Hi everyone I have a question!

Oct 09, 2009

I am having trouble taking all the meds because of the limited of things you can eat. I am scared that I will get sick or my hair will fall out help me please!!!! What should I do I want to do all the right the things to make sure I get the best out come and stay healthy!!

Getting Better and losing weight!!!

Oct 08, 2009

I'm and feeling better than I was because I was really feel bad because I have been doing really good but I was doing to much at one time and got sick.  I know try to stick to what the doctor say but with a four year old nd not much help this is hard. But my OH family I have been losing weight about two pounds a day and I feeling GREAT about that! I cant wait until i can get back in this gym.

My Time Home So Far!

Oct 02, 2009

Well I have been home since Wednesday and it has been a journey already for me. I was OK the first night home just sleep in my bed compared to the bed that went up and down was a little different. I got home and was glad to see my son because they wouldn't let my baby see me in the hospital and he was really hurt my that. I came home and the next day was my birthday so what do everyone do on their birthday go out and eat well I didn't even wont any food. My dad went to Oliver Garden and got me my fav. soup and I have been eating on that for a while.  Then today I got real sick I was nauseated and that was really bad for me. I end up calling my doctor who called in some meds and now I feel better I am walking around and trying to get better. I still thank the LORD that I came through this as safe as possible and I have been BLESSED!

My Journey has started!!!

Sep 30, 2009

Well my OH family I am back at home and feeling sore but good it's over. I also have to tell myself HAPPY BIRTHDAY and I want to say this is a very druged day!!

Almost there!!

Sep 24, 2009

My mom is finally home so that a blessing and now its my turn I went for my pre- op today and it made me relize how real this is. I am so excited and ready for this but there's many scared thoughts going through my head. Please pray my doctor dont trip if I dont lose the weight he wanted me too. I have been really trying and I have lost most of it but I just dont think I am going to make it to all of it. So I guess I will keep working out!  I hope that everything goes well for me God Please!!

All Most There!!!

Sep 22, 2009

My mother had her surgery and is still in the hospital and I have been going back and forth. But now it is my turn to go in and I am worried that I am not going to lose this last 9 pounds more I have to lose! I already lost 13 pounds that my doctor wanted me to lose before my surgery. I hope and pray that I lose these pounds because this is down to the wire and I need this. So I have to work it out  pray for meplease!!

I changed my DATE !!

Sep 14, 2009

I changed my date because my mom is having a surgery also it is a different type of surgery. They had given me a the date of September 22 and my mom is the 21 so I change it to the 15Th but my doctor said that was too much so its the 29 a week after my moms. My mom was upset at first when the date was the 22 because she was not going to be able to be there so i change it because i couldn't see myself having the surgery without my mom. I still have to lose the 20 pounds before my surgery or he wont do the surgery. So it workout time for me!!!  I have been doing good I would think but I have to weight in tomorrow. I'm scared

It's really happening!!!

Sep 03, 2009

I got a date and it's September 15, 2009!! I am so happy am this is really going to happening THANK YOU JESUS.  I now have to lose 15 more pounds before surgery! I am now on a liquid diet its hard but not that bad. I don't know what I have to bring to the hospital! So people let me know what I need to bring please!


Sep 01, 2009

I am so tired I having been working out twice a day and everyday! I hope that I am losing the weight I have to lose before my surgery! I know I am working hard and I pray that it is working because I need this!


Aug 28, 2009

I thank the LORD as much as  I can that now my dream is coming true. The LORD has blessed me to have my insurance approve me surgery! I love the LORD and even when I wanted to give up, but the LORD didnt let me give and I thank you!! I cant wait! Thank You  Jesus!!
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Surgery Date
Aug 01, 2009
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