
Mar 05, 2004

Well since my last update alot has been going on in my life. First of all, my father-in-law passed away on February 13, 2004. He had been suffering from prostrate/bone/brain cancer for the past three years. It's been very hard on his wife and all of us. Then come March 2, I wake up about 3:00 am throwing up really REALLY bad. After about 5 hours of this my hubby calls me from offshore and I tell him how bad I am feeling and he calls his Mom next door and she brings me to the Emergency Room at 12:22 pm. I find out that I am severely dehydrated, my potassium level is dangerously low and that I have pancreatics (inflammation of the pancreas). My levels are extremely high. Well, needless to say they admitted me to the hospital and hooked me up to an IV. Inflammation like I had in the pancreas is "normally" attributed to people that drink alot of alcohol, caffiene, and chocolate (well... DUH... NONE OF THE ABOVE have I done since before surgery). My doctor then tells me that in about 15% of the cases there are NO KNOWN CAUSES. That's just about my luck... I WOULD fall in that percentage! Well the "treatment" is NOTHING (and I MEAN NOTHING) to eat or drink until the pancreas levels are normal! I could handle not having the food (since I'm not hungry anymore) BUT.. I wanted water so bad that I "threatened" my nurse that I would go drink in the bathroom! I would of but I was too scared that I would start throwing up again so I just suffered and "annoyed" my nurse whenever she came in the room to check my IV. A special note to anyone out there... IF your potassium level is ever low... be aware that the IV with PURE potassium going into your veins is PAINFUL.. EXTREMELY! I felt like my arm was burning on fire and they had to come and remove it before I DID. I was told that its very very hard on veins (NO ****!). And since my veins are so very hard to find (I had been "stabbed" 4 times in the Emergency Room before a male nurse found a teetiny vein in an area that I damaged when I was 12 yrs old. Well when that vein started "exploding" the IV had to be moved to another location! I wanted SO BAD to tell the nurses JUST WHERE they could "locate" the new IV location but again... I didn't! They finally put it in my left wrist (WONDERFUL... left handed, needle gouged into the side of my wrist). I stayed in the hospital for 4 days before all my levels had straightened out. On discharge day my doctor tells me that the inflammation of the pancreas CAN RETURN and there is nothing that I can do to prevent it. I also learned that you can get "stones" in the main bile duct - even though my gallbladder has been removed since 1985. Well so far I have lost 153 pounds (trying going without FOOD OR WATER for 4 days) lol! Well thats about all for this update... Thanks for taking the time to read "All About Me"!


Feb 22, 2004

WOW.. sure has been a long LONG time since I updated this place. Well I have lost a grand total of (DRUM ROLL PLEASE..) 150 POUNDS! And Only God knows exactly how many inches OR YARDS! I feel WONDERFUL but then I keep saying that... BUT its true! I am getting so many compliments and some people, EVEN RELATIVES do not even recognize me! I have been taken off another two medications. Down to only two Rx drugs now. And thats a blessing since I now I have to swallow AND chew lots of vitamins so at least cutting down on the "drugs" helps. Let me tell you how excited I was going to buy clothes recently. Went to my "old hangout"... Catherine's (for all of you that DONT know.. it's a FAT CLOTHES shop for women). Well I have OFFICIALLY lost enough weight to not fit into ANY.. I repeat ANY of the clothes there! The manager was very sorry to see me go (I bet... I would spend a small fortune everytime I would shop there). She said she wants to get a job at the store where I WILL shop for clothes! thought that was pretty funny! I have been able to get into size 14/16 pants (not too shabby from a size 28/32 or larger!) For my tops I am still having problems with the "WINGS" on the arms. Since I dont like tight clothes I have to wear two sizes larger. Well I WILL be removing the "WINGS" with plastic surgery in the future so I will just learn to deal with it! I HAVE thought of duct taping them up but the removal does seem to be quite painful! (just kidding). To all of the people, friends, and family that keep asking me if I have updated my profile yet.. THANKS for the wonderful support and encouragement you are ALL giving to me. My hubby most of all cause he is so happy with the changes in me. He has stood by me at my deepest depression and highest weight and never did stop loving me. For that I will never be able to repay him or tell him THANKS enough. To all of you out there that WANT the surgery or thinking about it... Just make sure you are ready to make the life style changes along with the surgery! And a strong committment to exercising for the rest of your life! If you can say YES to both of these things... then you are READY to start your life again as a Brand New Person and a SMALLER person who if like me, is happy to see my reflection in the mirror now and not hating the person I see looking back at me! Well til next time... Oh.. it's been 9 months (February 9, 2004) that I had surgery. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!


Dec 29, 2003

Well its me again and it looks like I have made it to the grand total loss of 138 pounds in about 7 months. I feel wonderful and buying new clothes that look good is the most amazing feeling! Everyone is so happy and some are shocked at the weight loss and even some say that I don't even look like me! BUT I can live with that cause I know it's really starting to show now. The working out has gone better than I had anticipated. I work out now in the gym with weights and for toning purposes. The skin is starting to "sag" and I want to make sure that I do as much tightening as I can before I settle on plastic surgery after I am at my goal weight. Hearing so many people that would want the surgery but for one reason or another cannot or just cannot afford it... my heart goes out to all of them. I KNOW the difference that surgery has made in MY LIFE and it's ashame that some insurance companies refuse to pay for it. If they would look at the surgery as a LONG TERM BENEFIT and the fact that less drugs would be required due to the individual being healthier.. they would actually SAVE money but thats just my opinion!
I'm still having a little problem getting chicken and seafood down but I have found other sources of protein so it's no big deal for me at this point. Still have to increase my protien intake and I'm trying to work on that very hard. Hair is still thining and thats due to the protein intake not high enough my doctor told me. BUT.. I have found a WONDERFUL product called DERMAMATCH that you put on your scalp and it blends in and you dont see "SCALP" until you wash it out! It's amazing! Well until next month.....Best of luck and a Wonderful New Year to all of you!


Nov 26, 2003

Me again. Went to Dr. Toby Broussard for my 6 month check up and I've lost a grand total of 130 pounds so far! Absolutely AMAZING! I feel better than Wonderful if thats possible! I even started taking swimming lessons and doing pretty good according to my instructor, April. My life has been changing in so many wonderful ways that it's hard to believe at times that all this has become possible because of the surgery BUT it has! It's like Dr. Toby told me yesterday, he ONLY gave me a "tool" to get what I wanted in my life, I MYSELF, ME have done the rest. Maybe so... BUT... with his hands HE transformed into that person that I wanted for so many years. I have about 90-100 pounds left to remove and I'm setting myself another goal that by my next birthday (May 12, 2004) I will be at my desired weight of 125-130.
I've dropped so many clothing sizes that I'm finally down to only one pair of pants and 3 shirts that still fit me somewhat. Next week, I HAVE to go buy some clothes before I'm arrested for "indecent exposure" (just kidding)! OH the one thing that I CAN DO NOW.... I CAN CROSS MY LEGS and sit comfortably! My hubby still picks at me about it but it's been at least 30 years OR MORE that I couldn't even cross my legs SO I DO think it's a major accomplishment!
Again I want to say a special thanks to my hubby, Darrell - for without his support, love, patience, and understanding none of this would be achievable, to Dr. Toby Broussard for giving me back my life to enjoy. All my family and friends that have given me such encouraging words of praise for what I've accomplished. And to all of you out there that are in the same struggling situation that I was for so many years....keep working towards whatever goals you desire, with patience and determination IT CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED! Well ... everyone have a great HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY and keep reaching for the stars! Til next time......


Nov 01, 2003

Me again! Well so far I've lost a Grand Total of 120 pounds! It's just amazing! I know I keep repeating that but IT IS! But... I hit my first plateau and I've stalled for about a week now on dropping weight. I have tried eating less but still nothing has moved. Well... I did start working out in the gym on weight machines now. My hubby keeps telling me that it's because I'm started to build muscle and I am sore as H..L! I can barely lift my arms to even wash my hair...Yeah I know.. NO PAIN... .NO GAIN! I knew the day would come when just working out in the swimming pool for my 2-3 hours would not be enough to start firming up the sagging areas but I still DON'T LIKE PAIN! Still cannot eat chicken, seafood, bread (even toasted) or rice! Guarantee that I will be spending time at the porcelain thrown almost immediately! So I try it about once a week then when it doesn't stay down.. back to soy products or liquids for awhile.
My health has gotten SOO much better that I'm hoping to be able to drop more of the drugs that I've been on when I go back for my checkup with my primary care. My blood pressure is doing great! I was finally able to fit in sizes 18/20! I haven't been able to wear that size for about 25+ years! There are people that haven't seen me since prior to surgery and they don't even recognize me...but you know.. there are times that I still "feel fat" and that I haven't lost enough of my weight that it shows where people cannot recognize me. I guess that's just something that will change with time as I get closer to my goal of 135 pounds.
A very special thanks to my hubby and my friends and special family members that have supported me through this "life change". Without the support, love, and care that I've been given this ordeal would be very difficult! And to all of you that either belong to this wonderful website or just "visiting", THANK YOU for caring enough to read MY STORY and stories of so many others that have taken the challenge to change their lifes also! We are STILL the same people that you knew.. just LESS of US! And we love (well I do at least) hearing that I "look good"!
Well til next update....Oh.. there will be 6 months on November 9, 2003 I had surgery.. and 120 pound loss! AMAZING!


Oct 08, 2003

Sorry it's been awhile since I updated. I have been doing Wonderful still. As of today, I have lost a total of 113 pounds in 5 months. Today is my 5 month anniversary of the surgery. Still having some problems with "meats" but if I stay on the "soy products" my stomach handles it very well and I don't upchuck everything I eat. Been working at getting more protein in every day. Never thought that would be a problem for me but it sure has been! I am eating and not even feeling that "hunger pain" but I know that I HAVE TO EAT NOW to LIVE and not "live to eat" as I was prior to surgery. I will be posting a new picture of myself soon. My breathing has gotten so much better! I am no longer on the CPap machine for sleep apnea! That in itself is worth the pain of the surgery! I wish everyone that wanted the surgery would be able to have it done!
The support I've been getting from my hubby and his parents has been amazing. I am truly blessed and I thank God everyday for giving me this wonderful "outlet" to succeed where I have failed for so many years. I guess that God is not ready for me just yet.... so I don't know what my future plans are or whose life I will touch but I thank God everyday for what I have achieved in only 5 months. My future looks so much brighter and healthier now!
The support email that I have gotten from others on WLS site has been amazing also. There are so many out there in this "World Wide Web" that have made me feel like there IS someone who truly understands the fight of the "battle of the bulge". You are all so very special and I can't thank you enough for touching my own life! Well... til next time!


Aug 28, 2003

Me again! Well as of today, I have lost a grand total of 93 pounds! I'm just so happy I gotta pinch myself (gently) to make sure it's me! It seems so strange to be dropping weight so fast and not be hungry EVER nor grumpy from lack of food. I still exercise 3 days a week for 2-3 hours each time I go to the fitness place. My hubby finally got me into the routine of going at 6:00 AM instead of the late afternoon and now I much prefer going in the mornings. It just makes me feel great all day long and jump-starts my day. All my bathing suits are getting to big now so I guess I will have to start looking for something a little smaller before I "moon" the entire pool! (that would NOT be a pretty site!) lol. I am still having problems eating chicken and seafood (shrimp) but I've found the soy burgers (like Morning Star products) are excellent! Cannot tell that you are not eating real meat! Plus I'm finding alot of new products to try ... some are great, others not so great and others just plain GROSS! But I stick to my 3 meals a day and limit snacks to very very occasionally, only if I need more protein. Doctor has said that I should be getting at least 70 grams of protein a day and thats where I'm having some problems but now that my liquid protein drink powder has come (Strawberry/Kiwi), I can supplement it with that by the end of the day. Finally got rid of clothes in my dresser and closet that were just too big for me to wear anymore. Sure left alot of empty places BUT... never fear! SHOP, SHOP.. SHOP! I don't buy too much right now due to the fact that the weight is dropping very fast and my size changes almost every month or so. Like I said many times before.... I FEEL GREAT! This the best thing I have ever done for myself and it's been worth all the pain (in the beginning) and the changes I've made in my life! I would do it all over again (IF I had to)!


Aug 11, 2003

Hmmmm It seems to me that I keep coming back to update about one month apart from the last one! Oh well! According to "my scale" I've lost a grand total (drum roll please) of 78 pounds! I go back to the doctor on August 20 for my 3 month checkup. Feeling very very good now! Still having problems eating "meats" but I've found "meat replacements" like soy protein (and very very good) and now I don't miss the REAL meats. Energy level is good but of course there are times that I feel very tired and no energy but thats to be expected. My father-in-law is battling bone cancer now (has been for the past 2.5 yrs) and he is not doing well. I know that his situation is weighing heavily on my mind and I try to be there for him and my mother in law. I'm so excited about my life working out so well and when I see him.... well I don't know how to handle his health issue and not feel so helpless towards him. My hubby is so proud of me and the changes he can see in me! He compliments me often and tells me how much he loves me! I know that without his support and guidance this struggle within me would be more than I could possibly handle, especially with the losses that I've had in my own life the past several years. He is my reason for living and for wanting to be a much healthier and sexy wife! I will update after I go to the doctor on August 20! GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU!


Jul 10, 2003

YEHAW!!!! I went July 9 for my 2 month check up and I have lost a total of 61 pounds! The doctor and ME were thrilled beyond belief! I was weighing myself at home and I said that IF my scale was not as close as the doctor's I would get rid of the scale BUT I will keep it around! lol.... I am feeling absolutely wonderful (except of course for some discomfort in the incision area but that too will pass). I have to actually remind myself that I HAVE TO EAT to live now and not LIVE TO EAT. I actually put a pair of JEANS on yesterday that I had not been able to get even 1 leg into for about 3 years (AND they weren't tight). I was tickled to death! I thank God everyday that I had this surgery and the strength, determination, wonderful surgeon, and dedication to make this life change!


Jul 03, 2003

Me AGAIN! Things are getting better each day (WELL ALMOST).... I started having trouble with throwing up EVERYTHING I ate or drank. Finally went to the doctor and he told me go back to liquids and soft foods for about 4-5 days. And it worked. I am feeling alot better. The exercising is going great, except for the fact that I hurt my back from throwing up. Yeah I know it sounds strange BUT its TRUE! So now I have to take it a little easy on the back but I Still get exercising in. That has made a big difference in my dropping the weight. I weighed myself here at home and by MY SCALE I'm down by 59 pounds. The OFFICIAL WEIGH IN will be July 9 at the doctor's office for my 8 week checkup! I just hope that MY SCALE is accurate with HIS! If not.... well I have a scale to GIVE AWAY! lol! I have dropped about 4 sizes in my clothes already, which really boosts my attitude towards myself and my confidence. I am used to eating now in very small amounts and it doesn't bother me to see other people eating stuff that I once GORGED ON! I wanted this surgery bad enough that I am committed to the whole life style change forever! Well until next time which will be AFTER my checkup next week...

About Me
Carencro, LA
Surgery Date
Jan 04, 2003
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June 21, 2006

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