I didn't die! I am home and banded!!

Sep 25, 2007

I just got home today around 2 from the hospital after being banded yesterday around 7:30am.  I woke up in a LOT of pain.  My stomach was so sore as well as my throat.  I know that my throat was because of the tube that was down it and because they gave me a shot to dry out my throat so I wouldn't choke.  My back was hurting too because it hurt too much to lay on my side so I was almost always on my back.  I'm still in a lot of pain and VERY bloated, I look about 7 or 8 months pregnant, literally (when I went to Target with Scott to get my pain medicine and to get some walking in I made up a date to be due just in case someone asked me when I was due!  I decided on November 6th, lol, that's how bloated I am)!!  I'm thinking this is the gas but it's not coming out very much yet in the way that gas usually comes out, it's just sort of sitting there.  I'm just glad I got a LOT and very strong pain medicine but it makes me very sleepy.

Aside from the pain I am very happy!  This all feels so surreal, I just can't believe this actually happened!!  It's SOOO nice to be satisfied from eating just a 1/4 cup of broth!  I know that it's because I'm swollen and had anesthesia but it still is nice for now not to be hungry.

Oh and I think I have the new AP band and I'm not sure but I think I have the large one.  I will know more next week at my follow up appointment.


Sep 21, 2007

OK now I'm nervous again....is this normal!!??!!

Back from seeing my surgeon.

Sep 20, 2007

I just got home from seeing Dr. Kane and I feel better.  I'm sure I'll start to get really nervous again this weekend though!  I have always had PERFECT blood pressure, only ONE time was it a little high during my 3rd pregnancy when I was told the baby wasn't turned yet and that they might have to turn her.  It was up because I was nervous, after talking to my midwife (about 10 mins later) I felt better and they re-did my blood pressure and it was back to normal.  Well...today I was SOOOO nervous that my blood pressure was 131/83.  I know that's not that bad but I've always had really good blood pressure.  I told the nurse I was nervous and she said she guessed so because my heart rate was 121!!!  WOW, that's high!  I think if they tested me again I would be back to normal because I feel much better now.

Dr. Kane Jr. is so nice and he has the warmest smile.  He reassured me and made me feel comfortable and answered all of my questions. 

So anyway, on Monday I will be getting banded and beginning my new life to a healthier me!  Woo hoo!!

I'm scared.

Sep 19, 2007

On September 11th I had my EKG, blood tests, chest  x-ray, and upper GI.  It was HORRIBLE!!  I HATED getting an upper GI.  It was so embarrassing having to walk around in a hospital gown that was 100 times too big for me and the one in the back was too small.  The guy who gave me my x-ray was actually 24ish year old kid and I was just humiliated wearing that gown and not having a bra on.  They really should let us pick if we want a female or male doing this kind of stuff, I think so anyway. 

Anyway, the barium drink was gross and hard to drink and the crystals were weird.  I just felt like a roasting pig rolling around on the table while they took pictures.  The woman that came in for the upper GI was grumpy and mean and I think her attitude really was the reason I felt the most uncomfortable.  There was a really nice man though who would pull my gown down for me while I was rolling on the table.

So ya it was just a bad experience for me.  I just felt violated and mistreated.  I'm not usually a big baby about this stuff, I've had 3 kids.  I just wasn't prepared for rudeness.

Today I'm going to meet with my surgeon before my surgery next Monday.  I'm nervous and I'm not sure why I'm nervous about meeting with him.  I made a list of questions so I won't forget to ask something. 

I'm really scared about having surgery.  Mostly I am just afraid to die.  I know that's drastic and that this surgery is compared to gall bladder surgery but I'm still really scared.  I just wish I didn't feel so afraid. 

I really want this surgery though because I don't want to be fat anymore and I don't want to just keep getting bigger.  It seems the more I diet the fatter I get.  I want to loose weight and keep it off.  I don't want to have a heart attack when I'm 48 like my mom, I want to have energy for my kids, I want to be able to walk without getting out of breath, I want to be able to shop in "normal" stores and not plus size stores.  If I gain anymore weight I will only be able to shop at plus size stores!  I just want to feel better physically, I feel like crap all the time and I'm so embarrassed to even go outside of my house.

Man I feel like a whiner today.


Sep 05, 2007

I had to switch my September 5th appointment to September 20th because I forgot that I baby-sit on Weds. for 2 different families, DUH!  Plus it's really hard for me to find a baby-sitter during the day time during the week without having to ask people to take off of work and I don't want to do that. This gives me more time though to thing of questions for my surgeon before the big day. 

It's a date!

Aug 30, 2007

I got my official date today and it's set for September 24th, woo hoo!!!  I have pre-surgical testing September 11th and I have an appointment to see my surgeon September 5th!  This is really happening!!!


Aug 23, 2007

A virtual me weighing in at 246 lbs and I'm 5'7"....

You can make your own at...


I got a sort of date!

Aug 23, 2007

By sort of I mean that it is tentatively set for or around September 10th but I just have to wait for the hospital to call back and set the date for sure with the time and all of that! 

I also have to see my surgeon again on the 5th and have all my pre-surgical tests, i.e. EKG, Upper GI, blood tests.....

I have to admit I am both excited and nervous.  I'm nervous because it's surgery and honestly the possibility (even if it is very small) of dieing scares me.  This is a HUGE step, my life is about to change forever.

I'm excited though that because of this surgery I can also help stop the high risk of have a heart attack (my mom had three at the age of 48, my grandma has had 5, and my uncle died of one at 48).   And I'm excited to loose weight and keep it off for good and just feel better physically and just feel better about myself.

Ahhhh...I can't believe this is finally happening, I think I'm in shock?


Aug 22, 2007

I saw Dr. Hart today and I got a clearance!!!  So I called the Kane Center to tell them and Dr. Hart also told me that he will let them know as well that I am cleared.  He said I'm young, and healthy.  I do have asthma and have had it for about 8 or 9 years but it's pretty mild.  So I will have to have some puffs from the inhaler before surgery.

He also told me about clots and that I will have to take some blood thinning stuff before surgery and than shots (blood thinner) for 6 days after surgery.  AND that you are at risk for a blood clot for up to THREE months after surgery.  I have to admit this totally freaked me out!  How am I suppose to sleep for 3 months knowing that I could get a clot at anytime and that it could kill me if it gets to my lungs, AHHHH! 

*sigh*  I hate blood clots!

Anyway I should be on my way to getting a date now and I'm hoping to hear from the Kane Center tomorrow.

Another Digi!

Aug 21, 2007

This one I did today of my soon to be 11 year old daughter Emily Mae.

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Surgery Date
Jul 25, 2007
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