Finally exercising!

Mar 06, 2011

At exactly 8 weeks post-op from my plastics, I sucked it up and went to Planet Fitness.  I'd never worked out properly in my LIFE...the closest I'd ever come is PE class in school.

Well..I did it!

I've been going 3x a week and I love it!  I got my free personal training consultation and she helped me figure out what equipment to use and the proper way to use it.  I was so flippin' sore for the first 5-6 days but now it's a pleasant vague ache.  :)

I do 45 mins~ of resistance training (dumbells, various machines, mat work, etc) and end with 25 mins on the treadmill. 

I never in a MILLION years could have imagined I'd be doing squats and leg presses.  Reverse crunches?  Me?!  Put the crack pipe DOWN!  

I've pretty much maintained the same weight since last summer (losing a few lbs post-op).  I would really love to tone up and lose some more.  My husband and I are also talking about starting a family and I know if I go into pregnancy in the best shape of my life, it will be a lot easier on my body (and ideally, getting the weight off will be easier too). 


About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 21, 2006
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