2nd Chance Revisions

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on 11/22/14 1:24 pm - POCATELLO, ID
VSG on 01/27/15
Topic: RE: Went on meds and gained 30 lbs

I have a band and I'm talking about about revision to another surgery. Can u tell me u r experience.  ....

on 11/16/14 11:04 pm - Cleburne, TX
Topic: RE: Went on meds and gained 30 lbs

Oh wow, how very frustrating.  Hope the meds aren't for anything too serious.  You can overcome this.  How is the calorie counting and walking working out for you? 

Angela R.
on 10/15/14 11:09 am - Jewett City, CT
Topic: Went on meds and gained 30 lbs

I'm so frustrated. I had lost over 120 lbs and got on some meds the past two months that caused me to crave everything except the cat food... blah... I need major support... starting calorie counting and walking tomorrow...

Angela from Ma

Revision Surgery from Lapband to Gastric Bypass... 1/3/11
Start 290 / Now 208/oal 180 (Doctor set goal)

on 10/13/14 3:11 am - Cleburne, TX
Topic: RE: Overwhelmed and needing to vent

I go for my consultation this Friday.  Praying the doctor won't take one look at me and say oh heck no, you had your chance. 

on 10/5/14 4:24 pm - Eugene, OR
Topic: RE: Getting Ready for Revision/Small Pouch Leaking and Fistula Repair

I heard on the news that people with gastric bypass had a tendency to become alcoholic.  Something about how the surgery re routes, does something with the alcohol that makes it harder.  Sounds like you've had a rough go, good luck with your surgery.


on 9/11/14 12:31 am
Topic: RE: Getting Ready for Revision/Small Pouch Leaking and Fistula Repair

Hello!  I hardly ever find anyone who has this type of revision.  My surgery has been moved up to next Wed. so I am ramping up for it.  I am anxious but so ready to feel better as I am sure you are as well!  Keep me posted lets stay in touch since we are "special revisions". LOL

on 8/21/14 12:05 am
Topic: RE: Overwhelmed and needing to vent

Hi there.   It sounds like you've had a really difficult road- it's good that you are turning back to this supportive group.  I've been away for a long time too. 

Did you have your consultation yet?  How did it go? 


on 8/20/14 11:58 pm
Topic: RE: Getting Ready for Revision/Small Pouch Leaking and Fistula Repair

First, congratulations on getting the help you need and remaining Sober!   That's awesome.  

Well I am going through something similar as in I just learned that I have a fistula that must be repaired as well as an ulcer that must be cut out. I had my surgery in 2002. About 6 years ago, I, like you, I started feeling really bad alot and having tons of acid reflux.  I also blamed myself, and I never sought any help.  I had been living with it for years, but about a year and a half ago, I began having terrible abdominal pain.  It really scared me.  I began first with my PCP then a gastroentrinologist (sp), neither of whom could figure it out.   I finally decided that I better be smarter about this and see a bariatric doctor.     Anyway, so this is where I am...hopefully will have the surgery in the next month or so to get this pain to stop.   I am also excited and feel blessed that I may be able to restart my weight loss!   I never lost what I needed to lose. Good luck to you, to both of us!

on 8/19/14 5:32 am
Topic: RE: dont no what to do !

Please go and get a second opinion look for someone who specializes in revision. I had the gastric sleeve with much success I went from 265 to 155. Everything was going pretty well and then I got pregnant and was severly sick the entire time could not exercise. I gained 75 pounds during the pregnancy. So once I had my son I went back to basics. I did the all liquids for 3 days to jump start my weight loss I began to work out again and monitored what I ate. I  had very little success. I even tried diet pills that worked through half the day and then by the evening I felt as if I was starved to death.

So after 8 months of trying to do it on my own I went to see a surgeon. He was awful and told me that I needed to see the nutrionist and therapist for 4 months and to see if I could change my habits to lose the weight that I had probably over ate and stretched my pouch and that even if I had a revision I would probably do the same thing. I was mortified. I felt like a failure. He didnt even listen to my story or hear the things I had tried to lose the weight.

After about 3 months I decided to get a second opinion I was back on blood pressure medicine and steady gaining weight. Thank God I got the second opinion. After letting the dr know about the pain in my stomach, the sever acid reflux, and the nausea he scheduled me for an EDG. Come to find out my stomach has twisted and is shaped more like an hour glass than a banana because my original surgeon left a bulge at the top and bottom of my stomach because its an easier technique. This is what is causing all the problems and the weight regain. I am scheduled to have a revision to the bypass on 9/8/14. I am so happy I went with my gut because I knew something was not right and the weight gain and inability to lose weight was not just a result of poor choices on my part. I am partially to blame for getting pregant within the first 5 years but honestly the surgery could have been done better from the beginning.

Let me know how it goes once you find another surgeon

on 8/8/14 9:07 am
Topic: Getting Ready for Revision/Small Pouch Leaking and Fistula Repair

Well I am back here again after many many years so funny how things happen!  I had a bypass 10 years ago and did just great and lost 130 pounds.  I went through hell after about 3 years after surgery going through a terrible terrible divorce.  I had no idea at the time but I switched addictions and started drinking wine with a girlfriend at night after work.  This led to alcoholism which lots of bariatric weight loss talk about now but back then nobody had really knew it could be such a potential problem.  The way we process our food, medication, alcohol is so different.  Anyway I became a full blown alcoholic and went to treatment about 4 years ago and I have been sober for over two now.  I started feeling really bad and having tons of acid reflux.  I honestly figured that I had just "blown" out my surgery and the 70 pounds I had regained was just something I had done to myself.  I did go see Dr. Jawad in Orlando, FL which is where I live.  I had the Upper GI and they found that my pouch was leaking in to my big stomach and I had a fistula.  I was so relieved that my insurance approved this revision surgery in about a day if that!  I have Aetna Choice PPO.  I will be getting my surgery date next week.  I should be having the surgery in the next few weeks.  Has anybody had this type of revision surgery? If so, I would love to hear about your experience.  I feel VERY blessed to be getting a second chance.
