
Oct 15, 2005

Well my plastic surgery was rescheduled from September 23 to OCTOBER 17 due to that ole hurricane that messed everything up..... Getting very nervous about this one since it includes the face but I will just have to put my faith and FACE in Dr. Mes' hands and hope that he does as good a job on this as he has on all the other places he has nipped, tucked, cut, pulled, pushed, etc of my body! My only regret is that my hubby won't be able to be with me on Monday (October 17) he will be offshore but he is coming home on Tuesday (October 18). This was the only date that allowed me to have my surgery this year since hubby's schedule and Dr. Mes' schedule would just not jive together. My sister, Donna will be "babysitting" me while I'm in surgery so I won't be alone while they are doing the surgery. Then on Tuesday morning between 5:30 am - 6:00 am my nephew, Brent will pick me up and "deposit" me at my mother in law until Darrell gets home during the day. I will be so drugged up that I know I won't remember much of those 2 days (THANK GOODNESS). From what I have seen on TV shows and read about the facial plastic surgery.... I will look like I got run over by a train.. all swollen and bruised. Well that only means that I will "hibernate" inside for awhile and wait for it to go away!
I will update after the surgery and I'm able to see the screen again!


Jul 20, 2005

WOW.. didn't realize that the last update was back in January 2005. No wonder someone from our support group asked my surgeron "if I was still alive" LOL! I did have my 3rd plastic surgery on March 14. The inner thighs/legs were redone due to more weight that I had lost caused more excess skin. He did a "butt lift" and breast augmentation. All went well UNTIL I started doing stuff too soon and opened up about a 2" incision on the back of my butt (luckily, the stitches inside, ONLY the glued area was open. YES, it was extremely painful and still somewhat sensitived if I sit for too long a time on something hard. The boob job didn't come out like I wanted and one of them is higher and wider than the other BUT come September 23 (LAST PLASTIC SURGERY, AMEN) the boobs will be re-done and the face/neck lift will be done at the same time. ANOTHER 8 hours of surgery but at least it will be the last one.
The whole journey since May 09, 2003 has been hard and eating and getting in enough exercise and protein is still giving me some problems but I know that with my hard-head and determination NOT to ever weigh 300+ pounds again, I will get where I want. OH. I have passed my goal! I now weigh between 110-118 lbs. I cannot let myself get to 120 lbs, for whatever reason, that number scares me that I would be heading into becoming obese again.
My thyroid began giving me trouble again (Graves Disease) several months ago but I took the nuclear pill to destroy it and now just having to get blood work done every month to check the levels until they zero out then I will be put on synthetic thyroid medication. So the past 2 months have been a little rough with the changes inside my body. Staying extremely nauseasted, nervous stomach, irritable/grumpy (so hubby says lol).
People that I had spoken to about the boob job and pain afterwards were NOT lying! IT HURTS and the left one is still somewhat sensitive.
Would I go through ALL of this again???? YOU BET! the end results is what I keep focusing on and THAT has been worth all the pain I've been through. Thank goodness our bodies do NOT remember pain and suffering! The joy of going buy clothes now is fantastic! Especially when I can find clothes in size 2 that fit and actually look pretty good (if I do say so myself)!
One more thing, the pictures at the very bottom of this are wrong ... well at least the 2nd one where I have lost weight, my weight in that picture is 125 lbs and NOT 195. Gonna work on changing that and getting a recent picture up.
I will try and not wait 7 months before updating again! Thanks for caring and taking time to read "my story".!


Jan 29, 2005

WOW.. it's been a long time since I updated this site. Well things are better than BETTER! I have actually been told that I need to GAIN WEIGHT... can you imagine. Never, NEVER have I EVER EVER heard those words associated with my name.. BONNIE---GAIN WEIGHT!!!! Go figure! Well, I actually lost 243 lbs. which brought me down to 105 lbs. I have to admit that I even thought that was too much for me. I stayed at 108 lbs. for a few weeks and now I am at 115 lbs. I will stay between 115-120 lbs. which my doctor says is my ideal weight for my body build (WHICH I ALWAYS thought was a LARGE frame.. I guess that was how I justified my weight - I WAS A LARGE FRAME).. well Dr. Toby busted that thought when he told me that I was DEFINITELY A SMALL FRAME.. not a large frame.
I am still having some problems with certain foods staying down UNLESS I process them finely (crawfish, chicken, sausage), crab meat I can eat with no problems. Hey being Cajun.. I CAN live on Crab meat!
NOW for the clothes situation. I have gone from a size 5-6X large to a SIZE 2 (and even in the Junior section of department stores). Believe it or not, I now actually have trouble finding SMALL enough clothes that I actually like instead of having to buy whatever would FIT.
I cannot begin to put into words what this surgery has done for me --- Mentally, Emotionally, Confident, etc.! The surgery has actually given me a second chance at a wonderful life and I plan on making the most of what I was given as long as God will allow me!
People say that I even sound different, I think my hubby put into the right words... my voice sounds different to them because I have MORE confidence in me and I actually LOVE MYSELF!
Well my next plastic surgery is scheduled for March 14, 2005. That will be the "boob job (implants and lift); and lower eyelid lift. It seems that I will have at least 2 more after that one. A complete "Mini-facelift" and a butt job (its very very droopy, and possibly some type of surgery on my upper knee area, I now have some skin that is saggy in that area. I don't know if anything could be done but I will discuss it with my plastic surgeon. Dr. Louis Mes (Plastic Surgery Associates, in Lafayette, Louisiana) is the one that has been doing ALL of my surgeries and I must say he has done EXCELLENT work with what he had to work with!
Well I will be updating after my next plastic surgery to put down in a permanent record what I feel and look like after having "PERKY Ta-Ta's" lol....


Dec 03, 2004

Well surgery went extremely well. I was in surgery for 7 hours again. Doctor removed 8 pounds of skin from the belly and butt area. Incision is all around my lower waist. The only problem I am having is with the belly button being somewhat infected (AND PAINFUL). I have lost a total of 218 lbs. as of today bringing me to a weight of 130 pounds! It still amazes me when I see myself, it's hard to even believe that ITS ME! I can turn to the side now and I'm FLAT, no more over-hang, I can see my FEET and KNEES! I recovered quickly from this surgery. I had surgery on Nov.16 (Tuesday) came home on Wednesday (Nov. 17) and was out riding around with hubby on the Friday (Nov.19). It was rough going but I kept a pillow pressed against the belly. Life is so good! I feel like God has given me a second chance at having QUALITY LIFE! The trip has not been easy but it sure has been worth it. I would do it all again (but thank goodness I Don't)! My hubby is so proud of me and tells me that very very often. I guess in getting the weight off I am a nicer person to be around due to the fact that "I LIKE ME!". I was never able to say that when I weighed 348 pounds. I want to make the most of each and every day that I have left on this earth! I recently visited the place where I used to work and at first NO ONE recognized me until I spoke. Even then, all they would do is "laugh" and say "you don't look like YOU". When I show people my before picture they say that there is no way that is me! Well unfortunately IT WAS! I have not taken a more recent photograph but I will soon and post it again. I have one more plastic surgery left---the "boob job" and the neck area. That will be done sometime in either late April or May of 2005. My hubby tells people that he does not have a NEW wife... he has a RE-FURBISHED one! Well... till next update... thanks again for taking time to keep updated on my progress.


Nov 08, 2004

Well first great news.... Lost 203 pounds so far as of today. I am getting ready for my 2nd plastic surgery on the belly November 16, 2004. They should be able to remove 8-10 pounds of skin from that surgery. It has been an incredible journey since May 9, 2003. Today I visited people I worked with prior to surgery and all they could do was "laugh" at how different I looked. Most didn't even recognize me until they heard my voice. I went shopping for some "winter" clothes today and it was GREAT to go to a shop that I used to buy clothing from and find out that there was NOTHING TO FIT ME... but finally due to THEY ARE ALL TOO BIG! I told my mother-in-law that it felt great to say "they are all too big for me". One thing I have noticed that the costs of smaller sizes cost less and there are more sales than on "fat clothes".
Well thats all for this time. Will email after the surgery November 16 when I can sit at the computer and give details.


Sep 18, 2004

WOW, I just realized that I haven't posted on here since June 20~ Time just flies by now that I have so much energy. Well so far I've lost 190 pounds and as usual... Feeling WONDERFUL! Went shopping for a few pieces of clothing and was shocked to see that I can wear a size 10 pants and they are very comfortable! My next plastic surgery is scheduled for November 16. I will be removing the skin from the stomach area. The incision will be all around the waist area so that surgery will be done alone. Dr. Mes said that I would most likely be in surgery another 8 hours. After that surgery the only one left will be the "boob job" and neck/face one! I tell people that my husband doesn't have a NEW WIFE.. he has a REFURBISHED ONE! As for the insurance paying for the stomach surgery, we aren't sure yet. They did not pay for the arms and legs surgery.
I know I repeat this often but this has been the most wonderful journey in my whole life! To get a life back where I can do things, buy clothing that I'm not ashamed to be seen in, shaving my legs in the shower, seeing my toes, and just feeling so good its scary! I am off of all medication except for hormone replacement!
Thanks to all of you that take the time to "keep up" with my story... til next time!


Jun 19, 2004

YIPEE!.. I had my first plastic surgery on June 8, 2004 and they removed 4 pounds of SKIN! The surgeron said that there was very little fat it was mostly SKIN! I have NO MORE FLAPS or "shar-pei" puppy legs! Still kinda sore and stiff from the cuts but it's healing GREAT. I go back June 23rd to remove those areas that are stitched. I'm "glued and stitched"! The total surgery ran about $12,000.00 but the insurance refused to pay. I'm in the process of appealing to them but it doesn't look good. I am still facing the stomach, boob, and neck surgery later. Can't wait to get back to exercising so that can start firming up again. As usual, I feel great! Energy level is very high eventhough I can't move very quickly now but it will come again!
This has been such a journey for me and those that are close to me in my life. My hubby has been absolutely GREAT throughout this whole ordeal since May 2003. Without his care, love and support I don't know how I could of gotten through it all. Family and friends that provided the needed encouragement and praise that I so needed at times helped also. I am starting to love the person I see in the reflection of the mirror now! First thing on my agenda when I can drive again and move around well.... Buying a SLEEVELESS SHIRT AND SHORTS! It's been AGES since I've worn either, so I'm very very anxious to wear that again! Well... til next update... Take care and best of luck to all of you out there and my fellow friends of RNY!


Jun 03, 2004

Me again. Well plastic surgery has been rescheduled for June 8, 2004 (this coming Tuesday).. I am so nervous at this point. I was not as nervous for the actual bypass surgery a year ago in May as I am for this surgery. I can't explain why other than possibly knowing that I will have scars on arms and legs and wonder just how bad they will be after they are healed. The good news is the surgery will be $11,600.00 instead of $16,000.00 BUT the bad news... the insurance has denied coverage. I'm in the process of "appealing" but I am going ahead with the surgery in the meantime. Just have to think of the money I have saved on "foods" over the past year and that HOPEFULLY will justify having to pay the full amount upfront. As of today, I have lost 181 pounds. I'm down to 167 pounds. It STILL amazes me of the loss. At times, I STILL feel fat but when I buy clothes I CAN see the difference (from a size 4X-5X TO a size 12/14!) Eating has been going well. Can finally eat a little chicken and rice without it coming up. Energy level is high, self-esteem is wonderful. Its amazing at what you can do when YOU LIKE YOURSELF and how the world looks and treats you differently.
Well thats all for now until after surgery...... Thanks for reading!


Apr 29, 2004

Me again! Well the appointment with Dr. Luis Mes (the plastic surgeron) went GREAT! My surgery is scheduled for June 7. We will be doing the arms and legs this time. After I complete the weight loss (about 40 pounds to go) we will do the stomach and "boob job". I'm very very excited! Nervous AGAIN but excited. The arms and legs are looking very VERY bad with all the hanging skin. At times I feel like I will "take off" when the arms start swinging! Just kidding---but it's very hard to buy smaller tops with the skin on the arms now. The surgery should take about 7-8 hours and I will spend one nite in the Surgery Center then come home. I will have to donate my own blood in May as a precaution. I don't know yet if the insurance will pay any or part of the surgery costs ($16,000 total) but my hubby has agreed that even if the insurance doesn't pay.. I can have it done! Yet another reason I love this man so much! As of this morning... I have lost a grand total of 169 pounds! I am sooo excited about that! You see, I had set myself a goal that for my 52nd birthday (May 12) I would be down to 180 pounds! And today I weigh 179 pounds! It has taken alot of dedication and working out but I knew that the end results would be all worth the early morning workout hours and pain I would feel. There will be one year since my surgery on May 9, 2004. It has been an amazing journey! One that I cannot begin to thank Dr. Toby Broussard for by performing this surgery on me. He saved my life and gave me a brand new reason to live life to its fullest and not look back!
My self-confidence and self-esteem have changed so much since the weight loss. It's like I told the support group... I can look in the mirror and ACTUALLY like the person I see looking at me and not literally HATE HER! My hubby has said so many times that since the weight loss I am "easier to get along with" (I think he's crazy! lol)... NO he's not! I AM easier to get along with cause I like ME!
Well thats all for now until probably after I have my first round of plastic surgery on June 7.


Apr 19, 2004

Me again. Seems like time is flying bad so fast and now that I can move around so much easier (and Quicker) sitting at the computer for hours doesn't come as natural anymore! My energy level is amazing now. Still have pain in the old knees but when it gets too bad a couple of Tyenol 8 and I'm "good to go again". So far I've lost 165 pounds and on Wednesday, April 21, I go have a consulation with the plastic surgeon about the "excess skin" on the arms, stomach, legs and to get the boobs "up north again". I'm very excited about this doctor visit and I hope he tells me that at least the arms can be done now. The excess skin is large enough that on certain exercises I do I had to stop due to the "swinging", it would actually begin to hurt. I have been changing clothing sizes so much, I am right now in a pants 12-14! Thats totally amazing from a size 32-34! Even petite sizes are getting too long since I don't have as much "body" to stretch out the legs!
I still have some problems with certain foods and dumping. I keep trying those foods and maybe one day they will stay down. I have so many foods that do stay down that I'm not feeling deprieved of any foods!
Well thats all for now... will update after my plastic surgeon appointment with "ALL THE DETAILS"..

About Me
Carencro, LA
Surgery Date
Jan 04, 2003
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May 8, 2003
June 21, 2006

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