Splenda question

(deactivated member)
on 1/19/13 12:27 am

some studies have found that Splenda or other artificial sweeteners will cause an insulin spike similar to that of sugar. The insulin spike is one of the great "fat makers". However, there are other studies that debunk those first studies I mentioned. So, guess, what? I use Splenda and I lost my weight just fine and am keeping it off, too.

on 1/19/13 1:28 am - Eugene/Springfield, OR
VSG on 07/22/13

has any one tried that sweetener made from monk fruit?


   175 lb  lost,412 hw 336sw,241 cw surgery July 22 2013,surgeon Dr Colin MacColl,







on 1/19/13 2:56 am
I have Crohn's Disease and artificial sugars cause cramping and 'D', so I don't use them. I buy products with beet sugar or no sugar added. Can't save as many calories as you guys using Splenda, but it isn't worth it to feel sick.

I don't have a burning desire to be skinny. Guess my motivation is not what a lot of you are. I want to lose some weight, reduce or get off insulin and live a healthier life. The sleeve was a way to reduce volume eating and hopefully drop some weight, but I am not all that interested in living a life all about calories, pounds and the latest diet fads.

I am working on clean eating, closer to the dirt as I can get, eating proteins and hydrating as a first priority...and someday adding in some veggies and fats.i miss butter. As soon as I can get off protein drinks and go to real food for protein I will do it. No bars, liquids, powders if I can help it.

But only a week post op right now...so one step at a time.
on 1/19/13 12:12 pm - Naples, FL

Artificial Sweeteners = Poison! devil


Plastics - Extended Tummy Tuck - February 6th 2013


on 1/20/13 8:42 am

Yep...need my splenda. My one cup of coffee or tea a day...um...I use 5 in a cup.

My co-workers used to make fun of me when they'd do a coffee run( this was BEFORE VSG) " Deb will have a medium ice coffee with cream and 20 splenda"...I was never THAT bad...

Every week is different..."THIS is BAD for you!!!"..."Oh! Now it's GOOD for you!!!" 

MY mom was a sweet-n-low addict...the after taste in it is too bitter for me.

Just my 2!




Not MY will, but HIS. Not MY time, but HIS.    
on 1/20/13 9:00 am - Edmonton, Canada
VSG on 06/26/12
My husband would love you. He uses 4 packets of Sugar Twin in each of his MANY cups of coffee each day. (I think his coffee tastes vile, but...)


Highest 303.4, Surgery 263, Current 217.8, Goal 180


