
Jun 16, 2003

WOW, already going on 6 weeks PostOp. Doing much better but still having a little "discomfort" in the area where all the "replumbing" took place. Doctor said it was normal so I am not worried. It's amazing that I can honestly say that I DO NOT feel hungry all the time anymore. My clothes are all getting too big already (which is fine with me!) Exercising is going well - going to the pool 3 days a week for about 2-3 hours of water exercising. Still get tired easily right now but that should get better also as time goes by.


Jun 04, 2003

YIPEE! I went to the doctor for my 1 month check up on Wednesday (there will be one month on Friday 6/6/03) but I had already lost a grand total of 41 pounds! I was so excited and so was the doctor. He told me that the average was 30 pounds loss and I went further! I started exercising again and I know that will help drop it even further and hopefully start "firming up". My appetite is low and eating solid foods now like seafood, cream potatoes and knowing that IF I eat one bite more than my new belly allows it WILL get back at me! Yep... threw up twice already, first time I KNEW why! But today, I ate about 4 tiny baby bites of food and it came right up. Going to drink protein for the rest of the day and see how I feel. Think part of it is that I am moving around much more now that I can leave the house! Incision area at the top where most of the work took place is still giving me pain but doctor said that was normal!


Jun 01, 2003

Well seems like I have good days and bad days! Some days I feel Great! Others.... well give me a cover, darkness and I'm ok! But with each day I feel a little improvement in how I feel. I started eating about 2-3 oz of tuna or ground up turkey breast for one meal a day. That holds me up much better than the liquid protein I drink for breakfast. Should be able to start exercising next week. Do get depressed at times but I know that is part of the "healing process". At least I don't turn to food anymore. I go back to the doctor Wednesday, June 4 for another check up and weigh in. Can't wait! I feel like I'm losing but yet... don't!


May 27, 2003

WOW... 19 days POST OP already. Sorry for not updating sooner but my xfz@xxxx$$%&*+ computer was down until today! My surgery went great. Was in ICU for 3 days due to sleep apnea, came home 2 days earlier than expected because I was doing so well! I came home May 14. So far, I'm doing great. Went May 21 and removed the staples and had lost 14 pounds already! I was very excited. Didn't feel like I had lost anything. On May 24 I tried eating a little tuna and it really got me full on about 2 oz. Having problems with milk (even though it's skim/fat free). Going to try the powdered milk and see if that behaves any better on my stomach. I DID have about 3 days that all I could do was cry and ask myself WHY WHY WHY did I do this to myself... I should of just stayed FAT! BUT ... that has changed...I have no regrets now and just can't wait to be able to start exercising so the pounds will really start falling off! That should happen next week!


May 08, 2003

DAY OF SURGERY... woke up at 2:00 am and couldn't get back to sleep. Decided to come and put my thoughts and feelings down on my profile. YEP.. getting very nervous right now. My stomach is feeling a little queasy! It has been a long time coming but today is the first day of my NEW LIFE and a healthier one. Will be back and updating when I can sit back in front of the computer! God Bless ALL of you!


May 03, 2003

WOW.. 5 more days then I will begin a NEW LIFE! Great way for me to look forward to my 51st birthday on May 12! I don't even care that I will be spending it in the hospital just want to be ALIVE to see it and to see 52! Put it all in God's hands the doctors!


Apr 30, 2003

Well here I am again.... This past Monday (April 28) it finally hit me...I'm having surgery NEXT WEEK"...Now its only 8 days away. I'm NOT having 2nd thoughts, just getting very very anxious! I have a final appointment with my surgeon on May 7. I will try to get back here and update before May 9


Apr 14, 2003

Well here I am again! Still excited about the surgery date and somewhat relived in a way. My dad died April 12, 2003 with cancer and I thought I was going to have to postpone my surgery; I didn't want to be in the hospital if he passed away... But now my Dad, brother, and Son will be "my angels above" looking out for me when I have surgery on MAY 9! WOW..... getting close! Still nervous and very very excited!


Apr 06, 2003

Well I called and set the date for May 9, 2003 (instead of the 12th, my birthday) due to hubby's work schedule it will give me 3 days of advance recovery before he goes back to work! Oh well.......Still VERY VERY EXCITED!


Apr 05, 2003

WOW.. been that long since I had anything to post! Well, I found a doctor in Opelousas (closest to me), Dr. Toby Broussard. Finally got all the test results from New Orleans on March 28th. Husband's company changed insurance companies on April 1st. Had to resumbit to new company, Aetna, for approval! Doctor's office sent out letter 3/31/03 and we received approval on April 1st (what a WONDERFUL April Fool's!).
Due to husbands work schedule had to postpone surgery from April 21st to May 9 or 12 (which the 12th is going to be my 51st birthday).. I'm really leaning towards THAT day... NEW DAY on a NEW LIFE and a NEW ME! Will have to confirm with doctor on Monday, April 7. My surgery will have to be the RNY due to past surgeries on stomach area and scar tissue. I DONT CARE! I just want to get started on a slim, healthy ME! Will come back after Monday April 7 to update with ACTUAL surgery date!

About Me
Carencro, LA
Surgery Date
Jan 04, 2003
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May 8, 2003
June 21, 2006

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