It's a Mystery --- Oh Well, Perfect Halloween!

Oct 10, 2009

  It's October and mystery is in the air, but not just for little goblins.  The mystery continues in regard to my lack of progress.  From the beginning, this journey has been unexpected.  I dreamed of finally being thin, almost instantly I fear, and of wearing cute clothing and of participating in activities.  My dream has, in part, been realized to some degree, but mostly its still a dream, and I'm hanging onto it. 

I saw my surgeon on Friday.  Here we are celebrating month 3 post-op.  But the celebration is contained within the bigger issue of why have I not shed the pounds.  Tests upon tests find no reason for this to be the case.  Food diaries, nutrition consultations, personal trainer appointments, visits to the gym and prodigious walking have yielded no appreciable results.  23 pounds since surgery on July 2.  That reflects a 5 pound gain this past two weeks when we upped calories to 1,000.  I never really made 1,000 but once or twice, but increased to 700=900 most days.  I am so much better than I was!!!  Way better.  This is a long way from 300 calories or less a day and being sick day and night. 

More tests coming my way.  One theory recently is that the pyloric valve at the bottom of the stomach between the pouch and intestines is not opening properly and allowing food to "back-up."  This would explain the bouts of nausea to some degree, and the reason it has continued so long.  I will be have a manometry to measure the pressure in the esophogus Nov. 3.  Until then its just hanging out and hoping that the next test will be the definitive answer.  Additionally, I have an appointment with an endocrinologist to reveiw the history and see if there are any reasons hormonally that compromise the weight loss effort. 

If indeed we have a pyloric valve problem, then the answer is to repair it with surgery.  I guess this will render my digestion to be much like those who have had RNY.  There will not be the restriction between the stomach and intestines as there is now.  It may be that dumping would be possible with this surgery.  I am up for whatever comes, as long as weight loss comes with it.  Significant weight loss that coincides with the dedicated effort I make at keeping the diet.

I don't know how I'll ever thank my doctor.  She's has taken sooooo much time with me, and been always in my corner.  I have received calls at home just to make sure things are going okay, and see her every two weeks or so for the same reason.  She won't give up.  She's amazing!!!  I am so grateful that she is who she is!!

