Scale or No Scale?

on 8/25/11 4:58 am - MD
Hi Everyone.... we are almost to Friday. Yeah!!!!  I just have a question for everyone: Do you get on the scale everyday? Every morning I find myself jumping out of bed to go to the bathroom to release myself before I get on the scale.  Some days when I lose weight, I am excited and it starts my day off well. Then other days like today when I maintain, it puts me in slump because I feel like I am doing something right. So I wanted to ask you if you are weighing yourself everyday and if you are not, how are staying off of the scale? I have tried to put it up so I won't see it in the bathroom but I always go and find it. Please respond.
on 8/25/11 5:03 am - NJ
 I weigh every day, but I always have, even at my highest weight. But b/c I have seen it read 319, I am never too dissapointed by what it tells me now LOL

Courtney - Lap band to VSG revision

on 8/25/11 5:24 am
I do the exact same thing.  I go to the bathroom and then get on the scale...every morning.  And like you, it can make for a good mood or a bit down (if I didn't lose anything)  I know a lot of ppl may say your weight fluctuates, just do it once a week.  But sorry, that doesn't work for me.  I have found that either way the scale goes, it still motivates me and keeps me  in check with what I'm supposed to be doing.  So I have no plans on stopping the daily weigh ins.
on 8/25/11 5:28 am
I weigh everyday... well every working day.  I don't have a scale at home and refuse to because I am sure I would become even more obsessed with it.  There are good points and bad points to weighing daily.

Bad- you become a slave to the scale. It can begin to dictate your mood for the day like you said. If you are having a hard time shaking off the bad moods the scale puts you in, don't weight everyday. 

Good- you get to know your body's eb and flow.  You will learn your pattern of weightloss and what things you are doing that may cause water weight gain or stalls or what works to get the scale moving again. 

One thing to remember either way though...Unless you have been really really naughty...don't count the ups only the downs. For most of us, the ups are temporary water weight.
 HW-304 / SW- 286 / CW-198.25 / GW-170
(deactivated member)
on 8/25/11 5:28 am
I'm a daily weigher too.. I spent too long hiding from the scale and figure in maint I want to be in the habit of weighing every day. I go up, down, hold, up.. as long as you don't get freaked by the normal fluctuations.. by all means, weigh daily. If it sours your mood, you may want to do it weekly.
on 8/25/11 5:29 am - VA
VSG on 02/01/12 with
Not sure what I will do, but I like the idea of ignoring the scale and focusing on compliance to plan and non-scale indicators.  But I'll probably get on the scale. 
VSG on 2/1/12 with Dr. Halmi
on 8/25/11 5:39 am - Arlington, VA
VSG on 01/10/11 with
I weigh weekly b/c i don't want to freak myself out and b/c i'm used to doing it that way from YEARS of WW  (as jillions can relate, i'm sure).  the weird problem i'm having is that my scale will often give me 2-3 different weights just when i step on and step off.  if it's too low, i get back on.  i even bought a new scale and it does the same thing!!!  kee-ray-zeee!!!

any other once a weekers???

  Ann             LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat           


LilySlim Weight loss tickers

on 8/25/11 6:05 am - LA
Add me to the every day weighers, I agree with one of the above posters, I did the same before WLS too, so as long as the number is SMALLER than that orginal number it's all gravy. I am still in the honeymood phase where it don't seem real to me yet. So part of it is me thinking this is just so surreal. I think if you don't let it dictate your mood, or how you eat then its fine.
on 8/25/11 6:27 am - Pembroke Pines, FL
 I only weigh myself the mornings I go to the bathroom (#2). If I don't poop that day, I don't bother weighing myself, heh.
 [ Hi, I'm stefanie, I'm 28 years old and 5'3'' ]
on 8/25/11 10:12 am
HA!  If I only weighed on "poop days", I would only weigh once a month!!!   Just kidding ( kind of ) 

But I told myself that I was only going to weigh once a week.  but during that first month when the weightloss is super fast, I just had to look every day.  Now, two and a half months out, I am still weighing every day!  I do have a bit of the mood boost/dimming going on, but I have a personal goal for myself to lose at least 10 lbs. in a month, so if I am still on track to do that, I don't get too uptight!

I personally thing that as long as it doesn't drive you bonkers emotionally, either daily or weekly is just fine!


I am 5' 7" tall and 35-years-old   **Sheri**
My ticker shows who I did this for:  Azure and Malachi


July 10th, 2011:  Down 26 lbs. and 15 1/4 ".

Aug. 10th, 2011: Down 14 lbs. and 13 3/4 ".

Sept. 10th, 2011:

Oct. 10th, 2011:


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