Manic Monday What's New?

Patricia R.
on 5/22/11 9:17 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Family,
Walked Utley by the Delaware River, and part of the path was under water, so we had to walk on the other side of the park.  Still getting rain here in Southeast PA.

this morning I have to get blood work done and then go to the hematologist for the results, which is right across the hall from the lab, to check my Coumadin level.

Then, this afternoon, I have  an appointment for an interview for a part time job as a perdiem social worker at a psychiatric hospital I worked at before as a group therapist.  I am hoping to get this job to supplement my retirement.

Tonight, I am watching the Phillies, coz, Chase Utley will be back after starting the season on the disabled list.  I named my dog after him. 

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Mag (Marguerite) P.
on 5/22/11 9:39 pm - Green Valley, AZ
Hi Trish and OFF Family,
    First and foremost, I apologize for offending anyone by my post a few days ago. I am sorry I spoke up about sometime I had no knowledge about. I spoke out of turn.
   One of the many things I love about OFF is that everyone is loving and kind to one another. Please forgive me.
    I'm off to two doctor's appointments today. We will see if they have any answers for me.  Take care   Mag  
Monica B.
on 5/22/11 10:36 pm - Emery, SD
Authentic, caring people, with tough skins I hope. Don't know what you said, just sad you feel you have to apologize. Hug you for me OK
Monica, aka originator of Stupid Monica Tricks and the Traveling Bra sagas (no saggers)

Eileen Briesch
on 5/23/11 2:47 am - Evansville, IN
Not sure what you said, Mag, but most of us have tough skins. Forgettaboutit.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 5/23/11 9:15 am
Mag...I have no idea what you are talking about...guess it wasn't so bad...even if it was....we just roll along need to worry.

Hugs.......connie d
on 5/22/11 9:47 pm - Shelbyville, MI
Happy Monday morning Trish and OFF family to post later.

Whew...busy weekend, did mow the lawn (8 acres) both hubby and I ride on the riding lawn mowers, thank goodness we have 2 to conquer this endless need of mowing with all the rain we are getting.

Cleaned out my hot tub, hubby made and finished the new lower deck and tonight guess where I'll be?

Babysitting Holly after work, mommy and daddy are going out to eat to celebrate their 2nd Anniversary. I sure enjoy one on one time with the grand kids. If the rain holds off in the evening I'll take Holly for a stroller ride.

I have Friday off mandatory then Monday for the Holiday so 4 days off in a row...almost a vacation!
Everyone have a great day. Do something nice for yourself. Hugs Debbie
on 5/23/11 3:03 am - Cibolo, TX
Gotta love that mowing, Debbie!  Ha!  I'll have to do mine again before the end of the week. 


on 5/22/11 9:49 pm - Jacksonville, NC
Good mornin' ya'll.
Our friend named her dog Jeeter. She is a big fan.
This morning I will mail the arm rests to my Sis. I put them in a flat rate box, but it bulges just a LITTLE! I have gotten grief from the post office before on this issue and I try to comply. "If it fits, it ships," means no bulging!!
My DH found a recipe online for peanut butter and jam bars and wants me to make them for him this morning. Did I mention him staying on a diet with me went out the window about Saturday! Just what I need! Hopefully he will have a few and our DIL will take the rest to work with her tomorrow!
I get a tooth crowned tomorrow morning and a fill late tomorrow lafternoon. I definately need both!
I better get rockin'. Stuff to do around here besides baking. And our temps will be near 100 this week!
Our thoughts and prayers are with all of the people of Joplin and everywhere else that wa**** by tornadoes this weekend. And hurricane season starts June 1st.
Everyone have a fantabulous day!

Grammylew in Jax


Monica B.
on 5/22/11 11:17 pm - Emery, SD
Morning OFFers. Sober 202 days and so proud of me.
Please take a moment to reflect on the good things in your life right this minute. Seeing and hearing about the damages in Joplin, Missouri is too horrific. In a second of time lives changes forever. We plan, OCD, expect, decide, act...and sometimes forget how little we can and do control. Kiss and hug those around you.
Sunshine here warm already. Learning how to plan (ha ha) day around H&H in FL. Really nothing to complain about. Trying to get hubby to "learn" about drinking more water, just plain water. Also making him realize that when we go to pool, he doesn't just have to lay in straight sun, sweat, dehydrate, and get pooped. He uses the cooler of the hot tubs on his back and hips which is good. But then he just soaks up sun and gets so tired. I know I just soak in cooler pool waters and read, but I hydrate with water and the water around me, feeling refreshed and comfy. Also can't "understand" why he complains about the HOT HOT HOT deck and refuses to put on his shoes when he walks around. I get annoyed with him and he can't understand when I make a comment. So I keep my mouth shut, but fuming inside. End of month, his pain meds running low, refill ordered. Want to make appointments with new VA doctors down here and he wants me to wait....for what. Thats why I went HULK last week to do battle. Sorry for *****ing, but you are there for me about this I know. Thank you.
I am searching for new internal med doctor for me. Need blood work and new scripts for my thyroid. Wish me help..
Son Angus so happy. Went fishing with new housemates in MT and was the first to catch and release huge brown trout. Spent an hour on the phone talking, laughing, and sharing. Grateful for new ATT phone plan. Still hard for me to talk on phone with people...but getting better. His new boss called him Sunday and wants him to come in sooner this week and get processed. She made him feel so welcomed and that he will bring a new important dimension to the entire meat team. Wow.
Hugs to all. Special thoughts and prayers to so many here who are facing family and health issues.

Patricia R.
on 5/23/11 1:06 am - Perry, MI
You are so right about the importance of expressing our love for family and friends now, regardless of the cir****tances.  They could be gone in the blink of an eye.  I learned that with the men in my family.  Daddy, who would be 85 today, died when he was 51.  Younger brother, at age 40, died suddenly of blood clots.  Older brother, age 56, same thing.  We just never know.

As for whining, no need to apologize for that.  We all have times when we need to vent, and this forum is a safe place to do that. 

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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