Crunchy As Can Be posted a comment 12 years ago
Great shot!!

Crunchy As Can Be posted a comment 12 years ago
You both look so fantastic!

Crunchy As Can Be posted a discussion topic 12 years ago
Beat my 5K best time this morning! - I did a 5K this morning and beat my best time by 7 minutes! I did it in 39:57 this morning. I hope to be down to about 35 minutes for my next charity race sometime at the end of Au...

Crunchy As Can Be posted a discussion topic 12 years ago
Suitcase and Travel NSV! - I went to Arizona June 27 to visit a girlfriend and her husband and came home late on July 2nd and realized just now (as I'm doing my wash and finishing my unpacking) that I had an...

Crunchy As Can Be posted a discussion topic 12 years ago
One Year Surgiversary (Plus 2 Months... Oops!) - I have been away from this board for a long time (not sure exactly how many months, but maybe even close to six?). Most of my reasons revolve around time constraints-- I started a ...

Crunchy As Can Be posted a comment 12 years, 4 months ago
I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this photo-- what an awesome tool to...

Crunchy As Can Be posted a discussion topic 12 years, 5 months ago
May Sleevers Checking In! - Hi everyone who who was sleeved in/around May-- how are you all doing? I think I'm in maintenance mode... been about 180 for the past several months despite changing up my prote...

Crunchy As Can Be posted a discussion topic 12 years, 5 months ago
Bottom Of Screen Advertising Bar: McDonald's. Anyo - Is it just me because of the searches other people in my home have made from this computer, or does everyone have a McDonald's advertisement at the bottom of their OH screen? If...

Crunchy As Can Be posted a discussion topic 12 years, 6 months ago
Exercise Accountability Thread 1/29/12 - Whew-- so glad I got out of my funk and got back to the gym. Two days off felt terrible! Today I did 30 minutes of jog intervals at a 2% incline from 5-5.3 mph. Then this evening I...

Crunchy As Can Be posted a discussion topic 12 years, 6 months ago
Interesting NPR Article: WLS is Not a Magic Pill - I didn't really read anything new in this article except to find out that the UCLA surgical c...

Crunchy As Can Be posted a discussion topic 12 years, 6 months ago
Possible NSV- I got quite a fright! - I guess I'm a little jumpy... But I was at a store stocking up on workout clothes that fit me instead of wearing the pants that fall down with every footstep (I was always in fe...

Crunchy As Can Be posted a discussion topic 12 years, 6 months ago
May Sleevers Checking In! - Hey everyone, just wanted to check in as we shuffle around our 8th month post-op. I keep active, feel great, but notice that my weight loss is veeeeeeery slow lately... like, th...
About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 15, 2011
Member Since

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