Severe Pain 4 Months After Surgery

on 4/25/11 4:10 am - bloomington, MN
Hi guys and gals!

 My surgery date was 12/07/10 and so far I've lost 97 lbs. I've had two instances of severe stomach pain in the past 3 weeks.

The onset of pain is really quick, within 15/20 minutes it's to the point of doubling over and the first time it happened I had to call for help and sit down because I was going to pass out. My pupils got really big and both times I've had nausea due to pain.

I've had gas pains in the past (pre-surgery) probably once every two years that has gotten me to this point of pain... so in both of these instances I popped a few gas x and eventually the pain subsided.

My question is... have any of you experienced this? I'm seeing my doctor on Friday (and have already called the hospital today)... but am wondering if this is something ER-worthy... today it scared be a bit because the pain (located in my entire upper abdomen and spreading into the middle of my back) was while I was at work.

It has nothing to do with diet.. today I had a protein bar that i've had probably 45 times since surgery... I just want to know if anyone else has had this happen and what the outcome was.


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. -Mark Twain

on 4/25/11 4:23 am
Was it on your right side, kind of under the bottom of your rt ribcage ? If so, might be gall bladder. But any undiagnosed pain that is THAT bad, to me, warrants a trip to the ER.

Briar Rose  
High Wt 300 lbs.  Pre-op Wt loss 34 lbs.   
on 4/25/11 4:25 am - chesapeake, VA
Do you still have your gallbladder?  If so its a possibility you could have gallstones.
on 4/25/11 4:39 am - TX
That's what I was thinking - Gallstones!!  (Yuk!!)  I hope whatever it is, you feel better soon!!
on 4/25/11 4:40 am
Don't want to scare you...but at 4 months I woke up at 3am in excruciating pain...ended up calling the ambulance..nausea started ..and i was diagnosed with scar tissue bowel obstruction..evidently scar tissue is like sticky gum and can adhere to intestines..pain was due to it strangling the specific area. I was told that most people have short bouts like you are describing prior to the "big one"...
Any severe pain warrants a trip to doc or ER...
Could also be the gallbladder..I had that removed way before VSG.
Best of luck!
on 4/25/11 5:21 am - bloomington, MN
Thanks everyone for your input... I've been thinking gallbladder (mine was not removed b/c they didn't feel I needed it taken out). Look forward to figuring this out!

Kris, did they figure out the scar tissue issue at the ER or @ your bariatric surgeon's office? I suppose I should just schedule an appointment in the mean time.

Thanks so much everyone!

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. -Mark Twain

on 4/25/11 11:25 am
If it is on your right side..My guess is it is your gallbladder.  The exact same thing happened to me at 3 months post op. ..ended up in ER and they removed my GB the next day.  I had never had any issues before.  If this happens again before your doc appt...go to the ER. (if you don't have need to make one ASAP)  Good luck and keep us posted.

My weight loss journey                                                    
Valerie K.
on 4/25/11 5:34 am - Dearborn, MI
 gallbladder could it be. I would go to the er now.
My surgeon gave me the tool. Now it is up to me to use it right.
on 4/25/11 10:25 am
They figured it out in the OR after a CT scan....serious stuff...gallstones were painful...but this pain gave me a new level 10! please go get checked out!
on 4/25/11 9:10 pm

First I want to say - you are doing awesome girl!! Congrats you are so close to that 100 pound mark! Amazing!

Second - I am with many of the others....thinking it sounds like gallbladder - I hope that is what it is! You are pretty far along for a leak. Could be bowel obstruction but the placement makes me think gallbladder. Please keep us updated!

Good luck!


Had VSG on Jan 6, 2011 with Dr. Jaime Ramos-Kelly
Start weight 239.8/Su
rgery Day 217.6/goal:155/Current Weight 144.0  I made it -Goal in less than 10 months

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