I did it!

May 31, 2008

manage to find a way to get protein in.  My protein bullets straight up are too strong.  Took one and put it in my magic bullet and put in the same amount of sf coolaid and added ice.  Chop chop.  Slushie.  Good and healthy slushie!    Now let's see if I can get 70grams of protein in tomorrow.  :)

Yay!  Heal faster, lose weight better, more energy, and less hair loss here I come!

I just can't do it.

May 30, 2008

I manage to get 4oz of protein shake in an hours period.  After that it was hell.  My stomach just rejects it.  I'm never going to get any protein in until purees when I can at least have refried beans.  I just can't stomach the shakes at all.  Not only that my body expands with anything milk based.  I fail! 

As far as weight loss.  I gained .2 oz yesterday.  Lost 3lbs over night so 13lbs lost thus far and not even 2 weeks out.


Sleepy Girl

May 29, 2008

I took a nap.  I only woke up because Roger was trying to get Ian dress and told him not to wake me up.  *scratches head*  I so could nap some more.  Today I feel like I have no energy.  Really need to go buy my magic bullet and ultra skim milk (taste like 2%) and figure out how to get protein in.  Protein = energy, less hair less, and healing much better and faster.

It happens once in a while...

May 28, 2008

I was right.  Wow was I ever right.  I'm exhausted and so sore this morning.   I'm gonna try to rest a bit today and tomorrow I'm going to Ian's pre-school graduation.  Breakfast has been had, first of four vits have been taken.   Oh I'll type a list of meds I've been taken off already.

Vasotec - BP
Metformin- for my insulin resistance
Zocor- cholesterol

One Week Post-op

May 27, 2008

Which means only 2 weeks until I an have puree foods of sorts.  And soft cheese!  I miss cheese lol.   Oh and I hit the 10lbs lost mark today as well.   I see my doctor next wednesday to get his take on how things are going.  Also trying to chew jello is amusing me way too much.   I still suck on getting protein in but am doing not half bad on the fluids.   Hey dish my ability to not eat now but I can have all the popsicles and fudge pops (sugar free of course) that I can handle :P  Which isn't much lol.

In other news.... Ian graduated from pre-school today.  Next year he's in school full time and in kindergarten.  They did a very cute program in which they sang what a wonderful world.  I need to record Ian singing it for you.  It melts your heart!  Ian's teachers were all tears and we bought them both gift cards to Bob Evans.  Obviously I've been out a bit today as well.

Oh oh .. I no longer have blonde hair.  It's colored brown and cut into a short bob.  Roger loves it and so does everyone else.  Roger loves it a lil too much.  I'd think he'd pounce me and sex me if he could lol

Today's Recap

May 27, 2008

Considering I'm not even a week out I think I did pretty good today.  I went to town with Roger.  We stopped at his work and got his check then went to the bank.  After that we went to Kroger's to get a few things.  I did not however walk around Kroger.  Roger was kind enough to push me around in a chair.  Btw, people are rude.  If you wanna stare at least tell me why you are staring.  Not just to stare ok? We came home in which I crashed onto the chair because I was exhausted.  He went to get the kids and I was so happy to see them.  A couple hours later I agreed to try to handle a family birthday party since it wasn't but 10 mins from our house.  I handled it as long as I could.  I suffered through them eating pizza, chips, and ice cream cake.  I took my sf pudding to eat.  :)

I'm exhausted but I think I did good.  I'm sure I'll suffer tomorrow.  I think this week or next I'm gonna get my hair colored brown and cut to a bob.  We'll see.

My pouch will eat you for dinner!

May 25, 2008

My pouch isn't too happy today.  It's grouchy actually.  It doesn't seem to like milk products.  which sucks when protein shakes are better with milk rather than water.  Meh!  it also doesn't like to be dry and let me know this morning when I woke up.


May 25, 2008

They said that my taste will change with my surgery and I didn't expect it to be so soon.  I came home got some grape koolaid to help get my fluids in.  I can barely stand the taste now. Meh!  I get to start phase 2 today.  So far my stomach is very happy with pudding.  You know those lil pudding cups you can buy?  To give you and idea. I can eat less than half and be full.  Yes that's all it takes.  I'll probably be posting more often because not much I can do.  I sip sip sip and walk walk walk and scream from the pain when I walk lol.  Out of the 8 cuts on my belly only one hurts.  I can't wait for that one to stop hurting.  I've got some nice pain pills.  Dilaudid lol  Oh and btw since you might be wondering.  yes I've lost weight already :P

(most of my blog notes are copied from my live journal)

I'm home

May 24, 2008

(all post are mainly copied from my livejournal)

I got to arrive home on saturday but I've been doing a lot of sleeping. I'm so tired like all of the time and I'm suppose to get up every hour for 15 mins and walk. It hurts so bad to walk.

Ok since like three people on my fl knew in advanced and the others did I guess I  better fill you in since this will be a lot of my lj time. I had weight loss surgery.  I got sick of fighting to get to a weight I was before my kids.  I started having health problems and more and more meds were being added so I claimed my life back.  Fighting insurance to approve it was what I figured would come first but they approved the first time. 

I currently have 8 cuts on my stomach normal is around 6.  My surgery took a lil over 2hrs before instead of the 75mins we were first told. I had previous surgeries on my stomach and that's what made it harder.  So other than sore and tired I feel sore and tired ;) I'll update you more later.

The next revolution begins...

May 17, 2008

After 3 years of researching and 5 months of being in the program at KDMC the next leg of this revolution is about to begin.  May 6th I received my approval after just 8 days of waiting.  I was shocked.  Insurance has not approved anyone my husband works for.  Sad to realize I'm sick enough for this but I need it so I'll take it. 

The very day of my approval I had my pre-op education class.  I had an hour to get there and a 90 min drive.  Yes laws were broken but I got there in time lol.  A week later I set my date which is May 22nd.  I can't wait for this next part of the revolution to start!

Keep me in your thoughts and prayer.  Remember with God all things are possible!

About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 02, 2007
Member Since

Friends 17

Latest Blog 50
