won again yesterday, so I was happy. I work again tonight and then have two days off. Anyway, have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 5/23/11 3:00 am - Cibolo, TX
Good morning Trish and OFF,

I am in full farm wife mode.  I have done nothing but pick produce and put up produce for the past couple of days.  I never want to see another squash, zucchini, or green bean again.  This morning I picked my first batch of pinto beans.  That's all I will be doing for the next 3-4 days is pintos.  But that's okay.  I asked Butch to plant extra for me this year since beans have now become a staple of my diet.  And fresh pintos are definitely worth the effort!  If you've never had any but the dried or the canned, you don't know what you are missing.

Working hard on controlling my eating at night.  I'm doing better.  I found some Special K crackers at the store.  They do have some protein and some fiber.  You can have 24 of them for just 120 calories.  I snacked on some last night during a movie.  I didn't eat all 24 and I tried to be MINDFUL about putting them in my mouth.  Just one at a time and savor it. 

But what I really wanted was chips and salsa!  I miss chips and salsa!

I made a big pot of okra and tomatoes over the weekend.  One of my favorite garden veggie mixtures.  Only I don't make it with bacon, so mine's really very low cal.  I love it with black eyed peas and boiled shrimp.

As you might can tell, I have food on the brain right now.  Comes from doing all this gardening!

I wanted to ask if any of you have ever dried your own sunflower seeds?  I planted two big sunflowers in my garden, and I would like to harvest, dry and roast the seeds.  Any of you fellow gardeners ever try that?

Well, I'd better close and get started shelling my pintos!  Love you all! 


on 5/24/11 11:30 am

I planted four or five sunflowers and there were so many seeds, so after some fell on the ground, I shook the rest out into a huge bowl and very lightly sprinkled them with a little oil, peanut, and put on a cookie sheet and heated them.  I did one batch on top of the stove and they did a lot better, but the ones in the oven were good too. 


on 5/24/11 1:11 pm - Cibolo, TX
Okay, that's similar to something I read on the internet.  It said to cut the flower and hang it upside down inside a big paper sack and let the seeds fall out.  I think one of my flowers is getting close to being ready.  All the petals around the outside have withered and the big seeded part is all bent over towards the ground.

I'll let you know how it turns out!


on 5/23/11 3:05 am - Cibolo, TX

Good luck with the job interview! 


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