What's on your menu today, RNYers?

on 10/31/14 2:16 am
RNY on 01/22/14

I'm so excited for you...what a fun weekend!  Sadly, alcohol doesn't seem to affect me any differently now than pre-op.  I wi**** did, then I wouldn't be prone to drinking all of those extra calories :)  For me, I've decided alcohol is a one time a month or special occasion treat, and when I do indulge, I just relax and enjoy myself.  Hope you have a great weekend!

on 10/31/14 2:25 am
RNY on 07/15/14

Good luck tomorrow!  That's why I am too afraid to try sugar.  I'm afraid to find out I don't dump...and then thats even scarier!  I have the occasional glass of wine here or there.  One glass makes me feel very tipsy.  Two and forget about it.  But then you feel sober 20 minutes later.  Its bizarre.  I'll be interested to see how you make out.

Surgery Date: 07/15/2014



on 10/31/14 2:38 am
RNY on 07/17/14

Sounds like a fun weekend!  I've had wine and beer a few times and I can honestly say I can't tell the difference between pre-op and post-op.  Well, beer takes me a while to drink because of the bubbles.





on 10/31/14 2:12 am
RNY on 01/22/14

Good Morning Everyone & Happy Halloween!

Anny, love the costume!  I have a party tomorrow night and I'm going a**** Girl from the movie Kick Ass (I had a purple wig, so it worked), but I will say, this is the least stressful Halloween I've had in a very long time, because I'm not stressed about dressing up.  My costume is in no way sexy, but I know that I'll fit into it and I'm not trying to find some sort of sack to make work as a costume.  It's a nice little holiday NSV.

My candy plan is that I gave all my candy to my parents, so I don't have any at my house, and I'm going to a friends to pass out candy.  I'll sit around and eat it when I'm bored, but I know I won't have more than once piece if I'm with others.  I won't lie, I like almost all candy, so picking a favorite is hard.  I will say the flavored tootsie rolls and dots are pretty high up there, only because Halloween is the only time of year I ever eat them. So somehow that makes them more special?  But, I'm a sucker for chocolate too....so my plan is, don't buy Halloween candy!  Also, I dump on too much sugar, so that limits any serious binging...which also helps.

Time since surgery: 9.25 months

B - Fage 2% w/ chia seeds & slivered almonds (Anny, I think the oatmeal may have been too carb heavy, my wl has ground to a halt....although this could just be my body adjusting from being sick and dropping some weight while sick, but either way, I'm going to back off it for awhile in the hopes of getting the scale to move a bit).

L - TJ citrus chicken salad

S - String Cheese

D - TBD (I heard a rumor chili might be on the menu, which I would LOVE, so fingers crossed)

V/W - On track

E - None planned, but as I finally feel human again after a rough week, I think I see a nice long walk in my future.

Have a great weekend everyone and enjoy tonight!


on 10/31/14 7:15 am - Kalamazoo, MI
RNY on 10/06/14

Hi All,

Love the costume Anny, I must admit my first thought was "she looks good in stripes and so thin".  My favorite candy is a KitKat, it goes on from there to Almond Joy, Butterfinger, Reeses, Snickers, just about all of the chocolate stuff.  I can let the hard candy go like Dots, suckers  etc.  I am not having any candy this Halloween, since I'm still puree til next Tuesday.  I see the Nut and she will probably send me to the next level "real food you have to chew".  What I really want is a flavored coffee. We are not suppose to have sf syrup so I haven't.  The hospital where my appt is has a coffee bar that makes what I call FooFoo coffee (anything that is not coffee black) so I will get one there if I can.

It is snowing and windy with an advisory here, ruff on trick or treaters, oh and 37 degrees.  I think you really have to want candy pretty bad.  I am not going out.  I am so cold.

B:  Fuzzy Naval shake (everytime I write this I think of alcohol)

S:  strawberry cheesecake yougurt

L:  Progresso Tomato Basil soup 1/2 cup

S: tbd

D:  more soup or chili with a sprinkle of cheese or sour cream light

S:  tbd I haven't really been hungry so I may go with it

613 calories, 53 protein

V/W a work in progress

E  bike for 30 minutes, will do another 30 later

Hope everyone has a great weekend



on 10/31/14 9:43 am
Heres what i ate today..i allowed myself one piece of candy.a chewy lemonhead pack. B- premier protein shake S-caramel apple greek yogurt L-chicken breast with gravy S- low carbohydrate ice cream and sugar free caramel D-taco bell catina bowl Exercise- walking
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