My husband seems upset and depressed!!

Dec 29, 2008

My husband spoils me when he cooks.  He is a talented cook who loves to experiment and go online for ideas and tweak them to be better.  Since I have had my surgery he has not cooked one meal for anyone in the house.  He told me last night that "their is no reason to cook if you're not eating".  In a way I feel bad because it's something he enjoys to do but I know he will enjoy cooking things for me after I get done with the puree food and get to the soft stage.  He likes challenges so I plan on giving him a challenge to cook me something once I get on the soft food stage.  Although I won't be consuming two extra large plates of whatever he made.

Just because I can't eat as much as I used to I still want to taste something wonderful, right!  So what it will be only a few teaspoons.  Now I am on the feat to make my husband understand he is going to have to cook something for me very soon....maybe Shepherds Pie?? Casserole?? Spinach & Cheese Pie??  Ugh, hopefully he won't be so depressed over this because I'm feeling GREAT!!

