Surgery Tomorrow- Anyone Not Do the BOWEL PREP or have recipe to make one?

DallasCheer Chick
on 12/8/13 1:27 am - Dallas, TX
RNY on 12/09/13
How important is the bowel prep? We have been iced in here in the Dallas/Ft Worth area since Thursday evening. I kept calling the doctor's office asking them to call in the pain meds and bowel prep, but was told they would do it on Friday. Sent my sister to the doctor's office on Thursday to pick up my compression boots and supplements. The weather was getting bad then and she asked them to call it in that day. They said tomorrow and she asked and if your office is closed tomorrow what then? No response. I call after 4PM the next day Friday and get the answering service. They of course had not called in the bowel prep or Post Op pain meds. Doctor had someone do it right away but here I sit Iced in wondering if anyone has other suggestions on how to clean out my bowel? I did grab a bottle of magnesium citrate, but that's all I have. Scared to try to get out and praying for traveling grace to the hospital tomorrow at 5AM.
on 12/8/13 1:36 am, edited 12/8/13 1:37 am

I am not a doctor, but what I would do is I would leave a message  at doc's office that you are using the mag citrate and that you have surgery tomorrow and need a call back They should have an emergency number or answering service....(which, stick with liquids. if u do the mag citrate.there are all kinds of directions online regarding how to do that.).....and that if the docs office has  a problem with it to call you back. Try calling the hospital admit nurse, (you can reach them through the main operator)  sometimes they can reach the doctor also, explain the situation,  and at least  someone can call you back. My first surgeon was ok with mag citrate the night before...and if that doesn't work completely there is always an enema...but that should mostly work. Mag Citrate tastes better cold. Good luck. Drive carefully.:)  Someone can always pick up your post op meds for you after the surgery while you are still in the hospital. My Pop just got out of Baylor and he heard they were discharging patients because they were afraid of a power outage, so best double check with the hospital anyway in case you got postponed....


DallasCheer Chick
on 12/8/13 2:21 am - Dallas, TX
RNY on 12/09/13
Thank you so much for the wonderful advice. I am already stressed out from life in general right now and just didn't need the added stress and pressure.
on 12/8/13 1:40 am

I am not recommending this. I am not at all. It is a bad idea and maybe could even throw off your electrolytes.

Try calling your doc, explaining that you are iced in..can you move the surgery first?

If not, ask him about the sal****er flush that they do for Master cleanse.  It causes raging diaherria, is hell, could throw off your electrolytes (which may cause you to die and will scare the ansethesiologist for sure), and I dont know why Beyonce would do it.

I dont know why you would do it either.


But if the WLS doc thinks that would be suitable to substitute for the bowel prep AND the surgery cant be moved, you then have your less than desirable alternative.


But if he said "No.." then DO NOT do it and try to pass it off like you had a bowel prep. You are messing with the bodys electrolytes which can be all sorts of unforeseen bad on the operating room table (i.e. a heart attack).


Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place. Why didnt they do it earlier?  I would be so, so angry.  Really, is there some kind of anoxic disease where one runs around liek a drug addict searching for bowel preps to abuse?


Also, I dont need a bowel prep. I DO have to eat nothing but clear foods (i.e. clear tea, broth and jello) for 3 days before.



RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013; 

Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat

Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !  

DallasCheer Chick
on 12/8/13 2:34 am - Dallas, TX
RNY on 12/09/13
IKR, I am more than angry it just doesn't make sense to wait until the last minute to do things. They sure didn't wait until the last minute to take my payment. Smh, they called me Monday after 5PM telling me the surgery and pre op testing facility had changed due to the original facility not being a Bariatic Center of Excellence. I told them in my consult the place wasn't but they told me since it was a revision because of complications and not a virgin surgery those guidelines were irrelevant. WRONG!! I'm not a happy camper right now. I will try to reach them now. Thanks for the advice
on 12/8/13 2:53 am

I am sending positive energy and intention your way.


Keeps us in the loop as to how everythign went!

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013; 

Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat

Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !  

DallasCheer Chick
on 12/8/13 6:19 am - Dallas, TX
RNY on 12/09/13
I will, thank you kindly.
Oxford Comma Hag
on 12/8/13 1:43 am
My doctor just had me drink magnesium citrate, and I filled my pain rx at the hospital pharmacy. Some docs do not have patients do a bowel prep at all. Good luck and hopefully the weather improves. Come back and let us know how it went.

I fight badgers with spoons.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255

DallasCheer Chick
on 12/8/13 2:39 am - Dallas, TX
RNY on 12/09/13
Thank you so much. That makes me feel somewhat better. I will come back and post to let ya'll know how I come out.
on 12/8/13 1:45 am

The mag citrate is an all day may very well be up all night on the potty.....


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