18/2/13 - Sleeping post surgery

Feb 18, 2013

I'm almost four weeks post surgery, and am only now getting comfortable with sleeping on my side. My right side is my favourite, and I've managed to do that by propping my belly on pillows and hugging them to me. My left side, with the larger/deeper incision (where they inserted the camera for the RNY), is more problematic and I have not been able to rest much weight there except for the past week or so.

So yeah, I'm a side sleeper who is sleeping on her back, less and less. And, once in position, with CPAP in place, it's possible to get a full night sleep. Not comfortable, necessarily, but possible.

The hospital was relatively easy, and the drugs helped, but at home, not so much. I live alone so the moaning and noise making as I change position doesn't disturb anyone else.

I do have back pain from these sleeping positions -- from my shoulders to mid rib and I am taking Tylenol for that pain. It will pass, I know, but I attribute the pain to sleeping position and a solid weight loss from that part of my body.

It's better today than it was yesterday -- and I must say that it's only a problem now because the other more pressing post-op issues of sip, walk, sip, medication, supplements, sip, walk, toot have been resolved.

And only my experience, remember -- yours will likely be completely different, due to size, age, and the phase of the moon.


17/2/13 - Realistic Expectations

Feb 17, 2013

As poor as the search function is here on OH, I found this under "realistic expectations". 

"I wish I knew who posted this originally.

While you will lose weight in the first few months after bariatric surgery, you reach your maximum weight loss in 12 to 18 months.

Here is what you can expect to lose post op.

For patients weighing 200 to 250 lbs.
10 lbs. in first 10 days
15 to 25 lbs. in 6 weeks
25 to 35 lbs. in 3 months
35 to 45 lbs. in 6 months
60 lbs. or more in 1 year
70 lbs. or more in 18 months

For patients weighing 250 to 300 lbs.
10 to 12 lbs. in first 10 days
15 to 25 lbs. in 6 weeks
25 to 35 lbs. in 3 months
45 to 60 lbs. in 6 months
80 lbs. or more in 1 year
90 lbs. or more in 18 month

For patients weighing 300 to 400 lbs.
10 to 30 lbs. in first 10 days
25 to 45 lbs. in 6 weeks
35 to 55 lbs. in 3 months
50 to 80 lbs. in 6 months
100 lbs. or more in 1 year
120 lbs. or more in 18 months

For patients weighing 400 to 500 lbs.
10 to 30 lbs. in first 10 days
25 to 45 lbs. in 6 weeks
35 to 60 lbs. in 3 months
50 to 90 lbs. in 6 months
120 lbs. or more in 1 year
150 lbs. or more in 18 months"

Here http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/information/planner+results.php is a useful calculator.

1 comment

12/2/13 - You know that 10% of your body weight "they" talk..

Feb 11, 2013

You know, the one where they say that if you only lost 10% of your body weight, good things will happen?

Well, I've just done it -- 10% of my body weight, gone, as of tonight's weigh in.  

Good things happen.  :)   To me!



5/2/13 - Some notes on "howzitgoing"

Feb 05, 2013

I'm getting 15 to 30 minutes a day slow walking -- not all at once, but it all counts. My "dent" has popped out and I am moving much easier now. Next week, I should be able to get in to the pool for water walking and very light movement. There's no rush, I'm building. :)

 I've had eggs, both scrambled and hard cooked, a couple of tablespoons of boiled potato, some poached chicken (1 ounce at a time, shredded and moistened with tablespoon of cream of chicken soup), Jello, of course, cottage cheese, home made black bean soup with salsa and Greek yogurt, Laughing Cow light cream cheese wedge, two protein shakes a day (30 grams of protein in each), and I've got the groceries for making chili, including ground beef. The newsgroup suggests Wendy's chili (much lower in sodium and fat than Timmy's), but I think I'll leave that for a while. Again, there's no rush. And, I'm not hungry.

Water first, then protein, then everything else. :)


1/2/13 - Afterthoughts on the roommate from hell

Feb 01, 2013

Yesterday at my meeting with the nurse practitioner I said that I was so appreciative of the care I had, and it almost made up for the roommate from hell. She got a funny look and said "who"? -- I said S. from Rxxxxxx and she said "yeah, you did have the roommate from hell". How funny is that, eh? She couldn't professionally say much more than "It takes all kinds" and we kind of laughed. Hah!

My support group friend Judy sent me this ...

"As to S., there was one point when the nurse was working on you and she had pulled the curtain closed. I had stayed outside of the curtain and chatted with S. He said at one point that he could not believe they had operated on you because you were so old! It took much restraint to not slap him silly. I also did not want to be led out of the Civic in handcuffs! I told S. that I was close to retirement too. i.e. not too much further behind you in age. I didn't mention it to you as I knew you had no choice while you were there and you still had to deal with him.
Did he do other stupid stuff? Now you have me curious!"

And I replied:

S. was ... special. A real crybaby "no, you can't prick that finger, I'm sore" "Yes, I'm taking my medications (2 hours after presentation) ... and "I've walked" (no, you didn't, and I don't count to the bathroom for the world's largest farts) and asking each and every flipping time "what is this pill for, why do I have to take it, didn't I have this at breakfast" and two nurses calling me "a saint" for having put up with him. As well, he was *in* every conversation I had with visitors, including with my minister, Thursday morning!  

I figure he had to have been a real treat when one of the nurses asked another woman from way down the floor to change his IV site -- this replacement nurse just approached him with a totally flat face and manner and just *did* the job...poor N., the nurse that day, just couldn't take him any more!  

And for each of these professionals to break that barrier with me ... they knew what I was going through. He never, ever shut up. I had my headphones on in self defense, even without sound, so much that my ears were sweating.   Anyway, he is one of the world's limited people and I hope he can do all the work necessary to follow through on this.   He did tell me that he had three heart attacks two years ago (and *I* was worried about being accepted!?) and his kidneys were failing, as well as his legs being discoloured and swollen all the way up past his calves from diabetes.  

For the record?  S. was 42ish - I am 63.

It was so blessedly silent to be home :)


31/1/13 - One Week Post-Op Checkup

Jan 31, 2013

Saw Aspen (nurse practitioner) at Civic today, BP is normal; she was delighted with my blood sugars.

Had my dressings removed and only the major one on the left is still covered.   All sorts of medication changes. Stop Palifer - yes! disgusting stuff, liquid iron // stop Metformin diabetes pill at bedtime - yes -- gross ground - I haven't been on this low a dose in eight years! Down from four tablets to three. // in one week - February 7 - take all meds whole except for Metformin, which should be cut in half or in quarters // In two weeks - February 14 - cut multivitamin in half or quarters // Now cut Tylenol in half or quarters // can now eat scrambled egg and cottage cheese without blending // in next two/three weeks transition to soft food, as tolerated // I can go back to the pool in two weeks, as long as all incisions are closed.

I was out from 10:00 to 12:30 -- a big day; it wore me out! This howling wind is driving me nuts.   I napped and now I am awake, but going back to bed. The left incision is hurting, but getting better.



22/1/13 - Arrival time to hospital tomorrow - 6:15 a.m.

Jan 22, 2013

Arrival time to hospital tomorrow - 6:15 a.m.  The hospital just called me (I was supposed to call them after 1:00 p.m., so *BONUS*).  kiss

I'm the first surgery of the day -- 8:30 a.m. to 11:10 a.m.  



22/1/13 - Water weight retention - one pound

Jan 22, 2013

Harumph -- gaining on OptiFast.  I know it's only water retention from salty bouillon, but it's ironic, even so.  At TOPS weigh in last night, I gained one pound from last week.  It was almost worth it to see the shock on people's faces.  "She's on 900 calories a day and gained a pound?"   What a teachable moment.  I'm the weight recorder for our chapter and I'm, seriously, always telling people that if they do what they're supposed to, the weight will come off.   And yet ... sometimes our bodies do what they want.   I am one day pre-op and my body has decided that the combination of OptiClog and bouillon has shown a "gain" of one pound.  It is not a pound of fat, there is no way I cannot lose fat on the few calories I am consuming, and it will happen when it happens.

In the interest of honesty, I've moved my health tracker weight to reflect that one pound "gain".

This morning I had a Healing Pathway treatment at my church, praying for calm and strength and belief in the process I have begun.

I'm waiting to call the hospital for my surgery time tomorrow.   My son will spend the night here tonight so that he doesn't have to drive in from Orleans at 5:30 tomorrow morning, the coldest night of the winter forecast to be minus 31 degrees.  Much better he take my car, which is garaged inside, and leave his truck and tools at home.

Back to the hot tub this afternoon, as I am cold.



20/1/13 - Saturday and Sunday

Jan 20, 2013

My last Saturday and Sunday with the insides I was born with.  *giggle*

I went out to lunch yesterday with my Red Hat group, and brought a chicken bouillon package with me. While they had their lunches, I had peppermint tea, a big glass of water and a bowl of hot water with my chicken broth. There was lots of conversation to distract me, and the waitresses kept trying to place food in front of me.   It was a great opportunity to tell many of the women about the surgery, as I have not yet told them.  Almost everybody was supportive and those who might not have been had the good manners to keep quiet. :) And, my bill for lunch was 2.93. :) I am hungry, though, and want to chew something.  

This morning at church my friend Betty "outed" me to the congregation; when the Minister asked for prayers of care and concern, Betty asked for prayers for me for surgery on Wednesday. Then, after the service, another friend came up with a card and a book, which had me in tears, too.

I've got wonderful friends and terrific support -- I'm a blessed woman.


17/1/13 - Desjardins Pharmacy (Civic)

Jan 18, 2013

Sugar Free Metamucil - Berry Flavour - 18.49 //  Beneprotein unflavoured - 26.19 + HST (wtf? it's medical!) = 50.49

I've got to find a cheaper source.  :)   Be gentle -- it's my first time.  :)  Argh OH - why oh why won't you accept the dollar sign?

