I dont want to be to skinny

(deactivated member)
on 12/1/12 11:51 am, edited 12/1/12 11:52 am

I know huh!!! Killer body and she works her ass off to keep it that way by watching what she puts in her mouth.  It's not weird for us women to appreciate a nice looking body.  We are no different as when men look at other men and know the guy is cut.  You have to appreciate the human body.  We are just so anal in this country when it comes to nudity and god forbid we see a naked statue in a history book concerning statues carved during the days of the Greeks.  Sigh....I know I go off on other tangents but we too may look at a Playboy and it's not for the articles!   Women LOVE to critique other women's bodies.  Basic fact.  We are critics to the max and believe me we have all looked at someone and went holy guacamole!   Jane

MyLady Heidi
on 12/2/12 5:06 am

Thanks!  Honestly I only look at womyn, I have a man and Angelina stole Brad Pitt so there aren't any others I am interested in.  lol

Jocelyn F.
on 12/4/12 7:47 am - VA
RNY on 07/28/14


Grats on all the hard work that I know you put in to get a bod that smokin!


Laura in Texas
on 12/1/12 7:46 am

I was also a heavyweight at 340. The overwhelming majority of us will NOT get too skinny. And sadly many of us do not even get to a healthy weight. I think you need to focus on leaning your new healthy lifestyle so that you can be successful in losing the weight and more importantly keeping the weight off.

Good luck in your journey!!

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

Amber H.
on 12/1/12 7:48 am - UT
RNY on 06/01/12

I have no problem saying I do want to be skinny. But that's such a subjective word. Skinny to me means not lumpy, no muffin top, and probably around a size 10 for my height, which is almost 6 feet. In 6 months (today), I went from a very lumpy, swollen and horribly unhealthy size 32/34 to a 20. I WISH I didn't have to shop plus size still, but sometimes I do. 

Health is a good motivator and was my most critical one, but I want to be the pretty girl for once, and NOT the one with "such a pretty face" - I want the body, too. 

RNY: June 1, 2012  HW: 450 GW: 200


on 12/1/12 9:56 am - Ohila , PA

Im not looking to be skinny either!!! Im shooting for fun sized Ill know it when i get there

on 12/1/12 12:01 pm - Baltimore, MD

A lot of this depends on genetics but I ended up a curvy 190-ish size 10/12. 36 inch waist,, DD bra cup. So a perfect hour glass. :)

RNY Gastric Bypass 1-8-08 350/327/200 (HW/SW/CW). I spend most of my time playing with my food over at Bariatric Foodie - check me out!

on 12/1/12 12:57 pm - Crestview, FL

I kinda understand what you are saying.  I said the same thing pre-op as well.  Then I had to admit later that I said that so that I would not set myself up for feeling like a failure if I didn't get 'skinny'.  That was me, I am not projecting that is what you are doing at all!  Everyone's journey is different. 

After I lost my first 100 pounds, I quit paying attention to the number on the scale and focused on my physical fitness and started tracking my body fat percentage.  I am only 5'2" and according to the scales and insurance charts, I am still a little 'overweight'.  But I have a little less than 18% body fat (average is 20-25 for a healthy 45 year old woman like myself).  I run and plan to start training for a half marathon this spring after I finished healing from my recent plastic surgery.  I also do cross-fit and lift heavy weights in the gym and have nice, well developed biceps, triceps, and shoulders as well as a nice round booty and strong thighs!  I look like an athlete, have a strong heart, low heart rate, rock a size 6 and yet by all scales and charts, I am still a little overweight.  Getting 'skinny' was never going to happen genetically for me.

My advice is let your tool work for you, follow the rules and let the excess weight comes off and stabilizes.  THEN take a look at yourself and decide what you need to do to get the shape and size that you can maintain and makes you comfortable in your own skin.  You and your body will determine your right set-point as the journey progresses!

Good Luck!


I am creating my own revolution and PAMdemonium reigns!

RNY 11/16/2010

SW 270, CW 155, GW 135

1st 5k time 40:34 (Dec 2013)





Larry Wassmann
on 12/1/12 9:45 pm - Lacey, WA
RNY on 05/09/12


My only advice as someone who has been thin and fat over the last 50 years is that no matter if you want to be skinny or just healthy make sure the goal you have is your real goal, not just a weight you are satisfied with. Believe me there is a difference. I see photos of a lot of people here and I am sorry but they are still fat in my mind. But if that is truly what they want to look like and will have no remorse later on, then that is fine. Over the years I lost a lot of weight and but never really hit what I wanted as a goal. This time by god, I am going to hit my goal and I really don’t care what others think about it. It is my goal not theirs. I am going to weigh what I did as a senior in High School.   

fb.png   Visit my Blog at  http://www.lwassmann.blogspot.com/                                

Laura in Texas
on 12/1/12 9:51 pm

I agree, Larry.

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

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