16/5/13 - Bathing suit - size 20

May 16, 2013

A month ago, a friend gave me two size 20 bathing suits which were too big for her.

Today I fit in them both, and wore one for my swim. The timing couldn't be better -- my size 22 no longer decently contains the bosom!



8/5/13 - Family physician

May 08, 2013

Family doctor cut my Micardis (blood pressure medication) in half, down to 40 mg from 80 mg.  

Back on March 21 my BP was 93/59 - as I was not experiencing any light headedness or untoward side effects, we left my dosage at 80 mg.  (As a diabetic, BP meds are part of the protocol, in this case to provide protection to the kidneys.)

However, in the past eight or ten days, I *have* been dizzy, with lovely sparkling edges when I move too quickly, heck if I move at *all* I've been getting giddy.

In to the doctor today, cutting the medication in half, weaning me off, and expect to be off it completely by the time I see him next on June 20.  

Yet another NSV.  


Weight loss to date?   55.2 pounds.



26/4/13 - Three month visits

May 08, 2013

I met with the behaviourist, Matt, and the nutritionist, Jen, the morning of April 26.

I'm doing well, no problems, answered all the questions, provided information and got, in effect an "atta girl", from both.

Per Jen, I am to start increasing my calories to 900-1,200 per day:

  • 60-90 grams of protein
  • 90-120 grams of carbohydrates
  • 30-40 grams of fat

Protein intake per meal:

  • Breakfast - 10-20 grams
  • Lunch - 20-30 grams
  • Supper - 25-35 grams
  • Snacks - 5-15 grams

This was 13 weeks out - surgery January 23, 2013.  Weight loss 50+ pounds.




3/4/13 - Ten weeks today and my top ten NSVs

Apr 03, 2013


January 23, 2013, the date of my surgery.

April 3, 2013 - today. My top ten list, in no particular order of the NSVs to date:

  1. no more insulin, not even the teeniest, tiniest bit
  2. I've thrown out the size 24 bathing suit, and the size 22 is getting loose on me
  3. CostCo Pharmacy is getting far less prescription money from me and my insurer (off five different medications and soon to be off two more).
  4. I can take a bath, in my tub, and get in and out without fear of needing the fire department to dislodge me
  5. increased energy - logging up to an hour in the pool, six to seven days a week
  6. my CPAP machine settings have had to be adjusted downward (looking forward to another sleep test in June, which my sleep doctor had me book for six months post-op)
  7. my LDL cholesterol (the bad kind) is within normal range
  8. my A1C (blood glucose reading over the past three months) is in normal range
  9. my winter boots ... ahhh, they won't be used by me next year; they're too big
  10. I am obese, not severely obese, with a BMI (I know, I know) of 39.449

1/4/13 - Want a Simple Way to Calm Yourself?

Mar 31, 2013

Describe your emotion in one or two words.

From The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.   


David Rock’s very interesting book, Your Brain at Work: Strategies for Overcoming Distraction, Regaining Focus, and Working Smarter All Day Long.

One strategy particularly struck me: if you’re feeling a negative emotion, you can work to reduce it by labeling it in one or two words. Note, however, that thinking or talking at length about the emotional state tends to intensify it — while simply observing and labeling it helps to quell it.

I do this myself, instinctively. I find myself thinking, “I’m overwhelmed” or “I’m frazzled” or “I’m feeling defensive” — and it’s odd how calming it is. Just putting a label on a feeling helps me to master it.

For those who enjoy reading about what’s happening in their right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and elsewhere, Rock explains how brain function accounts for this phenomenon.


21/3/13 - Family Physician - eight weeks post-op

Mar 26, 2013

Family doctor/nurse practitioner vist, eight weeks post-op ...  

BP - 93/59 (target less than 130/80)
LDL - 1.63 (target 2.0) (cholesterol, the bad kind)
A1C - 6.8 (target 7.0 or less) (diabetes - blood sugar measured over past three months)  

Gleeful - c'est moi!



6/3/13 - Scale disclaimer

Mar 06, 2013


20/2/13 - Pain gone

Feb 20, 2013

I think PrevAcid is a miracle drug.   I took the first dose at 5:00 yesterday and by 8:30 p.m. I was pain free.

Honest to God, pain free.

The constipation resolved itself overnight and I am feeling pretty darn good today (four weeks today from surgery).

I'm calling Aspen tomorrow to update her ... now?   I'm off for a haircut.

I've been on the go and out of the house since 9:15 -- my longest day yet.

Heck, I'm 63, I'm just not going to be as zippy this early out as someone half my age.  :)  

Cutting myself some slack, that's what I'm doing.

1 comment

19/2/13 - working on the back pain

Feb 18, 2013

Spoke with Aspen/Nurse Practitioner at the WMC first thing this morning concerning my week-long back pain (from shoulders to mid back, bilateral, eased somewhat by Tylenol and heating pad, but at one point Sunday evening I was ready to take leftover hospital meds, Hydro-morphone). I have not had a BM in six days and wonder if there might be referred pain. No nausea, no vomiting, able to eat and drink. Occasionally eating causes back pain to increase. Pain gets progressively worse as day goes on and radiates to the abdomen/stomach. 

Plan of action (?possibly gallbladder stones/sludge, possibly ulcer?...) Gallbladder - Aspen ordering abdominal ultrasound at the Civic - they will call within seven days. 

Ulcer - Aspen called in a prescription for Prevacid to pharmacy - I can pick up today. Medication is diagnostic, too, i.e., if the pain stops, it likely is/was an ulcer. 

Stop taking the one ASA 81 mg I've been on since discharge. 

They want a BM every three days --- so, take .5 dose (30 ml Milk of Magnesia); if no movement follow with another 30 ml dose in three hours. (TMI - if stool is black call Aspen immediately.) 

Continue with Tylenol and heat for pain.






18/2/13 - It still counts as Monday morning

Feb 18, 2013

11:55 A.m.  See the "A"?  

I went to bed/sleep at 7:50 last night -- yes, lights off, CPAP on, meds on board. Slept through until 7:00 a.m., and then re-took meds, refilled water reservoir in CPAP and slept for another four hours.  

I feel refreshed and pain free for the first time (was going to say in a week, but really, it's a month, isn't it...)  

Anyway, this shall pass, but I needed that ..   So it is still morning and it counts -- "good morning!"


