10 month check in

on 1/9/13 4:58 am - NJ
VSG on 03/08/12
It's been 10 months since my surgery and it feels like yesterday I was just starting out. I hit my original (and dr's) goal in 8.5 months but decided I wanted to lose 10-15 pounds more. I haven't made that much progress in the last month and a half because I kinda lost my way for a few weeks (actually, the whole holiday season from Thanksgiving to New Year's!). But I'm back on track now. I'm glad in a way that that happened. I learned a lot about myself and the type of eater I was and that I could become again if I'm not careful. When the vets say, you gotta work on your head, it's really true. I plan on finding a support group near my home (my surgeon is an hour away) and might give serious thought to trying therapy. The only support I have is you guys right now and after my mess of the holidays, I definitely need more!

If you are just starting your journey, please listen to the vets and follow their advice. They really know what they are talking about! I decided to follow the plan many of them did (600-800 cal and 40 carbs) which is much stricter than my dr and nut told me to do. I'm so glad I did because I believe that's how I got the weight off. Now, I'm going to work on my head like they said I should've been doing all along. Better late than never, I guess!

I wish I could post pictures but after every time I do one of these updates I try every which way to get them here but I just can't. I do have pictures on my profile so please feel free to check them out.

  4' 11" HW 218 SW 214 Original Goal of 125 in 8.5 mos Lowest Weight 119 CW 133 Trying to get back in the 122-128 range 


on 1/9/13 5:12 am

I think you have done fantastic Fran.  You are looking great!!!  You can get there, just keep plugging away!!




on 1/9/13 8:36 am - NJ
VSG on 03/08/12
Thanks, Jenn! I'll keep keepin' on

  4' 11" HW 218 SW 214 Original Goal of 125 in 8.5 mos Lowest Weight 119 CW 133 Trying to get back in the 122-128 range 


on 1/9/13 5:16 am
VSG on 03/07/12 with

I think you have done great. The weird thing is, you and I only a day apart on our surgery dates, and I could have written your post. EVERYTHING you put in here sounds like me, except I have not reached goal just yet! You are doing great and I'm glad you are back on track, so am I ! broken heart

 VSG 3/07/12     HW:260   SW: 249   CW:164  


on 1/9/13 8:43 am - NJ
VSG on 03/08/12
Amber, You're doing great too! It was so hard to keep reading post after post of people who lost weight or at least stayed on plan while I was blowing it so bad. I would be good all day but by 9pm the old demons would creep up and I would give in and stuff my face while standing in the pantry doorway. It was ugly! I'm so glad you're posting again and back on track too!!

  4' 11" HW 218 SW 214 Original Goal of 125 in 8.5 mos Lowest Weight 119 CW 133 Trying to get back in the 122-128 range 


kristen D.
on 1/9/13 5:18 am - Middletown, NY
VSG on 09/25/12

you really have done well!! and your pics look great!!!!

on 1/9/13 8:43 am - NJ
VSG on 03/08/12
Thanks, Kristen!

  4' 11" HW 218 SW 214 Original Goal of 125 in 8.5 mos Lowest Weight 119 CW 133 Trying to get back in the 122-128 range 


on 1/9/13 5:41 am - Granada Hills, CA

Youve done fantastic - you should be super proud. You will make your way down a few more lbs but regardless - celebrate your success!!

www.sexyskinnybitch.wordpress.com - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


on 1/9/13 8:47 am - NJ
VSG on 03/08/12
Thanks, Alison! It's so hard sometimes to not give into the demons but I'm going to win this fight.

  4' 11" HW 218 SW 214 Original Goal of 125 in 8.5 mos Lowest Weight 119 CW 133 Trying to get back in the 122-128 range 


on 1/9/13 8:41 am - IL
VSG on 06/28/12

Hi Fran!

Happy 10 months Surgy!!!  You look WONDERFUL!  Be proud of your accomplishments!  You worked hard and should stand tall!

I understand about the support thing -- this and MFP are all I have, too.  We're so lucky to have found these sites to keep us going when we get in the dumpers.

It helps when those who are further out share their issues.  I'm still so afraid of the slippery slopes that I can stay on plan pretty easily.........but I know there will come a day when I screw up.  Hearing that you have been able to get back on plan helps a lot!  I will remember this, so thank you for posting about it.

I'll be waiting to hear about your next achievement -- getting to your new goal!  You will do it -- no doubt about it! 



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