Why I Allowed Myself To Be Morbidly Obese

Aug 14, 2011

My reasons were a combination of complacency, laziness, fear and body dysmorphia, I'm sure.

I was complacent and felt content that I was who I was and people would either love me or leave me, and I didn't need the ones who didn't feel like sticking around.

I was lazy and loved to make excuses about why I couldn't get my body moving, or why I couldn't eat healthier, or why I made the choices that I did instead of doing something to positively change my life for the better.

I was afraid-- of surgery itself, of how things would change for me in my social and romantic relationships, of failing, of becoming a person I wasn't comfortable with.

And I had a messed up perception of myself-- very healthy, to a point. I never looked at myself in the mirror and thought I looked like an humongous whale-- I looked in the mirror and saw a hottie. But I was doing myself a disservice-- that hottie had high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol (and was taking pills for all of the previous three), couldn't exercise without huffing and puffing and was doing herself in before she was even 30 years old.

I'm so glad I made the changes in my life that I did and took control of my health with VSG surgery-- If I had not done it, I'd have had no choice other than to continue down the grim road I was travelling to my definite downfall and eventual early demise.

And who knows, maybe I wouldn't even have been here today to be pondering and writing about such things!


About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 15, 2011
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