Three Months Post OP

Jan 20, 2013

I am now three months out, and I am very excited that I am so close to being down in the hundreds. Do not remember the day I entered the two hundreds, but I am pretty sure I will remember when I drop under it!! I bought a pair of size 14  pants today, and I thought I would try them on just to see how much more I needed to lose to be in a 14. Well, guess what??? They fit :) I was like...0h' yeah!! We celebrated four different birthdays today, so I was able to show off my new pants to the whole family. Everyone was so supportive and so proud of me! I am blessed to have such a wonderful family. They encourage and support me and want me to achieve my goals.

I am still watching the things I eat and taking vitamins. My hair has really started falling out the past week or so. I went to the hairdresser yesterday, and she said that she could not tell I had lost any because my hair is extremely thick.

Another thing that is really cool is that friends are asking me to come and hang out with them a lot more than they used to. Maybe it is because I am really enjoying life. My hubby has been super jealous of me here lately. He used to be jealous when I first met him, but over the years he acted like he did not care as much. But in the last month, he is always wanting to know where I'm going, what I'm doing, and who is going to be with me. I don't really know if it is the weight loss, but I am thinking it might be playing a big part.

So anyway, I am still happy that I had the surgery. I have not been sick. I can now eat nuts and strawberries, but oddly enough, I haven't ate any yet.

I wish you all the best in your journey...and remember "Nothing taste as good as being skinny feels!!"


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