Slider foods?

Crystal M.
on 12/7/11 9:36 am - El Paso, TX
I've heard people here talk about slider foods that we seem to be able to eat a lot of without restriction. I think sweets & carbs like crackers were included in this category, right?

Just wondering because I ate a few Cheez-Itz crackers and immediately felt full.

I haven't tried it with sweets because I don't have any desire to eat sweets. I like salties.

Just curious about the concept of slider foods.

It's better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you're not.                

on 12/7/11 9:49 am
I find that things like crackers, sweets, chips are all slider foods for me.  My doctor gave me a great visual:
imagine two large bowls of water - in one bowl you put 1 oz of cooked chicken and in the other bowl 1 oz of potato chips.  Come back in 30 min and see what's happened to each bowl.  The chips will have dissolved and the chicken will still be intact.   Now imagine the bowls are your stomach...

Hope that helps.

HW - 310/SW 300/Day of Surgery 293.2/CW - 182.2 (2/26/19), fleur de lys abdominoplasty 2/12/19 - removed 8lbs of skin from abdomen.

on 12/7/11 9:55 am
 popcorn is a slider food for me. as well as most snacks in the cracker category.

same with me- i'm more of a salty person, not sweets.
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(deactivated member)
on 12/7/11 10:01 am
I am confused too. I went to a support group (mostly RNY) and their topic happened to be slider foods. They were saying it was "slippery" food that kind of goes straight through you like soup and mushy things (mashed potatoes) so you can eat a lot of it without getting full, thus consuming a lot of calories (hence the word slide). I was confused when I came here and read about slider foods because I didn't think that would exist since we have a normal functioning stomach. Does it maybe just mean VSGers can eat a lot of that without feeling the restriction as opposed to it "sliding" through because it isn't heavy?

Did that make sense?
Ms Shell
on 12/7/11 10:26 am - Hawthorne, CA
I consider "slider" foods to be ANY food that can be eaten in abundance.  It doesn't necessarily have to be a "bad" for you food.  I have a friend whose slider is lettuce.  She can eat HUGE salads with virtually no restriction.  In addition you're REAL slider food won't be determined until say next year.  

For ME year 1-2 I had EXTREME reactive hypoglycemia, I would almost immediately fall asleep after the smallest amount of sugar.  NOW it takes a whole TROFF of sugar to make me yawn.

You are barely 3 months out...your slider foods may not be determined yet.

Ms Shell

"WLS is only for people who are ready to move past the "diet" mentality" ~Alison Brown
"WLS is not a Do-Over (repeat same mistakes = get a similar outcome.)  It is a Do-BETTER (make lifestyle changes you can continue forever.)" ~ Michele Vicara aka Eggface

on 12/7/11 10:26 am - VA
It is different for everyone. I find that w/crackers, potato chips, snack chips, sweets, chocolates, etc, I cannot finish one serving postop. Preop I could eat these w/o end. Salad and popcorn are the exact opposite. Both slide so I stay away from popcorn and love to indulge in salad!

HW: 550+     SW: 502      CW: 342.4  SDt: 9/20/11

"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."--
Philippians 4:13, KJV


Marcia B.
on 12/7/11 10:53 am - CA
I think it depends on the person - for me I can eat a TON of popcorn, but crackers 5 saltines or snack size cheeze its are it.  so far nothing else has been as easy as popcorn to get down :)
Philippians 4:13 -  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
on 12/7/11 10:56 am, edited 12/7/11 10:57 am - los angeles, CA
What slides is different for each person.  When i had the band it was much clearer because stuff that melted in the mouth just slid down past the restriction.  With the sleeve anything solid is not a slider.  potato chips, crackers, cookies etc clog up my sleeve and hold me over.  it does stop me eating them because they fill me up like a chicken thigh would and i just have to be careful that whatever i put in there is going to serve me.  I'm pretty sure ice cream or milkshakes would slide but I'm not going there. Sugar for some reason even 2 bites of cake makes me feel like crap, nauseous crap.  lettuce though total slider, i could eat cups and cups.  i like this makes me feel like less of a freak when I'm eating out.  Can have a decent sized salad.
Crystal M.
on 12/7/11 11:07 am, edited 12/6/11 11:08 pm - El Paso, TX
So far I've found nothing I can eat a lot of. Not crackers, not popcorn, not lettuce ~ a few bites & I'm done.

What I have noticed is that after certain foods I get hungry faster.
And crackers & popcorn are both like that for me. I can't eat much of them, but I will be hungry again in half an hour.
It's better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you're not.                

on 12/7/11 11:27 am - NJ
 I feel full after a few Cheez-Its, but within like 60 seconds I am no longer full and can eat another handful (hence the term slider b/c they go right out of the pouch and leave room for more), I could literally eat a whole days worth of calories if I am not paying attention with stuff like that!

Courtney - Lap band to VSG revision

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