Tuesday, what are you eating???

on 10/31/11 10:27 pm - Alexander, AR
Good morning one and all!

I was so happy to see so many willing/needing to get back on our little row boat. Won't call it a sailboat since we need the exercise...lol

Today will be pretty good, I think.

protein coffee
latte ---1/2 skim milk, 1/2 calorie countdown milk

b--left over roast beef scrambled w/ Eggbeaters. Small Carb Balance whole wheat tortilla

s--1/2 apple, cheese

l--leftover chicken, 1/2 sweet potato, asparagus

snack???---if I need it, a protein bar

dinner, stir fried chicken with lots of veggies. Gary can have my basmati rice

Well, that's the plan. Let's see how the day goes.

Have a happy and successful one!



Laureen S.
on 10/31/11 11:16 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Morning Susan,

Happy to jump on board and grab an oar. . .

B:  1/2 Whole Wheat Muffin, 1/2 cup eggbeaters with sauteed peppers, onion and sprinkle of feta

S:  Pear

L:  Cup of homemade pea soup made with peas, water, onion, carrots and smoked turkey leg meat

S:  Small green apple w/some almonds or Triscuits and l/f cheese

D:  1 baked parmsean and rolled oat pork cutlet with kale prepared with balsamic vinegar

S:  dannon light n fit yogurt

That's my plan, unless I decide when I go home from work that I don't want to cook the cutlets, which if that is the case, I will probably take some roasted peppers and stuff 'em with l/f havarti cheese, nuke and eat that. . .

Thanks for taking the boat out of dry dock. . .

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

(deactivated member)
on 11/1/11 12:24 am
 Heigh-ho maties

My plan for today.....I don't know.   Got to get to the store.  

Breakfast - toast with peanut butter

Lunch - chicken breast cooked on my G F grill

dinner - whatever I buy at store

I don't know what veggies I'll find that  looks good.  Produce always iffy.  but I will eat my fruits and veggies today.
on 11/1/11 1:39 am - Cibolo, TX
Wow, this is harder than I thought!  Having to think about and plan out my meals for the day is a good exercise for me.  Makes me realize how much I've just been winging it from day to day.

Breakfast--cornmeal mush, with a scoop of protein powder added (normally I would have a fried egg on top, and lots of butter, but I refrained today!)

Lunch--ProJo protein drink

Snack--boiled shrimp

Dinner--chili and green salad

Snack--grapes with a wedge of brie cheese


Connie D.
on 11/1/11 2:23 am
Good morning Captain....still bobbing along.....

I am going to do this like last time and write down what I had the day before. To me it is easier then trying to decide what I will want later.


B-High Protein Drink

L- FF refried beans and cheese with a little taco meat, sauce, tomatoes and sour cream

D- High protein bar

Snacks....1/2 of my one of my daughter's Gluten Free brownies and through out the evening....CANDY...DANG!!

I will try harder today!!

Hugs and love......connie d
on 11/1/11 9:44 am - Shelbyville, MI
Hi Gang, we rowing and exercising...that's good!

Breakfast: 1 egg, 1 piece of toast, 1 piece of bacon (all made in a breakfast sandwich)
2 cups of coffee with splenda and Pumpkin Spice creamer

Lunch: 6 Dorito chips with cheese melted on it and taco sauce (I needed crunch)

Snack: banana

Dinner: 1 scoop mashed potatoes and beef stew

Later on I plan on 1 Honey Crisp Apple and that should hold me for the night. If not I have some Greek yogurt in the fridge here at work.

Exercise: 1 mile walk (will try for 4 miles tomorrow)
on 11/1/11 10:00 am

Breakfast:  banana

Snack: 1/2 celery stalk with two tsp of peanut butter smeared lightly

Lunch: Left overs for lunch today

2 oz. of steak  1/4th cup of mashed sweet potato

Snack: the other 1/2 of my celery stalk without peanut butter


1 egg scrambled in pam

1 piece of whole wheat bread 

Nancy B
on 11/1/11 2:36 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada


 B  hot choclate protein drink

S  fat-free yogurt

L  one leftover rib from last night's family dinner

S   piece of cheddar cheese

D  chicken & dumplings WITHOUT the dumplings and NO chocolate/mocha birthday cake (hubbys)

S  banana

LOTS of water and green tea

Nancy B

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