Recent check up and labs

Feb 03, 2014

It's been a while since I posted. I went for my check up and weighed in at 129. I have only gained 4 pounds in a two year time frame. My labs were fine with the exception of having low vitamin D. I received a prescription for that.

1. My smallest clothing size in pants/skirts was a 2. My pants were REALLY lose. lol I was sooooo glad to see a size 4. I have 3 pairs of pants that are a size 6 due to the cut. I have not measured my waist at all.

2.I keep the scale in my bathroom and weigh myself weekely after using the restroom.

3.MY CRAVINGS ARE BANANAS!!!Every time my cylce comes to cravings for peanut m&m's. I do have a bag to settle my cravings and then it goes away. My taste for food is still changing. I cannot drink coffee now,only 4 ounces of tea,I can't stomach boiled eggs or any egg at all now,tuna is just about on the outskirts and popcorn is my new snack.

4.I am getting my protein through my shakes and from other foods.

5. My energy is up and down due to the anemia.

I get LOTS of complaments from people saying that I look much younger. When I tell them my age, they cannot believe it. I thank the Lord for that.

I am very, very happy that I had this surgery!


I have to remind myself to get my bmi report so that I can update the rest of my page.


It's my 1 Year Anniversary and.....

Aug 28, 2012

I am 125 pounds!!!!! I could not believe it!!!! I have not been weighing myself at home so I did'nt know. I am now officially as size 4 because the 6's are too big now. DID I MENTION BEFORE THAT MY BACKSIDE IS ALMOST FLAT?? OH YEAH..IT IS. LOL I MISS MY BACKSIDE.

Anyhoo, this was my anniversary visit with Dr. Lee. She said that if I maintain at 120-130, this would be good. She said that I have very little skin on my arms and my stomach and that I healed great. I have to kick up my protein count because I have'nt been eating as much due to my busy schedule in the past few weeks. Got back on task with that yesterday.

more details to come.....

2 more pounds bites the dust

May 07, 2012

WEIGHT/ I went to the doctor for some information regarding sinuses and got on the scale............another 2 pounds in the dust!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am now 136 pounds. I have a couple of 8's that are now a bit saggy and I have to wear a belt. I guess that I can say that I wear size 6 and some 4's now.

WEIRD/ I notice that for the last month or so that when I eat or drink, my stomach gets a little big and then when everything is digested, it goes back down. I remember reading that someone else has went through the same thing. I still have very strong cravings for chocolate when I am on my cycle. The other thing that I have noticed is that when I did eat a small piece of chocolate, I was satisfied and then.................BOOM! I felt like I was going to sleep standing right where I was. I wanted to lay in the floor and go straight to sleep. So what did I do? I thought about that and ate another small piece the next day(at home). The same thing happened and I actually layed in the bed and went to sleep. CHOCOLATE OFFICIALLY MAKES ME SLEEPY.ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No more chocolate for me. My body is now reacting to chcolate.

Comments/ When I tell some folks how much I use to weigh,(when they would call me tiny) I would say that I understand because I was 200 pounds myself. Typically I would get" you have got to be kidding". I say nope, I was caring alot of extra weight on me and I feel great. I still have some knee pain but not alot....very seldom actually.
One of my friends was concerned that I now have a eating disorder. I wanted to laugh because he knows nothing about me having surgery. All he knows is that I have been excersing and watch my portions.(of coarse I am still limited to alot of foods that I can't have because my taste buds have changed over the months) Anyhoo, I told him that I was fine and thank you for be concerned. I will eat more potatoes the nest time I eat.(yeah right) I love him dearly and I know he cares but only certain individuals know that I had the surgery.

I plan to update with a pic soon. I can't find the cord to my camera. Again, I am very excited about my weight loss. I plan to get measurements for my next office visit with the Doc in June.

Until next time......


I've lost another.....

Mar 15, 2012

7 pounds!

I am officially only 8 pounds away from reaching my target goal of 130 pounds. I went to the doctor this morning and my bp was normal and then it was time to weigh in. when the nurse said 138(i always look away) I was stunned. I purchased some shorts for my daughter yesterday and said hmm, i wonder id i could wear these. I purchased my shorts in 3 different sizes. 12/14(they looked small for that size), a 7-8 and a 4-6. I can wear the 4/6 but I went with the 7/8 to cover a little of thigh jiggle going on. I can wear sizes 6,7 and 8. I have arm muscle and am still working on getting toned with my legs. My daughter was upset when she saw that I had one of her favorite shirts on. (I was trying to get home before she did) haaaaaaaaaaa!! I pay for her clothes so whatever. lol

I still cannot tolerate protein shakes at this time. I am back to the protein bars and getting protein from my food. I was cleared to have oranges! woooo hooooo! I had 2 slices and did'nt want anymore. Just to have an orange again was great. My water intake is great and I admit that I forgot to take 2 of my vitamins. I put them in a purse that I have not carried in a while and completely forgot about them until the doc asked me about my vitamin intake. oops

My hair was growing way past my shoulders and as I reported to self a few weeks ago about the hair loss, I am taking the biotin at 3 pills per day. Do I see a change, not now because it's too early. I am just greatful that I'm not bald. I have been wearing wigs as well for a quick hair change when I want color but don't want to color my hair so, I am use to wearing all kinds of wigs. Long, short and I typically cut and style the wig to my liking anyway.

My hair is a bit brittle but it is not falling out in clumps like it use to. I am still craving chocolate when I am on my cycle. I have a taste and I am satisfied. Thank goodness that only happens once a month. If I go to subway, I'll have the kids meal. They have a cute little reusable bag and I use it for my snacks when I'm out. I plan to attend a crab feast for my birthday next month.

Well, another day of nice weather. I'm going to clean up, listen to some tunes and hula hoop later on today. I just love my rny.

Down another 6.....

Jan 27, 2012

I am officially 145 pounds as of today and only 5 pounds away from my 1sy goal of 140.

I went from 201 to 145 in 5 months and 2 days post op. I've lost ALOT of inches as well but have not measured as of yet. I plan to do so at my next appointment with Dr. Lee on 2/2. I would like to know what my waist measurement is.

Goal 1 of 140 is approaching.
goal 2 is 130(by the doc and I)
goal 3 is 120(by the doc but not okay with me). I'm not finished losing yet so I'll just
have to wait and see what the surgery gives me.

wooo hooo. I am 5 pounds away from MY normal weight.

Hair today, thinning tomorrow.

Jan 20, 2012

So, it has finally hair is thinning like crazy!!!! I was'nt really paying any attention to it until a couple of weeks ago. Every time I comed my hair, HAIR AND MORE HAIR  was in my comb or my brush. My hair was VERY thick and now it is thin. I was already aware(from reading other's stories) that this could happen. Well, it officially happened to me at 4 months out. Every time I get in the mirror and comb my hair, I pull clumps of hair from my comb after I'm finished styling my hair.

I don't have any bald spots and my edges are fine...just going throught the thinning. I don't think my hair have ever been this thin. Oh yeah, my hair is 3 different textures now and I am very tender headed on the top of my head.

I went to the store the other day and triend on a pant suits because I was curious. I tried on the 12..too big, the 10...too big, the 8...A FIT!!!!  wooo hoooo. I found my daughter a waist length coat for only 5.00 bucks! While I still had time to play dress up. I tried on a Calvin Klein dress size 6 and it fit, I could'nt believe my eyes. I am still having a mental vs visual when it comes to my size and how I see myself. I'm trying to start squats to save the rest of my little ASSetts that's left. My ba donk a donk is now a flat flap jack.

I have labs this coming Tuesday and I now crave chocolate really bad when my cycle approaches. I gave in and ate a mini kit kat. I can eat more but don't like the protein drinks at all. I cannot stomach the smell of it any more. I now have bat wings. I am now trying to find some good stockings or support hose to help with the arm flaps when I wear certain tops and dresses. I can tell that I am going to have leg giggle because I can see it. I can hold my thing and kind of lift it. If all that extra was'nt there, I would probably be in an even smaller size pants.

Until next time, be blessed.


It's Been A While

Dec 05, 2011

Went to several specialist about the shortness of breathe. Apparently, I had a cold that just sat in my chest but I am very happy that my breathing is back to normal. I still have one more appointment in the next couple of weeks just to make sure everything is all clear.

Thanksgiving was VERY interesting. I have been following my plan to a T until....I had a half of teaspoon of sweet potatoe pie. After I ate it I was thinking, hmmmmmm..this is so good and at the same time...waiting to vomit any moment. I did not get sick one time. I believe that I just wanted something sweet so I ate it and got it over with.

I am now 156 pounds and wear  several sizes. I tried on a 2 piece jog suit size large..put it back becasue it was too big. To me, it did'nt look big but after I saw myself on my camera, IT WAS WAY TO BIG. When I try on clothes, I take my camera because I do not see myself how others see me sometimes. I can wear every single piece of clothing that I purchased months ago that are smaller sizes. I had on my sixe 16 pants and had to keep pulling them up because they were easing there way down slowly but surley with every step. I had to stop at a store and buy a smaller pair of pants for fear of being embarrased with my pants hitting the ground! I LOVED THAT MOMENT!

So, I told my bf that I have lost ALOT of my assets. I now belong to the little butt club of america. Anyhoo, I am very happy with the results. My friend also told me that a couple of more inches gone, I'll look like I did a few years ago.

I have even been told to stop losing weight. I said to myself, I have no control over that one and chuckled aloud. It has only been a little over 3 months and I see a tremendous difference in my face. I am now in a size 7 1/2 shoe and from the looks of it, will probably be a 7 soon.

I am not vomitting, I have cravings for fiber one bars some kind of bad now, I still can't stand the smell of vitamins. I am hoping that my taste buds go back to norm sometime soon. I have an appointment with Dr. Lee in 2 weeks for a follow up and labs. I can eat more but still eating off of my sectioned baby plate. I tired of crystal light so I am now drinking v8 splash and diet cran grape when I have a taste for juice. I can drink water like to nobody's business. That's all I want is water! I'll brush my teeth and prepare for the day starting with ice cold water.

I went drom taking tiny sips to sipping up 7 without getting that funny feeling I had before if I drank one sip too many. I had a piece of pineapple and I was in heaven. mmm mmm good!

Well, still busy with the kids and shopping here and there for clearance finds.


Went To The Hospital Saturday

Oct 11, 2011

I have been having shortness of breath since last Tuesday. The only time it happened is when I was trying to speak. Then the coughs would start. I did'nt know it was serious because this is the first time that I have encountered this type of problem. It calmed down until Friday,that when I went to see my pcp. She told me to go to the ER after I leave becuase it could be a blood clot in my lungs or somewhere else. I was told this the day before by Dr. Lee's NP. I still did'nt go until Saturday afternoon.

I was there for 6 hours. It went pretty quickly in my opinion. I checked in,had ekg about 10 minutes later,was called back about 20 minutes later,changed my clothes,was asked questions, off to take chest xray,back to the room,watched the tv with a breathing treatment(no steroids and I asked about every med or needle that they may give...NO STEROIDS!!),ABOUT 15 MINUTES LATER, i WAS OFF TO HAVE A CT SCAN.............I was vomitting for about 5 minutes from the ct liquid,then was giving nausea med and I felt better later but it still hits me off and on.

I was thanking God that nothing returned abnormal..I was a bit shocked due to the coughing spell. I may have broncitis or however you spell it. Never had breathing problems before and i am not around smokers and no one smokes in my house. I was'nt dehydrated and the Doc at the hospital said that my lungs are good.

Get this......the male nurse that i had asked me what was my highest weight for me to get wls, I said 200. HE SAID YOU DID NOT NEED TO HAVE THAT SURGERY. I was like oh boy, let me school this dude. I pretty much told him my history of the thyroid,meds,my height and the HUGE amount of the 75-90 pounds that is causing or could cause on my short frame. He said..oh, I see. Anyhoo,I left with a prescription for a inhaler. I did get it filled but have'nt used it unitl I wait to hear from Lee's NP today. My record from the hospital was faxed to my pcp and is getting faxed to the NP. I am very tired and sluggish the last couple of days. I have been stressed about a few things and I think that it's taking a toll on my body. Whatever the case may be, God has everything under control and all I can do is let go and let God.

I am now 169.16 pounds. A relative saw me yesterday that I have'nt seen since December 2010. She looked at me up and down and said you really look good. She told me gain before I left. I was soooo sleepy and could'nt wait to get home.
1 comment

It's Been A While

Oct 07, 2011

I thank all of you that are sending me your words of support. I have been overly busy with children and school activities,my health and so much more. My net service has been in and out and by the time I get home..I shower and rest. I have'nt been on the pute in a while.

I had my post op appointment with Dr. Lee and I am now 171.2 pounds. I see that several people are starting to take notice of my weight loss and that my clothes are bigger and bigger. I am going to have to buy some clothes next month like sweats and a maybe 3 pairs of jeans. I must note......MY ASSETS is getting smaller and smaller.I'm gonna miss my perky backside. She's been there since 5th grade. I don't like the semi flatness look when I put my pants and skirts on. I feel less womanly like but no major problem at all, I just don't want to join the flat back club.

I am going to the hospital tomorrow to get a cat scan and some other test done just to make sure I have no clots in the lungs or anywhere else because for 3 days it felt like my heart was racing and that my body was sometimes forcing out air when I was trying to talk but it does'nt happen all day. I have not had any dumping.

I found some sf ice cream at carvel in a small container for 4 bucks. I've been eating on it for over a week now. I don't eat the popsicles anymore right now because I am tired of them. The kids are eating them and drinking the sf wyler's and crystal light to go packs. I am sooooo over crystal light. I think I 'm getting ready to chuck the tuna fish as well because it's starting to taste different. My taste buds and pouch is starting not to like the herbal tea's anymore. I still drink them but I did have some regular unsweet tea. I've been eating pinto beans,turkey and peas and am now on a jello kick. I'm drinking alot of water and my hair is still fine. I know it usually happens for some around the third month but I hope to be in the group that it does'nt happen to...who does'nt right??

I was given the go the exercise a little harder but no sit ups as it is still early. Doc said that my stomach is redefining very nicely.

2nd Post Op Appointment 9/16

Sep 19, 2011

I have lost a total of 25 pounds thus far. That's cool for a " lightweight" in the words of one of the Doc's assistant's.  Blood pressure is good and temp is good. Doc put me on solids now. I am slowly introducing myslef to other foods I use to eat prior with a twist. Not pork or anything like that. I'm not a big egg eater but I'll eat 1 or 2 boiled eggs a week and no more. She told me to keep clear of the acidic foods and sugar contect from the watermelon.

I was told to alternate with melons. I love watermelon because it's refreshing and light. I'be been eating shrimp and crab for protein as well and other foods and have had no dumping. I do need to watch my frinking when it comes to water. I know for me that taking more than 5 sips will make me cramp. One day I forgot and was drinking about 7 and 8 cramped for about a minute. It was hot and I was thirsty. I will say that I will be happy when I can drink normally again.

I drink alot of water, I have a diet cran grape slushie about twice a week and no sugar diet gingerale(not half a cup with lots of ice to take away the fizz but not enough to water it down). I was still told not to excersise the ab area for another 2 weeks. I have my next appointment on the 30th and labs on the same day. She may start me on some actigall meds for 6 months? I think she said 6 or 3 anyhoo, she said that the pills are big. The steri strips were removed except for 4. Still waiting for them to release a bit and then I can take them off in the shower.


About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 14, 2011
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