Happy Easter Everyone

Apr 12, 2009

What a glorious day this has been.  I have upload some photos from church this morning and was thinking that I wished I could invite all my friends to join me in the beauty of this day.  In a small way, I can invite you in, to my world, my church home.  I feel honored that I could participate in some small way in the construction of the Easter display.  It added so much to worship, and I felt it really honored the Savior.  So many people were blessed by it, and the children loved it.  Of course, it not about the "stuff" but about the Lord.  All of it to His glory.
On this day some of my OH friends are grieving the loss of family, and I think about their loved ones celebrating Easter with Jesus in a totally awesome way.  Some of my friends are anxious as they approach their surgery date, and I hope they find joy in the moments of this day that are beautiful.  Some of my friends are joyful, and that is such a blessing, to be able to celebrate their joy.  No matter where you are in this life, there is a reason to find good, to find happiness in this world.  We do have one another, and I am profoundly grateful for that.  What strength we gain from one another here, sharing the most intimate part of our lives, the funniest, the sadist, the most bizzare!!!  We are an amazing bunch of people, each individual and unique, but each exactly the same in sharing a common goal, to regain health and capture new lives.  Easter is about regaining life!!! May it bring that blessing to each of you!!  Loving you all for who you are as we walk this road together, Mary

