9 weeks post-op!!!

Jul 23, 2008

Yay! Made it 9 weeks post op and to be honest with you I'm in a blah state.  This kidney stone really messed me up.  Only lost 3 lbs because I had gained like 10 from the iv fluids but that's all gone  now.  Let's hope traveling to Raleigh this coming week doesn't mess me up too much.  Just really need to get my energy back to where it was before hand.  Also I need to seriously shop for clothes. 

I love how I have this surgery 9 weeks ago with all of the problems that could go wrong didn't and I have this stupid lil stone surgery and things went so wrong.  Oh well I bounce back.  Always do.  Just need to get my eating on track now.  Eating as in actually putting food into my mouth not eating the wrong things.  I just have no desire right now.  Meh!

Well that's your weekly update.  Next weeks report will be coming from North Carolina :)

So I do Dump!

Jul 11, 2008

Dumping isn't a very good thing for us post wls patients.  I found out a weird way that I do indeed dump.  I'm currently passing a kidney stone that's taking it's sweet ol' time coming out.  Well they gave me lortabs to deal with the pain.  Being that the pills are too big they have to give me liquid form.  So last night it started moving again so I took the pain meds.  Well guess what. I dumped off the pain meds.  No not from the pain but the actual pain meds.  Great and it had to happen on the weekend when I can call my surgeon and say what now buddy?  Plus I want to drive to TN with just me and the boys tomorrow and I'm afraid to.  Main reason I want to go this weekend is there is no other time after this week in which I can go before the kids goto school.

7 week update

Jul 09, 2008

7 weeks post op.  Yay.  Only thing is I could care less right now.  Dealing with a death in the family plus apparently I have a kidney stone that decided to leave my kidney that threw me in the ER the other night.  Next week I can start eating regular foods as they call it but it's still a matter of watching calories, carbs, sugars, and fat of course. Any bread I have has to be toasted and it's limited to once slice a day.  That's fine because I miss wraps more than I miss bread.   I did lose weight this week which I'm thankful for of course.  5 lbs gone this week and that's after a stall.

Well that's all I have to get the kids ready. Mom is taking them out to eat while we goto visitation tonight.


Just something to ponder

Jul 05, 2008

• 134 million American adults are overweight or obese.

• 205,000 Americans had weight-loss surgery in 2007.

• Average weight-loss a year after bariatric surgery: 61 percent (I'm currently on average to drop 90 to 100 percent).

• Average cost of surgery: $17,000 to $25,000, but can go higher.  (My doctor alone was 14k)


A very late 6 weeks post op update

Jul 04, 2008

6 weeks already.  Wow the time is flying.  I had a great week other than I'm at a stall.  Which is fine because I'm shedding inches like there is no tomorrow.  I'm dropping clothing sizes so much I have to visit malls almost every week.  I'm not in any pain.  I can now work out.  In 2 weeks I goto the next eating phase.  I've been on eating restrictions each holiday this spring and summer and I'm ok with that.  I'll always be on an eating restriction of some sort.  I got the doctors bill for doing the surgery 14,500 dollars.  Waiting on the hospitals part now.  My insurance has a cap of 25k on this type of surgery.  So this will be interesting.  No matter what this cost it was worth it.  It's worth the pain, the  money, and the drama to get my life back. 

There are some personal issues in my life it's affecting and I will deal with those.  I also have to admit I feel great about myself.  I'm not ashamed of having this surgery done one bit.  I'm not afraid to tell someone how I did it when I am asked.  I just hope it keeps going.

5 week post op update

Jun 25, 2008

5 weeks already!  Wow time really flies.  I'm doing great!  The weight is coming off (7lbs since last week).  Clothes are falling off of me.  New bra is 2" off what I was in high school.  HIGH SCHOOL!  It's really crazy.  I went to columbus yesterday to get away from it all and get some rest.  Best gift to myself ever.  I also slept so soundly I slept through the zillion tornado warnings and thunder crashes.  Oops.

So everything is great other than this potassium issue I'm having.  Take 6 tsp a day until it gets better and blood work saturday.


1 month post op!!

Jun 21, 2008

1 month post op today.  28 lbs lost.  2 trips to the ER (one last night :()  Dealing with low potassium levels.  On bed rest until I see my dr tomorrow if he gets me in.  *sighs*    I still love my surgery I just gotta remember the early months are the toughest.

I'm tired.  We got home at 3 in the morning. Really just want to goto sleep but my side of the bed has all of the light coming in and we have 2 kids that need to be supervised.  We did decide not to goto the family reunion today.  I'm very fine with that.  I really don't think I could look at that food today.

[protected post] Note to self.

Jun 18, 2008

Taco meat and Wendy's chili is ok during the soft/puree diet.  Angie gave approval.


Jun 18, 2008

I made it to 4 weeks post op.  Most obvious change to myself is the fact my bra is too big lol.  Everyone says it looks like all the fat in my face was sucked out. I'm running out of clothes to wear for the reasons I hadn't had lately.  I also went walking yesterday.  I didn't get winded or need my inhaler.  Energy is coming back thank God!  I have 3 weeks left of the puree diet and then I can eat anything healthy after that.  Yay.  I love my RNY!

Breaking the rules...

Jun 15, 2008

This is a rant.  So you have been warned to skip if you don't wanna hear it.

I am 3 weeks out from my surgery.  I started the puree/soft food part this past thursday.  I've followed my doctors diet exactly the way it's written.  There have been times I've wanted to cheat.  Hell that's how I got to the point of needing this surgery by not following all the diet guidelines that there are.  So through all of this one thing bugs me about the forums I goto.  Once a day you will always find someone whos cheated.  Who has ate something they wasn't suppose to.  These rules are there for a reason people.  Food gets stuck, your body parts aren't healed and it can get stuck and cause an ulcer.  Many other things can go wrong.   It pisses me off to see people waste their insurance money. Many people out there get denied and have to self pay.  This surgery ranges anywhere from 25k to 100k.

It just pisses me off that people don't listen to their doctors and will eat whatever they aren't suppose to.


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Nov 02, 2007
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