surgery date

Apr 20, 2012

well I did it, I got my surgery date...I go under the knife on May 24, 2012 and start my new life that day.  I am so excited, nervous, worried, scared, happy, sad, panicked, and any other emotion you could imagine.  I am hoping to find an angel on here so if anyone is even following anything I write please feel free to add me as a friend and if someone wants to be my angel or tell me how to get one please do.

Tomorrow is the day I get a surgery date hopefully

Apr 17, 2012

Well here it is... the day before my appointment with the surgeon to find out if he is going to give me a surgery date.  I am soooo nervous.  I think I will get a date tomorrow but I am so nervous about the surgery.  I have this fear about dying either during the surgery or from some complication from the surgery or having complications from the surgery.  I don't want to die and leave my kids behind, but I want to be healthy and I know I need this surgery to accomplish that.  I am excited, nervous, scared, worried, happy, sad, everything all mixed together.  I have 5 friends that have gone through the surgery and they are all fine but I am so worried that I will be that 1 in 200 that doesn't make it.  What also scares me is being one of the people that either doesn't lose very much weight and making my goal or one of those that loses it but gains it back.  I have alot of support people and I know they will not allow me to gain it back but I still worry.  Has anyone else felt this way? I mean I even went as far as to make a letter for all those who are important to me and especially to my kids.  Well I guess I should go to bed so I can go to the surgeon tomorrow, and i will write more tomorrow when I know a date.  Night all have a wonderful sleep, i know I won' t lol.

more dates

Feb 23, 2012

Ok so I just received via email more appointment dates....
Feb 29/12.....Dr.Hagen
Mar 20/12....Bypass class
April 11/12... Registered Nurse, Registered Dietitian,
                      and Social worker.
April 18/12...Dr.Hagen (hopefully will get my surgery date at this time)

So I am hoping by May or June I can have the surgery!!!
I am a little worried about the surgery.  I wrote letters to both my kids, my husband and my sister JUST IN CASE! For some reason this surgery is the one I am scared I will die from.   Having 2 kids I wasn't scared and one was natural the other was an emergency c-section, breast reduction not scared, but this one I am very scared and worried.  I have so many emotions going through me right now.  I am scared, worried, excited (new beginning), happy, sad, anxious.  I don't know how many others have been scared of dying, I know I can't be the only one but man it is scary.   I know it is for the best but I can't help but be a little apprehensive about the whole thing, I mean it is major surgery even if it is laparoscopic, they are re-arranging so much inside me.  Guess I am just going to have to get over the worry and do what will make me healthy.

new date

Feb 17, 2012

Well it has only been 4 days since orientation and the dietitian at orientation said it would take 3-6 weeks for them to contact us for our next appointment and they called me already to make my next appt for Feb this is going so fast! I can hardly believe it is happening, let alone this fast.  Anyway just trying to keep anyone who is following me in the loop, not even sure if anyone is but I know I am following myself lol.


Feb 14, 2012

OK So orientation went well....lots of people there. Learned the same stuff I already knew since I did my research already. We learned about who we will meet along our journey such as the surgeon, dietitian, internist and such. How our eating habits will change, we have to commit to 5 years for the whole thing...1 year leading up to surgery and then 4 years post op so the surgeon and team can follow us.  What all is involved in the surgery, risk, complications etc... not too bad a time there, last about 1.5 hours, very informative.  Still plan on going through with the surgery even though I have 2 people in my life trying to talk me out of it.  1 being my mom and 1 being my Aunt but ohh well, my choice.   3-6 weeks I will be mailed a form with a list of all dates with the surgeon, internist, dietitian etc and then my last meeting I have with the surgeon is when I get my surgery date.  So now I will update when this list arrives.


my journey so far

Feb 06, 2012

So far this is my journey....

I had to go to my Family Doctor 3x for a referral to the bariatric registry, and finally the 3rd time I TOLD him I want the referral and he did it. 

So.....Dec 8, 2011 Referral sent to the registry

Jan 3, 2012 I called the registry and asked if they had the referral and they had already sent it to Humber River in Toronto, Ontario and they are looking at a 3-6 month waiting list.

Jan 13, 2012 Got a call from Humber River but I was not home so I needed to call them back.

Jan 18, 2012  Called Humber River and got an appointment for Orientation on
Feb 13, 2012 (Happy early Valentines day to me lol)

So far so good.....I will do an update after Feb 13 to let everyone know what I learned at the Orientation and if I have any appointments for anything.

Just starting out

Feb 06, 2012

I am not sure where to start with this so I guess I will just start with a little bit of info about me and my life so far.
When I was born i was just a little bitty baby of 6lbs 14 oz, I was small through elementary school til grade 6 then I was a little "chubby" until grade 8 when I lost my chubbiness, then again grade 11 I gained weight but was not really "fat" just a little over weight.  I did not really start gaining weight until I was out of highschool and then it just spiraled out of control.  I hung around alot of people who had weight problems and even when my pants seemed to "shrink" I never really thought it was a problem until my larger friends started passing me their hand me down clothes and saying here these might fit you I don't wear them anymore...well then it hit me....I am gaining weight, my pants AREN'T shrinking.
I got to a whopping 227lbs (whopping to me when I remember it wasn't long ago I weighed 135) and I decided I was tired of the ridicule and snickers behind my back, and my one girlfriend (who lost ALOT of weight) said to me "I used to be so jealous of your body in highschool", In 2004 I decided to go to Herbal Magic and I did very well there.  Within a little under a year I lost 64 lbs and was finally 163lbs and happy, energetic, outgoing and I loved exercising.   Then it happened....the big four letter word...LOVE.  I met my (now) husband.  I stuck to my new eating habits until I got'll get you every time that comfort!!  I started eating chips and junk but still I maintained my weight, well ok I lie, I gained about 10 lbs in 4 months and then it happened...I got pregnant with my first child, well there went those nice new eating habits I learned.  I ate what I wanted, when I wanted, how much I wanted and up, up, up I went.  By the time I had my son 10 months later I was a whopping 235lbs.  Well I let that go for a while (3 years) and decided I wanted to be able to play with my son and be an active mommy, so I went back to Herbal Magic and I was there about 7 months and lost another 60lbs and if it didn't happen again...yep...pregnant again.  I vowed to eat better than I did with my son but everything started learning my name again and I couldn't resist.  Well I had my daughter Feb 2010 and that brings me to present day Feb 2012, 2 yrs later and I cannot afford to pay $300+ /month for Herbal Magic with 2 kids to feed, and I have tried to eat better but anyone with kids knows that you really have to "test" all of their food and snacks to make sure they are good, and I have no energy to exercise, although I do try to get out and play with the kids and walk the dog but nothing seems to take the weight off.  I did some research on WLS and have talked to 4 friends who have had it done..3 as recent as last year and 1 who is 3 years post-op and they all say they do NOT regret doing it and they would do it again in a heart beat and it is the best thing I could do for myself and my family.
Now, my husband says he loves me regardless of my weight and he will stand by me no matter what I choose to do and is always telling me I am beautiful, but like I keep telling him I can't accept that because I have been told most of my life by my sister and mom (sister mainly) that I was fat and no man would ever want me or stay with me and since I have heard that most of my life it makes it hard to accept. 
So that is a little about me and what has brought me to this point in my life.
Currently I am 252lbs and 5' I can't believe how that looks when you type it out...yuck!!!  I am tired of sitting on the sidelines while my children play and grow, I am tired of being tired, I am tired of feeling lazy all the time, and having people think all I do is sit and eat, tired of the stares and snickers, I am tired of eating in public and feeling like a side show freak on display at the circus, I am tired of ordering food at a fast food restaraunt drive-thru and making it seem like I am buying for someone else and not me or looking like I am ordering for 2 (like ordering 2 burgers for me so I order 2 drinks to look like it is for 2 people), I am tired of eating like a rabbit at family get togethers or work parties so people think I don't eat alot, I am tired of my face turning ten shades of red and purple when I
 bend over to tie my shoes or my kids shoes, tired of feeling hungry all the time, tired of reserving a spot beside me on the bed, not for my husband but for my belly to lie,  I am simply tired of watching life pass me by because I am too fat to keep up!!!!  Time to do something!

About Me
Midland, ON
Sep 02, 2011
Member Since

Friends 15

Latest Blog 27
