The scale isn't moving and I aint poopin' !!!

Jan 10, 2009


O.K. so how can you stay focused when two BIG problems are happening.  I can't go!!  Last Saturday I took Milk of Mag and I fear I must take it again tomorrow - UGH.  I'm backed up so how can the scale go down.  I've been doing really well except today I have been nonstop hungry, or is it just boredom?  I got up early before the snow started and went to the gym.  Did okay as I walked on the treadmill for 40 minutes at a 3.0 speed.  I'm happy with what I did but when I came home and for the rest of the day I've been having over my 1/4 c for each meal.  Breakfast I did okay with a scrambled egg and cheese but three hours later I drank a mug of tomato soup - is this really bad or what?? I'm not sure.  Then I did a bad - the kids had these mini chicken eggrolls, yup you guessed it I had about 5 of them.  They were very soft and were baked in the broiler...VERY BAD GIRL!  I didn't feel sick at all, though this week was the first time I threw up - had broiled talapia and I did the foaming of the mouth thing after just three bites, still don't understand what happened.  Well, this day isn't over and it doesn't stop then...about 2 hours later I had some sweet potato with a soft wedge of cheese and a bake chicken ball that I made last night.  Okay, so now I am stuffed but I'm not supposed to be feeling this way.  What am I doing to myself - self medicating with food again? I really miss eating food.  Maybe I have a bigger problem than I thought.  Sure, I was a big eater having atleast another full plate making sure I was so full I felt sick.  Now going almost into my fourth week I don't feel that full after I eat....but I'm not supposed to, right.  Just eat enough to survive, get in the water...UGH.  Sorry that I'm rambling on and on but I don't think I will be successful with this, but I need to change my mind frame.  I wish that I could get better support here in CT with a group or someone that knows what I am feeling.  I am being totally honest here so am I the only one that feels this way..if you've gone through this or am going through this now or in your past can you give me some support??  I REALLY NEED IT....thanks!

Any cure as to what to do to poop?  sorry if I'm phrasing this the wrong way!

