Do you ever get mad?

on 11/24/12 8:54 am - Lexington, SC
RNY on 10/30/12
I've started noticing that I get very mad and disgusted at people who take huge bites of food and eat so fast. Now that I have to actually think about what and how much I'm eating, it makes me mad that others don't do the same. I want to shake them and tell them to slow down and that you don't have to take such huge bites to enjoy your meal. It makes me sick. Anyone else have these feelings? It's really bothering me.
on 11/24/12 9:01 am - OH
RNY on 02/21/12

I find my self being bothered by the same thing.. My 5 year old does it and I constantly get on him about it bc he reminds me of how I used to be

on 11/24/12 9:13 am - Rochester, NY

honestly - no.  I would never have wanted someone to look at me that way a mere year ago, so I refuse to do so now to others.  People will come to their choices in their own time.  

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HW:288    CW:146.4   GW: 140    RNY: 12/22/11  


Mary Catherine
on 11/24/12 9:17 am
Picture their stomach as a 2 liter bottle of soda and yours as the bottle cap on that soda bottle. They need a lot of food to fill up and they eat big bites fast because they are starving. Just smile, enjoy your new way of life and cut them some slack!
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 11/24/12 9:41 am - OH
No, i have personally not even noticed what size bites or how fast other people eat (either before my surgery or after). I have noticed how MUCH they eat (and I used to eat) compared to how much I eat now, but it doesn't bother me.

I think there is probably something emotional or psychological fueling your strong reaction to how big a bite someone else is taking or how fast they eat. Why do you CARE how fast someone else eats? How does it impact you in any way? Why do you assume that they are NOT enjoying their meal just because they take bigger bites than you or eat faster than you do?

I might be off base -- call it an occupational hazard since I am a professional counselor and am finishing my PhD -- but I think this probably has more to do with YOUR restriction than with how much THEY are enjoying their food...


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 11/24/12 11:07 am
RNY on 11/20/12

I would never want to come across as judgemental and I certainly don't want to ever forget that I was once one of those people who just recently learned better herself.



on 11/24/12 11:15 am - Lexington, SC
RNY on 10/30/12
I do believe a lot of this has to do with me being jealous. Part of my problem before surgery was that not only did I love food but I loved the quantity. The more I could eat, the better I thought it was. Now that I can't have that quantity, I am jealous of those who can. I've got to work on the emotional part of this journey.
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 11/24/12 1:12 pm - OH
I definitely understand the mindset that says that "more is better". I fought with this early out, as many people do. It takes a lot of adjusting to get used to eating such small portions (even once you are farther out and can eat more) and to be SATISFIED with, and enjoy, those small portions.

I would have told someone that (s)he was out of his/her mind if they told me before surgery that I would EVER be able to have 6-10 M&Ms and be satisfied (instead of eating he whole bag and wishing that I had another bag! Yet, here I am, 5 years out and I am truly amazed that I *can* eat six of them and walk away from the rest! (Cookies, however, are another matter... I am still working on self control and satiety with them!)

Perhaps some counseling would help. It would give you a safe place to look at the emotions and to address any emotional or psychological issues that contributed to the obesity. Dealing with those things early in your journey will help increase your chances of being successful with maintaining your weight loss long-term.

Realizing the true emotion behind the reaction is a good first step!


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 11/24/12 11:16 am - AZ
RNY on 04/23/12

My husband has always taken huge bites. He can eat a slice of pizza in two bites. I mean come on, thats discusting. Yes, I know exactly what you mean. I was taught growing up to take small bites and chew alot. And yes, I am sure I pigged out when I was fat. But my husband, man. I dont say anything, everynow I make the comment "wow, you are done all ready? You must have been starving" and thats about it. It is not my place to judge. But I sure do wish he would slow down. And take smaller bites. Not as small or as slow as me, but somewhat slower and smaller.  I hate watching him eat. I stare at my plate alot. lol

Sheri W.
on 11/24/12 12:50 pm - Kansas City, MO

Actually, I've learned a lot through this process and when I see people eat as you described, I feel thankful that I have learned how to eat healthier and in a more mindful manner. I use it to remind me to take smaller bites, chew longer, take time between bites and to stop before I am uncomfortably full. Use it as a positive reinforcement of the changes you have made in your life to become a healthier person. 

My co-workers sometimes feel uncomfortable about eating sweets and unhealthy foods around me because they are afraid that I will feel bad or remorseful that I can't eat it with them. I assure them that I don't feel those feelings because it is a lifelong choice that I made to change my eating habits. 

Look at those people that stuff their faces with food and gorge and think "I used to eat like that - thank goodness I changed my ways"!

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