Thought I blew it last night but I didn't

Mar 14, 2012

I was just over 1500 cals... whew!  THought I blew it with the protien bars.  I was on the run and got so ravishingly hungrey and I didn't want just non-nutrient rich something I downed protien bars.  Then I was at my sistas house and ate about an oz of meatloaf...knowing it is fairly high caloric.  But once I tracked it I felt really encouraged about my choices.  Wow. 
I am feeling great and I am reminding myself that I "am" an athelic now...I buy proper Athletic are next, ......and I read athelic mags and online on.  It is important to me to do right right ....for the rest of my life.  I have a great desire to help people like myself.  I want to be a personal trainer and life coach and I can't do that if I can't live the talk.
Okay...encouraged to have a good day today.  I need to get in the club and do what Larry gave me though.  Okay that is my committment for do eliptical and Kok Sool Wan tonight.  Whew.... but I am loving it. 
Okay  have to work now.  LOL  Life is so Good !  I dreamt I won the lottory last night.  What a lovely thought.  Hope Larry and his family are ready to move to L.A.  LOL blessings and cheers!


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