May 2, 2012 - UPDATE again

May 01, 2012

Seems like I keep updating about the same time each year, well close..... Since my last update, I've managed to drop 50 lbs. with about 30 left to go.  Not doing anything special, other than making better, healthier, wiser food choices and becoming aware of what triggers "food cravings".  Have moved into a new home and hubby has retired from 32 years in the oilfield.  I am still self-employed and actually have an office inside my home. I still haven't gotten into any excerising other than normal activities through out the day; I don't just sit 8 hours a day but I don't get "physical activity like at the gym". I haven't totally given up on getting back to a regular excerise program, but it's definitely "on hold" until things get a little more settled.

There are still people that make "rude and hurtful remarks" about my weight re-gain but I've learned that those people offer little enrichment in my life; so I just blow them off and move on.

I will be turning 60 on May 12 and it sure seems like ages since my gastric bypass on May 9, 2003. It's still a nice feeling when someone tells me "you don't look like you are 60 yrs old".  I actually had a customer that said he wanted to verify my age by my drivers license because he "didn't want to tell me that I was lying" but he surely didn't think I was born in 1952!

I will try to update my profile picture since I have lost some weight since that was taken.
Best of luck to all of you that are embarking on this journey.

Over-Due Update AGAIN!

May 10, 2010

May 10, 2010.... Well it's been 7 years since my surgery.  A long road but thankfully haven't gained it all back!  Still struggling with certain health issues and lack of exercise is not helping. Have gotten a better grip on the "grazing" and doing better at eating healthier. People ask me "would I do it again"... and I can honestly say that IF the ONLY procedure available was the RNY I would NOT have it done!  It has made certain parts of my life horrible to deal with (protein intake, tons of vitamins, throwing up, and the list goes on).  I have good friend that had the new procedure done and he is doing awesome and without all the side effects that I have had to deal with since my surgery.  It's not a COP-OUT, folks.... I'm just being honest and there are some that may read this entry and get upset... well, that's their choice!  I believe in being honest and there is no reason for me to lie about anything since my surgery.  I know that others are battling some of the same issues I have so I am not "unique".  The worst insults come from friends who say "I didn't think you could gain the weight back" AND "my word, you have gained weight again". My response to THOSE... YOU ARE NOT A FRIEND! And look in the mirror, you are far from being Perfect! But yet I don't judge you on YOUR LOOKS! Til next time!

WOW! Time sure has gone by!

Aug 22, 2009

August 22, 2009... Update long over due.  Have had set back due to same knee surgery, poor eating choices, lack of exercise.  Tough getting back in control but I am determined to drop off the weight gain again and get back to what I consider good for me (145-150 lbs).  My advice to anyone considering surgery or just had surgery.... be sure you work on your "eating behaviors... or else THE WEIGHT WILL gradually come back.  Excercise is not something I "enjoy" but have learned that to maintain or even to drop back ... it's going to be a "WAY OF LIFE".  Thanks to all of you that have supported me, read my story from beginning to end.  I wish all of you the best life has to offer and the journey ahead is a tough one at times but it IS achievable!

Long Time Since Updating

Dec 06, 2008

12-06-2008.... Sure has been an EXTREMELY LONG time since I updated this profile.  I was talking to a good friend of mine when he reminded me that had not seen any recent updates.  A LOT has happened since 2006..... And unfortunately NOT GOOD stuff..... In 2007 I had a partial knee replacement done and as of today I am worst off than before I had the surgery.  Now the surgeron is saying that since I had so many plastic surgeries on my legs I have nerve damage and my knee will NOT get any better.  Well.... $47,000.00 later... DUH... he knew all about all the surgeries BEFORE he did my knee.  Now I have no range of motion at all... I cannot bend it nor kneel on it at all.  On top of that, I quit exercising and not eating properly and have gained back about 50 pounds.  I NEED to get a grip on this BEFORE it gets completely out of control.  Been battling extremely low iron levels and other blood work has not been good. 

December 31, 2008 I am scheduled to see another gastric bypass doctor about the iron levels being so dangerously low and an internalist also.  To all of you out there.... YOU CAN gain the weight back, slowly it will begin creeping back on and if you don't eat properly AND EXERCISE (and YES, I STILL HATE TO EXERCISE), I will never be able to get back to my goal of 135-145 lbs.  I will do my best to see about getting an updated picture put on this site (even though I don't WANT TO).  I guess it goes back to being somewhat embarrased of the weight I gained and letting myself down and my spouse and all the support he provided to me.  Hopefully next time I will have some good news to add!


Nov 15, 2006

Hey you all, well the surgery DID NOT take place! From the 1st initial visit with the doctor, my "female intuition" was telling me to get a second opinion but as usual, I didn't listen to it... SO... after finally making an appointment with the doctor on Tuesday at 2:30 pm to sit and actually find out WHAT and HOW he was going to do the surgery, recovery time, time I would be in surgery. I get the nurse coming out and telling me that "the doctor will call you after hours and discuss your concerns"... It THAT point I was sooo pissed off. But I waited and went get my massage which I had RESCHEDULED so that I could see the doctor at 2:30 pm (which I ended up not seeing him AT ALL). When he finally DID call me back, he informed me that HE had given me all the brochures about the procedure but when I said that he was suppose to get with the urologist and get HIS results so that may have changed the surgery procedure somewhat. He informed me that he "tried several times and never could reach Dr. Vallee (urologist)". When I told him that after having 7 surgeries in the past 3 years my POST-OP was ALWAYS with the doctor who would go over every single detail about what I was to expect and how the surgery would be done. HE "informed" me "that's not how I conduct MY business".... I then said that I had concerns that I was going into surgery this morning and not knowing exactly what to expect much less my hubby who was coming in from offshore sometime today. He THEN proceeded to tell me that "I think it's best if you follow up with Dr. Vallee at this point"... well, by then I was undeniably pissed beyond control. I told him that I would definitely see Dr. Vallee and that I am canceling the surgery with him NOW. He then HUNG UP on me!

Never in my 54 years of seeing doctors have I been treated this way.. how UNPROFESSIONAL and discourteous of a doctor..... well, back to square one, seeing the doctor in Opelousas that Dr. Vallee wanted me to see (Dr. Louis Kerkhoff) appointment set for November 27 (sooner if they get a cancellation) and we are going to "TRY" and get the surgery over with this year if possible, if not, then it will either be in January or February 2007). This year I have met all my deductibles with Aetna so it would be best financially if it COULD be done this year but time will tell.

This has been a horrible experience with that Dr. Daniel Bourque in Lafayette. I would not recommend HIM to anyone even those I don't like... he has just too much business and apparently doesn't care about the patient... only the $$$$$$$$$ he can collect from the insurance companies!


Oct 02, 2006

WOW.. sure has been a long time since I updated this profile. If Liz (from Colorado) hadn't emailed me, I guess I would not of updated for a while again. I DID have my last plastic surgery as scheduled on August 4, 2006. Everything went well. Results are much better than before (NOT perfect, just better) at least now I don't "fall out" my bathing suits and/or panties lol! Since my last update I did change shrinks for my meds but this NUT put me on anti-psychotic drugs (Seroquil and Topamx)... After taking them for only 3 days I began to feel like a zombie and told my husband that I was stopping the drugs and threw them down the toliet and figured I needed to get my head out my butt and take control of ME and what ever feelings I was having and/or dealing with like a normal person and not rely on drugs for "fixing things". I have been in counseling for sometime now and I am going to stop that also, I know everything he is telling me, I've either heard it from hubby or I already know WHAT I have to do to get where I want to be mentally. Pancreas is still the same, BUT I haven't touched a drop of alcohol since March and have no intention of starting drinking of any kind whatsoever. Still having some pain in the area of the pancreas but that's something I will have to learn to live with apparently.
I began having "bladder control issues" again (had gotten better having lost all the excess weight but came back). Decided to finally go to a gyn doctor to check THAT out and come to find out its NOT the bladder but actually my rectum that is coming through the vagina! Never heard of such a thing! Apparently the doctors don't have an EXACT answer as to HOW it happens.. they say COULD BE: age related, excess weight I DID have, rapid weight loss, hysterectomy, child birth.. well that just about covers every phase of a persons life! And still don't have an exact answer ONLY that I MUST have it corrected surgerically NOW and not later. So come November 15, 2006, I will once again "go under the knife" and hopefully for the last time at least for a long LONG time! Will come back and update after the surgery or when I am able to sit comfortably at the computer. If anyone out there has ever had this procedure OR problem, I would love to hear from others. I have to admit to myself and others that this "problem" has made me feel "dirty" in some way. It's hard to explain to others how it actually makes me feel... I guess anything concerning the rectum.. well it's not actually a Pleasant area or subject... if you know what I mean! Til next time.. as usual, THANKS for taking time to read my story and keep updated on what's going on in my "new life".. with a "NEW set of problems" and/or changes!


Sep 14, 2006

Well my 2nd to last plastic surgery is scheduled for September 23, 2005.. this coming Friday.... getting nervous again because I feel that all the other plastic surgeries IF things would not have come out perfect, I could always hide the effects under clothes but with this one involving the face and neck, I'm nervous. I trust my surgeron but I'm still nervous. I may have to let my hair get a little longer to cover some of the scars I was told (and thats ok). The breast augmentation will be redone and hopefully I will come out with the results I originally wanted (Big "C" / Small "D").
I've been battling the thyroid for months now. Did the nuclear pill and I am finally on medication to try and regulate the levels back to normal. It's has not been an easy road and I still face months of therapy before the right medicine and dosage is achieved. My weight has fluctuated from 118 lbs up to 132 lbs I am told that it will balance out eventually. I've had to learn NOT to weigh myself everyday, it's only discouraging to see that I'm not eating anymore than I had (actually WORKING at eating more healthier than before) and seeing the numbers on the scale go higher and higher. I am determined NOT to let this get to me and that's why I'm not weighing everyday. I will try and work on this and weigh only once a week. I've learned that the "numbers game" can affect you more than I ever imagined... mentally and physically!
I would not change anything I have done since May 9, 2003... it's just knowing that having the surgery will NOT correct some of the problems or issues that I had with "food being my friend" from long long ago. THOSE issues must be dealt with to achieve a truly happy person. My husband has been super supportive through all this turmoil and I know that at times I have been difficult to live with but he has commited to helping me out and sticking by me through all of this and for that I can truly never tell him how much it means to me.
The doctors that I am seeing now tell me that the depression, weight loss/gain are all effects of the thyroid and what my body going through and it WILL all change eventually! The only thing I can honestly say is that I'm looking forward to the next plastic surgery with relief and nervousness but I have faith in God and my doctor that it will all work out. Also, working at getting back into a regular exercise program of something I enjoy doing has been helping with all aspects of what I'm going through.
Well until next time... thanks for caring and Darrell for standing by me!


Jul 07, 2006

Well it's not quite after my surgery which is scheduled for August 4 but I just had to update my profile not only for myself as a remembrance of what happened and could happen again if I let it but to also let those that read the profiles on a regular basis or just when I have updates listed and let you know..... I went through a lot the last almost 3 weeks now. Some of which I cannot remember (I'll explain later). Having gastric bypass surgery HAS changed my life in so many wonderful ways but also, it has caused me some problems... some due to my own doing and some due to certain drugs (legal) I was taking. Having said that, I had a almost total blackout of 2-3 days recently. Within 24 hours I did $800.00 damage to my car (no one else involved); took my husbands truck into a ditch after running over my Notary Public sign in the front yard (damage amount not completely know YET on his truck); hit a car from behind with husbands truck (no one injured and barely any damage to other vehicle) and the other party didn't want the cops called but in my state of mind that I was in, I just gave him my insurance information and let it go and continued on my way to whatever I was going to do (I still don't know where I went after that). The guy I hit called us several days after I was home from the hospital and said that he was going to contact my insurance company, my husband told him that we would pay for any damage ourselves and not to contact our insurance company. Well for whatever reason he had, he refused and contacted our insurance company anyway. So now I'm just waiting to see if our vehicle insurance goes up due to my stupid mistake. When I look back now and on the things that I CAN remember, maybe it was a good thing the cops were not called for any of the incidents. In the state of mind I was in... most likely I would of been sent to jail. Yes, it was ALL prescription drugs prescribed FOR ME that got me in the state I was in but I was not aware of the total effect the drugs were having on me.

I have been under counseling and another doctor for the medicine for depression and to learn how not to let "the number game" get to me and just try to be healthy at whatever weight I "settled" into. I never took MORE of any of the drugs I was on than was prescribed to me but apparently since I am so small now, the dosage amount was never re-evaluated and it was too much for my smaller system. Oh YES, every physician I would see KNEW what meds I was on, I keep a printed copy updated and present that whenever they start about what "drugs and OTC's" I'm taking and that included the vitamins that I take also.

Well, now some of the stuff that happened during those days, I cannot remember, only when someone that was with me during those times and tells me how I was acting and things I said. At times, some things vaguely come back but not much. My sister thought that maybe I had a stroke of some kind but that was not the case. When my 2 sisters brought me to the hospital, they told the doctors to run whatever tests were necessary to find out what was going on and if I had a stroke of some kind. Well there was no evidence of that but too much prescription drugs in my system. I apparently said a lot of hurtful things to my husband and sisters during those 2-3 days, some of which I can remember and have tried to make amends for and others I cannot remember.

I've been taken completely or have taken MYSELF off certain medications and slowly getting off of others. Since I apparently cannot depend on the doctors I'm seeing, I will have to take matters into my own hands, if I want to LIVE! My 2 sisters said that when they showed up at my house, I weighed only 112 lbs. and looked like "death". After making them both cry upon seeing me, they apparently confronted me and told me that they were taking me to the hospital no matter what I said. I don't remember going to the hospital only after about a 1-2 days after being admitted did things start leveling out and my mind getting somewhat clearer.

I was told that I could not drive for 2 weeks while the drugs were getting out of my system. The withdrawals from some of these drugs (cannot know for sure which ones caused the problems) has been horrible....horrible headaches every day that last most of the day until late afternoons, the shakes/tremors, nervous feelings, etc. All the typical signs of "drug withdrawals" you read about. Only this time.. it was PRESCRIBED DRUGS and not "street drugs".

My head if finally clearing up and my senses of taste and touch and feelings are finally coming back. My whole body feels different, I guess it's like I've been told, the drugs were just numbing me and nothing else mattered at that point.

I've learned that gastric bypass CAN change your life in a lot of ways and that there IS going to be times that you need to step back and let others take control over your life, especially when THEY notice that "you are not the same person", and I don't mean in the weight loss but in the ways you are acting and functioning every day. Most doctors aren't prepared for the "NEW person", and are prescribing drugs and not taking into account how our "plumbing" is working now and that we are NOT the obese 348 lb woman but a 120-125 lb woman. We may be the same in our heads but our internal workings are completely different than someone that has NOT had gastric bypass surgery. I AM in the process of changing doctors for counseling and depression and also changed gastric bypass doctors (Dr. Toby Broussard moved to Oklahoma City on June 1); seeing a gastroenterologist and apparently my bile ducts are enlarged for some reason. An MRCP (something like an MRI) was done on me July 3 and if there is a stone in the bile duct it will mean surgery to remove it since the normal way of going in cannot be done due to the gastric bypass plumbing. If that happens, I will have to postpone my final plastic surgery. As of this writing, I have not had the results from the test. I will be contacting the doctor's office on Monday, July 10 and hopefully will have answers.

Finally, I have to add to those out there reading this and considering gastric your research and keep yourself informed on what and how much medication you are taking and if your doctor won't listen or understand, CHANGE DOCTORS. Since our "plumbing" is different now, doctors NEED more education on how to "deal with us" and not just consider us just another fat, skinny person or a way of them getting paid and taking vacations!

For now, also please ignore the white haired, yellow dress photo below! That was a HUGE mistake all the way around, I look like an albino! My hair is now shorter and highlited blonde streaks not white like a ghost or Big Bird Yellow! I'm in the process of having THAT photo removed! In closing, thank you for taking time to read my updates. If anyone wants to talk to me, please let me know by email and I will contact you. I'm MORE than willing to help others and to answer questions that someone may have whether they are pre-op, post-op, a friend, relative, anyone! I may not have all the answers but I CAN tell you about MY experiences since May 9, 2003! (Email: [email protected])


Jun 20, 2006

Seems like eternity since I last updated my profile. A lot has been going on Healthwise with me. Still fighting with the thyroid levels and trying to regulate the medicine. Then my pancreas is still showing signs of the alcohol that I consumed in January-March. Had a CT Scan done June 14, 2006 of the pancreas and so far they can see nothing dangerously wrong with it. I am STILL staying nauseated and throwing up certain foods. Feeling very very tired. Dr. Toby Broussard has moved to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma so I will be seeing a new gastric bypass doctor in Lafayette on Monday, June 25. Hopefully he will be able to provide me some relief from the nausea that is pretty much constant now. It's like being 3-5 months pregnant and staying nauseated.. So bad that I am almost afraid to eat anything cause I don't know how it will react with my system.
I am having HOPEFULLY the final plastic surgery on August 4, 2006. This one is basically a "touch up" on certain areas, the neck and the vaginal area. My husband has been very supportive but he is at a lost as to help me when I stay so sick all the time. My weight has stabilized between 116-120 lbs. I want to keep it under 120 lbs. for my own piece of mind. It's a "mind game" that I'm playing with myself but it's what I want to be....Not 125, 130 much less 135! I've come to realize through therapy that I will always be that "fat obese Bonnie" deep down but I am the only one that can control what I become in the future and where my weight will be. I have reaffirmed to exercise a mininum of 3 days a week. Still don't like it, but it's part of the lifestyle change that I promised 3 years ago I made to my surgeon, husband, and most of all, MYSELF.
Everyone that is considering the gastric bypass need to FULLY understand what it will mean for the rest of your life...... it's NEVER going to be "a piece of cake" but a struggle everyday of my life to keep telling myself "THIS HAS BEEN WORTH IT"..... I have submitted some new current photos taken in June 2006 so they will appear sometime soon at the very bottom of my profile page.
Well next time I update should be after August 4, 2006 and the FINAL plastic surgery.... Thanks for caring and keeping up with what's going on in my life. I must admit that at times when I read the entire profile, it's hard for even ME to imagine where I have come from. I just want to be happy and healthy!


Mar 26, 2006

Hadn't realized that I had not updated my profile since way back in October. Alot has been going on since then. The facial plastic surgery went ok. Not totally pleased with the results from it's better than what I was. We are still having problems with the groin area and not being even. I have to go back in May and he MAY have to do another surgery down there (not looking foward to that AT ALL).
One thing that I MUST tell all of you out there that either had or considering the surgery..... first of all and most imporantly, Dr. Toby Broussard is leaving for Oklahoma City, OK on June 1. That has been a real big disappointment. My final appointment with him will be at the end of May. I will be transferring my files to a doctor in Lafayette that is associated with Lafayette General Hospital. Dr. Toby will be extremely hard to replace!
The 2nd thing that I must "confess" to all of you out there, when you get to be almost 3 years post-op like me, your eating and DRINKING (alcohol) changes. For whatever reason, your body does not absorb alcohol like before, I can actually out-drink my hubby now. Which turned out to mean a trip to the hospital on March 18 at 3:00 am. I swole up like I was 9 months pregnant and in such severe pain that Acadian Ambulance had to pick me up. I was sitting on the porch (apparently not realizing how cold it was) well by the time I got to Doctors Hospital my temperature had dropped dangerously low and I had to be warmed up with a heated blower under my blankets. The pain I was in just covered up how cold my body was actually getting. And even wearing a Medical bracelet saying that I had Gastric Bypass, the doctors there were getting ready to put an NG tube in me! Thank God I was awake enough to tell them "NO, you can't, I had Gastric Bypass surgery, you will rupture my stomach!". At that point, it was decided that I would be transferred to Opelousas General where Dr. Broussard is located. Well they hooked me up to an IV and started pumping 500 ml of fluid into me every hour, then dropped it to 250 ml for Sunday and Monday (when I finally came home Monday afternoon). I was so full of fluid that I had actually gained 27 lbs. of fluid from the IV. I was not given anything solid to eat, only Sunday, liquid clear broth.
VALUABLE LESSON learned.... NO MORE alcohol at all, I don't consider myself an alcoholic since I was not drinking every day (mostly on the weekends but heavily) and since I have been home, the desire to even THINK about drinking and remembering the pain I was in has convinced me NOT TO DRINK EVER again. Also, you must make up your own mind that eating, drinking all the wrong stuff is not going to keep you where you fought so hard to get! I also made comittments to myself, my hubby and younger sister that I would not touch alcohol again. And that I would get back to eating a proper Gastric Bypass diet (PROTEIN FIRST), cut back on carbs and above all else, exercise on a regular basis (for me I can commit to 3 days a week and stick with it).
It's been a long, hard struggle since May 9, 2003 until Now, March 27, 2006, but I realize that I have come such a long way that to give up now would disappoint not only myself but everyone that was there from day one to support me. This last stunt of mine taught me a valuable lesson ..... I DO want to live a full, active, and happy life and that alcohol does NOT have to part of it. As it has been said numerous times, JUST having the surgery WILL NOT straighten out all your bad habits that got you Obese in the first place.... it's ONLY A TOOL to HELP gain back a decent life! If anyone out there needs some more advice, encouraging words, please PLEASE call me before you end up in the hospital like I did or much worst.... DEAD! I feel that in my case God gave me 9 more lives (like a cat) and I've pushed it to the limit, I'm on my 9th life and that's all I will have left if I don't straigthen out myself! I have the full support and love from my hubby and family and know that I am loved but they are all worried about me and care that they don't want me taken away from this life just yet!

About Me
Carencro, LA
Surgery Date
Jan 04, 2003
Member Since

Before & After
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May 8, 2003
June 21, 2006

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Long Time Since Updating
