9 months mark is next week!

Sep 14, 2009

Well things have changed....some good and some not so good.  I still seem to be steadily loosing weight and I needed to do get some new jeans.  My size 24's would fall to the floor with a few steps and I don't like wearing belts so off to Fashion Bug I went to find myself in a pair of 16's - WOW!  The last time I was this size was in my very early 20's.  I am starting to enjoy the way I look and you can tell by all the pics I take of myself.  Whenever a camera is around I am ready to jump in the picture...lol

Some things I didn't expect was my husbands response to my weight loss.  He is the master cook in the house and he doesn't enjoy cooking since I'm not eating like I used to.  I would have a huge plate and then go back for seconds, maybe sometime more than that.  Now, I know my taste buds haven't changed so what is the problem?  I know my problem still is the amount I am cooking since the dogs have been getting a lot of the leftovers because how many days do you really want to eat the same thing!?!?  Another thing is his insecurity.  I understand that I'm his first fat chick and he married me, BUT why now...that I've lost over 80 lbs does he think I want out of this marriage to find someone else?  I just don't understand it!! 

Well I am going to go next Thursday to St. Rafael Hospital for a support meeting and I'm hoping I can find some suggestions and other situations people have been in with a partner that has become insecure.  I don't know...do you have any advice for me????

