What's on your Thursday Menu RNY'ers?

on 10/11/18 6:07 am

Hooray for a great Day 1 of CAMAW! I'm so glad that you've lost your vacation gain and are back on track. Onward and downward! Have a fierce and wonderful Day 2!

on 10/11/18 5:13 am
RNY on 06/03/15


I never got around to logging in until around 8:00 last night so didn't bother to post, but I read all your postings!! Busy day. Today will be a little quieter - class this morning, flu shot this afternoon, lecture tonight. Errands, as always...

QOTD: My journey seems like a distant memory now, even though it's only been three years. It's hard to believe I once weighed over 300 lbs. I'm loving my life as a normal-weight person!

3 years 4 months out:

B: homemade Greek yogurt, raspberries

MS: coffee with half & half, Miralax/protein pumpkin latte shake

L: cottage cheese and strawberries

AS: 2 T hummus with baby carrots

D: turkey chili

RNY 06/03/15 by Michael Garren (Madison, WI)

HW: 373 SW: 316 GW: 150 LW: 138 CW: 163

on 10/11/18 5:34 am
RNY on 02/16/18

Good morning all! Last night my adult son ate all the chicken I cooked for the week but thank goodness I had put some beef out to thaw last night. I was up super early cooking. Today I'm eating 3o beef 2x today, 3 o tuna with mayo/oil, and then 3o beef with 1o cheese for dinner.

Have a blessed day

on 10/11/18 6:19 am

Way to roll with the unexpected! Have a great Day 2 of CAMAW!

on 10/11/18 5:56 am
RNY on 11/22/16

Good morning! My internet is down so I'm typing on my phone.

Our weather is beautiful here in the PNW, very fall and no rain for the next 5 days.

Day one of AMAW was a success!! My cousins even came over and we made caramel corn and I was not tempted.

I am going to do the same menu as yesterday because I feel like it worked really well.

4 oz deli ham

2.25 oz naked cow beef jerky

4 oz shredded chicken breast with hot sauce

grilled halibut with lemon

lots and lots of water and hot tea.

on 10/11/18 6:21 am

Congratulations on a powerful and successful Day 1 of AMAW! Have a wonderful Day 2! Onward and downward!

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 10/11/18 6:00 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

DS' new kitty Lavender came home yesterday afternoon and is such a sweet and lively girl. We are trying to keep her separated from the dogs for a few days while she adjusts, but she did sneak out once last night. Though Justice nearly had a coronary, Lavender didn't seem terribly nervous so I think that is a very good sign since they have to co-exist for a while. DS just reported that she slept curled up on his bed last night.

QOTD: Thought provoking... My weight loss journey started 45 years ago and was an up and down cycle for most of that time, culminating in an extra 100 pounds and all the usual health issues associated with that. Google and desperation pointed the way to WLS, and I was so disgusted with myself and frightened of my future that I committed myself fully to this path. Though maintenance is still part of the journey, this WL tool finally gave me something effective to manage my weight and succeed as a healthy, normal BMI individual.

Accountability: 100% CAMAW

2 Years 6.5 months post-op (maintaining below goal for 22.5 months)

Always lots of coffee...

B: eggs, cottage cheese and Canadian bacon

L: Deli chicken and cottage cheese

D: leftover Salmon

S: homemade cottage cheese with torani SF syrup

Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-123 CW: 120 (after losing 20 lb. regain)!

on 10/11/18 6:25 am

Your little Lavender sounds like she's going to fit right in! I'm so glad you have a kitty, in addition to Justice!

Congratulations on a perfect CAMAW launch day! Here's to a great Day 2, Liz!

on 10/11/18 6:44 am
RNY on 08/11/14

Good Morning! Happy Friday-Eve. The weather should be perfect today (mid 70's) and then we are heating up a little the next few days but I am loving the crispness of the Fall mornings.

I hope the yoga class goes great and that you both enjoy it.

QOTD: Wow, that's kind of a hard one. This decision has changed my life and I will be forever grateful for the opportunity I have been given.

Time since surgery: 4 years 2 months

B: SF latte, eggbeaters, ½ an orange and 2 turkey sausage links

L: Buddig black forest ham lettuce wraps with a wedge of laughing cow cheese spread on it, and baby carrots

S: Simply protein chips (sea salt and cracked pepper), carbmaster yogurt and an iced latte bar.

D: Trader Joe's Mahi mahi burger, mashed cauliflower with butter, crumbled bacon and shredded cheddar cheese, sliced fruit, and 2 squares dark chocolate

ES: Homemade Greek yogurt with SF syrup and ¼ cup fiber cereal

E: 6 miles ran this morning and 40 mins of elliptical at lunch

V/W: On track

Totals: Cals:1214 Protein:106 Carbs:97 Fat:50

Have a great one!

RNY 8/11/14 with Dr. Kelvin Higa PS Lipectomy 4/12/17 with Dr. John Burnett HW291.4/CW165/GW150

on 10/11/18 7:00 am

Hi all, happy Thursday!

Shauna, I hope your yoga class with your DH is fabulous!

I managed to get dehydrated yesterday - just mismanaged my fluid intake, and ended up with a terrible headache. At the end of the day I caught up with drinking, but only to 64 ounces, and even now I still have a bit of a headache. I will definitely make sure I have 100+ ounces today!

Other than that, my first day of AMAW was perfect! I did use some SF syrup in my tea - it helped to smooth out the lack of milk. I'm stoked to see what the scale will say at the end of the week!

I'm going out with the same guy again tomorrow - he bought tickets to a play which sounds interesting. We were also going to go out to dinner, but yesterday he said we'd been invited to dinner at the home of friends of his who are also going to attend the play. I have mixed feelings about this, only because I'm doing AMAW. I will do my best, but it would be easier if we were going to a restaurant. It's hard to be as meticulous with my intake at a small dinner party, especially when the host cooked. Plus I suspect his friends are oenophiles, and knowledgeable ones, at that. I definitely don't want to be drinking at this point, even more so because of AMAW and having even now the tail end of yesterday's headache. But I will do my best to navigate and will stay as true as possible to AMAW! Though it's tricky because I am dieting, I do like that he is introducing me to his friends, and am actually a little surprised he's doing so so early on. But it's cool! Note to Amy: I will message you later today to fill you in.

QOTD: My pleasure and joy in life have really rebounded in the 15 months since my RnY. I felt so restricted before, in so many ways. I can honestly say that it has given me my life back!

First: 3-4 huge mugs of tea

B: ham with a tiny bit of mustard

L: salmon

D: salmon

S: a chicken sausage

...throughout the day, tea!

Have a good one, my friends! And to my fellow AMAW/CAMAW warriors: stay strong and power through! I'm so grateful for each and every one of you! Onward and downward!

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