What's on your Thursday Menu RNY'ers?

on 10/11/18 3:15 am, edited 10/11/18 3:21 am
RNY on 12/26/17

I'm up and ready for the day. Drinking coffee and listening to the dog run around playing with his bone. He's a funny fur baby.

Tonight the hubster and I are taking our very first beginning yoga class. I am excited and he seems to be kind of interested. I will let you know how it goes. We are the only two 'signed' up for the class but I guess there are always people who drop-in.

QOTD: My surgeon asked me to write 2-3 sentences about my weight loss journey when I gave her my pictures to use on the bariatric FB page. This is what I wrote: My weight loss journey has been uniquely my own. It's a constant reflection of where I started and where I am going. Learning to love myself again has been one of the best aspects of the entire adventure. What would your 2-3 sentences say about your journey?

Accountability: When I got home from school yesterday I was starving and I ate a handful of animal crackers. But I am not sure if I was starving and need to start looking at head hunger and eat my planned snack instead of grabbing something. Something I need to reflect on.

B: greek yogurt & fiber one twigs

S: PP chocolate shake

L: leftover taco meat - a little corn salsa, olives, tomatoes, and red onion

S: 1/2 pear and 1 Babybel cheese

D: cheesesteak stuffed pepper

You can't measure your achievements with someone else's yardstick!

Revision from lapband to RNY 12/26/17 with Dr. Caitlin Halbert

HW 260 SW 248 CW 154 GW 145

Gallbladder removed 9/18


on 10/11/18 3:36 am

hi all- we are under a tropical storm till later this morning so no driving in for me. would rather not take the chance. DH has to be in by 10 so I might just ride in with him, or just work here all day, not sure just yet. Probably need to go show my face though.

food went pretty well but I did have a bite or two of a protein oatmeal chocolate cookie like thing I made for DH. overall- not bad and tons of decaf tea, coffee and water yesterday. Didn't weigh this morning - kind of forgot actually with walking dogs etc.

QOTD: hmm its too early for such deep questions.

Food for today:

last of the veggies with a tuna packet

protein pancakes

premier protein shake with my coffee


not sure what else

Gym depends on if I drive in or not with DH- If I do- it will be the work gym, if I don't, it will be my home area gym which I apparently don't get to go to anymore since I have to rush home after work to walk the dogs then don't have enough energy to drive the 20 min back out to workout.

HW 305 SW 278 Surgery weight 225 GW 160 LW: 118.8

RNY 12/15/2015,

GB removal 09/2016,

Twisted bowel/hernia repair 08/2017

M1 Dec 2015-13.0, M2-7.0, M3-14.5, M4-9.4, M5-7.1, M6 9.8, M7-7.6 ,M8- 7.6, M-9 5.5, M10-6.4, M11- 2.2, M12 Dec 2016- 5.8

on 10/11/18 3:38 am
RNY on 02/28/17

Have you had much damage? I've been hoping that you folks were okay.

HW: 248+, SW (RNY: 2/28/17): 244, GW (10/17): 125; LW: 115; 45# regain (19-20); CW: 135.6; new goal: 135; Plastics: Ext mastopexy, Ext abdominoplasty-5/18/2018; diagnosed w/ gastroparesis 11/20.

on 10/11/18 3:53 am

hey- we are fine- just lots of rain - the house has not flooded thank goodness but I don't think the tadpoles made it- their home was flooded with the rain.

HW 305 SW 278 Surgery weight 225 GW 160 LW: 118.8

RNY 12/15/2015,

GB removal 09/2016,

Twisted bowel/hernia repair 08/2017

M1 Dec 2015-13.0, M2-7.0, M3-14.5, M4-9.4, M5-7.1, M6 9.8, M7-7.6 ,M8- 7.6, M-9 5.5, M10-6.4, M11- 2.2, M12 Dec 2016- 5.8

on 10/11/18 4:21 am
RNY on 02/19/16

Oh, poor tadpoles.

on 10/11/18 6:12 am

Stay safe and dry!

on 10/11/18 6:47 am
RNY on 08/11/14

Stay safe!

RNY 8/11/14 with Dr. Kelvin Higa PS Lipectomy 4/12/17 with Dr. John Burnett HW291.4/CW165/GW150

on 10/11/18 2:47 pm - Middletown, CT
VSG on 09/28/16

Stay safe!!

5'5" HW: 484, SW: 455,CW: 325

Surgeon, Darren Tishler

on 10/11/18 3:37 am
RNY on 02/28/17

Morning all! We've made it to Thursday and the weekend is in sight! The weather is supposed to be significantly cooler starting tomorrow. Some rain from Michael but otherwise very nice! I'm looking forward to it.

Speaking of Michael, anyone impacted? Hillary, Liz? It seemed to increase in severity very quickly and people didn't seem to be as prepared for this one.

Yesterday, I ended up with more exercise than I'd planned. I walked for most of my lunch hour and then did a kickboxing DVD and worked with my trainer in the evening. By the time I went to bed last night I was rather sore and my muscles knew that they had been pushed.

I'd like to get my weight back below 120 again. My goal weight was 125 and my lowest was 116.8. I tend to stay between 118 and 122 but I've been on the higher end more lately and I'd like to get it back under tighter control. I suspect that my weight training is making some difference but I like to be on the lower end of my range as much as possible. I've toyed with doing CAMAW with everyone but I don't think I will give up my non-starchy veg for right now. It helps to keep things moving.

Also want to shout out to all of you who are doing AMAW-CAMAW this week! You can do it and I wish you the best in results!


B1: Isopure C&C protein shake w/ iced coffee

B2: 2 HB eggs

S: chomps

L: TJ's SW salad & ?protein

S: Buddig's turkey packet, small apple

D: pot roast, baby carrots

Exercise: I'd like to run on the treadmill at lunch but not sure.

HW: 248+, SW (RNY: 2/28/17): 244, GW (10/17): 125; LW: 115; 45# regain (19-20); CW: 135.6; new goal: 135; Plastics: Ext mastopexy, Ext abdominoplasty-5/18/2018; diagnosed w/ gastroparesis 11/20.

on 10/11/18 4:14 am
RNY on 02/15/18

Good morning! We were predicted to have some "wintery mix" this morning but I haven't even looked outside yet to see. My mom was getting snow last night, and she's only a little over an hour north of me. Ugh. I'm not ready. In 2009-2010 we had a terrible winter, piles and piles of snow, the city was shut down more than a few times because nobody could get anywhere. I remember it distinctly because my ex husband was trying to propose to me and the weather delayed the ring from coming in (yet another sign it wasn't meant to be? Lol). Anyway, that winter started off with 22 days of rain in October, and it's been wet and dreary almost nonstop THIS October. So I'm trying to be mentally prepared for a very snowy winter.

Qotd: I think that's a question I'll have to think a bit too deeply about and it's early ;)


breakfast: coffee, 4 oz ham

snack: chicken bourbon smoked sausage

lunch: chicken breast cooked with ranch seasoning

Dinner: chicken thigh

lots of chicken today lol

HW: 340 SW: 329 Goal: 170

CW: 243

Surgeon: Dr. Kalyana Nandipati (Omaha, NE)

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