Pre Op Testing Complete! But keeping things a secret... so conflicted!

Ms. Poker Face
on 6/10/11 9:50 am
 I completed Pre-op testing yesterday and saw my PCP today to finalize everything.  Very excited that I'm this close!  I start the pre-op diet Wed... need to stock up on stuff tomorrow morning.  I can't believe this is really happening!  

However, I have chosen to keep the reason for my surgery a secret from everyone except my husband.  He is very supportive, so thank God for him!

I am only telling work, friends, family, etc that I am having a hernia repaired.  I hate not giving them the full story.  I guess I just don't need anyone's judgement as I make this life change.  I know many others have struggled with this as well.  

And I realize that they may start asking more questions as I lose weight, but I am making a lifestyle eating & exercise change, so I plan to tell them that.

Any advice/comments/stories from those that have done similar?  I feel odd about it, but I still feel it's the right thing for ME!


5'5"    Goal reached, but fighting regain.  Back to Basics.
Start Weight 246    Goal Weight 160    Current Weight 183

Starting size: 22, 2x
Current size: 12, L


Pam M.
on 6/10/11 10:03 am - Orland Hills, IL
I put in a tentative leave of absence for the end of July until the end of August for surgery. Seems everyone  in my department were standing at the desk as I was filling out the request. One of the guys asked me why I needed a month off and I told him I was getting a boob job !  LOL  That shut everyone up and I am sure they won't be asking me again! I will deal with the questions when I get back!
  So often times it happens, that we live our lives in chains, and we never even know we have the key!!        
(deactivated member)
on 6/10/11 10:08 am
If anyone asks about my weight loss, I'm going to say I did it with hard work.  Completely true.  I don't think it's anyone's business how my body looks, how I lost weight, etc.  You wouldn't ask someone how they got fat.  How they got obviously colored hair.  How they fixed their bad teeth.  It's such a private thing, my body and my choices.  If I want to share, I will.  If I don't, I won't.  
on 6/10/11 11:22 am
Don't feel bad about it.  I was the same way!  I also only told a handful of people about my surgery before hand.  It's a private thing and I didn't feel the need to share every aspect of my life.  I also know everyone has an opinion and I didn't want anyone's opinion to sway my decision.  I knew what I wanted and needed.  I'm almost 7 months out now and I have told more people than I ever imagined I would.  So far, they have all been supportive.    My hubby has been the most supportive of all.

It's funny at first...people look at you and can't quite figure out what's changed.  They think you changed your hairstyle or colored it, something like that.

There may come a time that you want to tell the world.  It's amazing what changes besides your weight with the surgery.  I'm healthier, happier, less moody, more energetic, and my self-confidence has sky-rocketed.  I don't mind having my picture taken anymore...the list goes on!

It took me 6-1/2 months to get to goal.  I am 2 lbs under goal today.  :) I never would have lost this much without the sleeve.  I am thrilled with the results!

Good luck to you!
on 6/10/11 11:33 am - Custer, WA
Hi Silly-Sweet,
I am excited for you as I just found out about this methond on the Doctors today!!  I am so ready!!
I am anxious to see how you feel !  Wishing you a great outcome and hoping to see you here soon!!  Helen
Nicole S.
on 6/10/11 12:37 pm - Vallejo, CA
I was conflicted too when everyone was asking about all these drs Appts. Well I know they already judge me for being heavy so at that point I just didn't care what they thought. So, recently I came out of the bariatric closet, so to speak, and ironically have had wondrous amounts of support. I so totally understand where you are coming from. Hang in there and choose at your own pace who and what you decide to tell! Best wishes and good luck!!
on 6/10/11 12:51 pm
I am almost 5 months out, and have chosen not to tell many folks at all. But that is me. When people comment "gee you have lost weight" I thank them for noticing. And that is all. "thank you so much for noticing!" and then I lead the conversation to something else. If necessary and they keep on the subject, I simply repeat. Only one person got the 'three-peat' ! and finally "got it".

I'm divorced. My teenage daughter knew, my 2 best friends of more than 40 years. That's it. Work ? Hernia, which was true, I had hiatial hernia repair with it. I was losing weight before my surgery, and it continued afterwards. Frankly, most people will ask "did you cut your hair ?" or something like that.
Briar Rose  
High Wt 300 lbs.  Pre-op Wt loss 34 lbs.   
Sassy 1
on 6/10/11 1:49 pm
Congrats on getting through all the pre-op stuff.  So glad your hubby's supportive.  If you decide not to tell anyone, my only advice is don't tell anyone but him. I told my hubby and 1 other person I thought I could trust- now the whole frickin' town knows thanks to the other person!  I've had people ask me how I could do that to my body, ask why the hell I can't just quit "@! eating and exercise more.  I wish I could've done it different cause the judgement is definitely there and definitely distracted from the healing process.  Good luck in your new adventure and hope everything goes smoothly!

  LilySlim Weight loss tickers
on 6/10/11 2:37 pm
My husband was and basically is the only one in on this deal...........I did end up telling my 3 adult sons who are in the Navy but it was after the fact.  I was really happy they have been very supportive and feel it is my business who I want to know,  I haven't told anyone I work with or my family.....I am just on  diet.....and am being monitored by my questions.....I felt it was best this way.

Now I do get the ol'........your getting too skinny.....when are you going to stop dieting??? that was never an adjective to describe me.....I just laugh and tell them when I'm done.

             I have missed too many dances in my life now it is time to start living
5' 1"

on 6/10/11 8:00 pm - Harbor City, CA
I said the same thing to those i dont want to know......
I can relate...  this is your business and your privacy
and you can or dont have to share it with anyone.

I am stoked for you  because  this is going to be a wonderful journey.
I am  LQQKING  forward to watch your journey...

                      ✿ L♦O♦V♦E ✿ & ✿ P♦E♦A♦C♦E ✿ღ ✿ & F♦R♦I♦E♦N♦D♦S ✿ ღ
                         "Keeping The Faith!"   "Slim by Summer!"
                                    HW: 250 - SW: 241  - CW: 154.7GW: 140  

 1 month: 22 pounds (2162 months: 12.2 pounds (203.8)  3 months: 10.6  (193.2)
 4 months: 9.7  lbs  (183.5)  5 Months:   6  pounds  (177.5 ) 
6 Months: 12 lbs ( 165.5)
 7 Months 7.1 lbs (158.4) 8 Months +1.6 pounds(159.8) 9 Months 2.7 pounds (157.1)
10 Months 8.1 lbs (149) 11 months +2 pounds ( 151) 1 YEAR!!!  2.6 pounds (148.4)

                                  Hit "One-derland April 9th, 2011   (199.7)

                                  "Half-Way Goal" April 25th, 2011 (194.8)

                                  "Happyland 80`s" May 14, 2011  (189.6)

                                   "Groovyland 70`s"  June 20th 2011  (179.9)

                                    " HippyDippyland 60's"  July 16th  (169.8)

                                       " CQQL-land 50`s"  August 25th ( 159.8)

                        "Normal BMI"   24.8  October 21st, 2011 (154.5) I am 5`6

                                 "AWESOME-land 40's" Dec 1st 2011  (149)

                              "Century Club 100 Pounds"  Dec 1st 2011  (149)

                                        ' ONE YEAR SURGIVERSARY!!!"

                                           Two Year Surgiversary!!!"

