7 years Sleeve Surgiversary!!

on 6/5/14 4:31 am - Walker, LA
DS on 10/11/12

I'm glad that my message could help you today!  If there's one thing I've learned it is to no be so hard on myself.  I'm going to mess up.  I'm going to make mistakes.  But I've spent a lifetime hating myself enough for my weight and the choices I made to get there.  WLS is a tool to help myself achieve what I couldn't do on my own.  It only works when I work it.  I can't continue the cycle of that self-loathing when I make a poor choice.  I have to just pick myself up and continue moving forward.  Life is far too precious and short to dwell and sabotage ourselves. 

You got this!!!

Sleeved 6/2007 - Switched 10/2012 


on 6/5/14 4:00 am

Thanks for telling your story and keeping it real !!!

I remember you and have followed some of your posts and so glad you could add the DS component.

I hope some of the newer can absorb your experience, the trend over the last couple years has been to be more liberal on both the surgery and eating plans.

Moderation is the most dangerous word in weight control......

Thanks and congrats !


SW 338lbs. GW 175lbs. Goal in 11 months. CW 148lbs. WL 190lbs.

          " To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art "

                                      VSG Maintenance Group Forum

                                           CAFE FRISCO at LapSF.com

                                                      Dr. Paul Cirangle

on 6/5/14 4:43 am - Walker, LA
DS on 10/11/12

Since adding the DS almost 2 years ago, I see more and more sleevesters with regain adding the malabsorption to their sleeve.  I do believe that moderation thinking may be the biggest downfall.  The foods that made us fat in the first place can and will make us fat again...  no matter the quantity consumed!  I am definitely living proof.  Lesson learned.  And thankfully the bad foods I turned to most are no longer tolerated.  The negative side effects far outweigh the lack of benefit from indulging now. 

Sometimes we need the negative reinforcement to make the positive change.  Apparently I'm a glutton for punishment.  LOL!

Sleeved 6/2007 - Switched 10/2012 


on 6/5/14 5:02 am
DS on 03/12/14

Hi Celtic, I remember you as well. I had the VSG in 8/09. Did not do as well as you mainly because I did not make a good choice in my surgeon. I lost about 50lbs in the first six month and the weight loss just stopped. I struggled to maintaing that 50lbs but so grew tired, depressed, ashamed and just a plain failure....and gained all my weight back plus 10lbs. I too added the switch in Mar of this year, I am losing slow but I am losing. I am encouraged to see your success with the revison. I am praying for simular results.... Thanks for sharing!


 m1=23, M2=11, M3=4(had stall for 3wks), M4=6 M5=6 M6=6 M7=4 M8=3

I am a VSG to DS revison!



on 6/5/14 5:11 am - Walker, LA
DS on 10/11/12

Slow progress is better than no progress!!!  I'll be 20 months out from the DS revision next week.  And I've lost 133 lbs in that time.  There are days where I feel the proverbial weight-loss window closing on me, but I know better.  As long as I keep making the right choices for me, my body will eventually respond and the weight will come off.

Stay positive!!!  We'll get there!!!!!

Sleeved 6/2007 - Switched 10/2012 


Ms Shell
on 6/5/14 4:56 am - Hawthorne, CA

Love you!!!  Thanks all I got but you already know that!

on 6/5/14 5:05 am - Walker, LA
DS on 10/11/12

LOL!  I love you too!!!  And yes...  I definitely knew that! 

Sleeved 6/2007 - Switched 10/2012 


Tracy D.
on 6/5/14 5:16 am - Papillion, NE
VSG on 05/24/13

Kudos to you for an honest post about the reality many of us face....this is a battle to the end for us!  

And this quote:  "Everything in moderation isn’t acceptable for many of us and the sooner we realize that the sooner we can move forward in this journey and take the steps to ensure our success."  No truer words have ever been spoken, my friend.   I firmly fall into that camp of not being able to do many food items (primarily sugar and white flour) in moderation.  One will always be too many and a 100 will never be enough for me.  

Thanks for speaking your truth!  

 Tracy  5'3"     HW: 235  SW: 218  CW: 132    M1: -22  M2: -13  M3: -12  M4: -9  M5: -8   M6: -10   M7: -4

 Goal reached in 7 months and 1 week

 Lower Body Lift w/Dr. Barnthouse 7-8-15



















































on 6/5/14 5:51 am - Walker, LA
DS on 10/11/12

I remember about 4 years ago, I went on a field trip with my daughter and we were sitting at pick-nick tables eating lunch.  I have my lettuce and tuna and bottle of water.  At the table next to me is her teacher who is the size of a bamboo stick eating a pb and j sandwich on white bread, a bag of cheetos, and a coke.  Some days, I'd kill to be able to eat a !@#$%^& sandwich!!!  I struggled with this for a really long time.  That was when I realized my idea of "normal" was skewed.  My body just isn't wired to be able to process those foods, period.  It's hard to make the choice to eliminate them.  But sometimes it's just necessary. 

I want ONEderland a hell of a lot more than I want that sandwich.  =)

Sleeved 6/2007 - Switched 10/2012 


on 6/5/14 5:23 am - Canada

Thank you for that wonderful honest post.

the fear of loosing and gaining the weight back is my biggest fear right now.

i had the band and lost 154 lbs and gained back 100.

i had chosen the band because I was too chicken to do anything more invasive. I regret not having done the sleeve from the get go. At least I  know what it felt like to be 154lbs lighter, it was a great feeling, but my addiction was still there, it became a how can I get around eating crap with the band.. Or I would over eat then puke.. I was self destructive!!

This time around I will get therapy as well, it's a must for me. I use food as a drug and need to find out why.

I'm a volume eater not a grazer and don't have a sweet tooth. I use to eat even when not hungry.. Actually rarely felt hungry. 

You are so right about loving yourself! I adore my kids and none are overweight. I cook healthy hearty meals for them and control the junk. Unfortunately I don't do the same for myself.

I'm only 9 days out and am battling with head hunger. Also not easy when I have to cook for 5 kids and a hubby everyday.

I hate exercising because of the way I look.. I hope to find that high in exercise that people talk about. For now I'm going to try my best for me and my family!!

Thank you for keeping it real and I wish you all the best! 

Your beautiful!!


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