The "s" word

May 17, 2009

Anxious, excited and unafraid of the surgery, but afraid the week won't turn out as I am expecting it too.  Everything hangs on my visit Friday with my surgeon.  Last visit to the office I was weighed in and a chart check was done to make sure all my pre-op stuff was in order.  I have only a couple small things yet to do, and the doctor's assistant said, that won't interfer with your surgery date.  My what??  I said to her, "did you say the 's' word?"  She said yep, I said, "say that louder, we'll say it together!!"  Thinking about being done with all the tests and appointments that are pre-op is quite exciting.  It's like graduating or something similar, you did it, you have reached a high point in your goals for WLS.  Now ya know, I'm going to worry 'cause that's me, that something is not going to satisfy her, the doctor, and I'll be delayed from getting a date.  The staff told me, and others have told me, she is a stickler for every jot and tiddle being in place.  I keep reviewing what I have done to prepare for this, going over the list, and over the list.  I can't think of anything that hasn't been in accord with her written instructions.  I am a bit proud  of the weight loss I have achieved prior to surgery.  Wow, I lost 40 pounds, as of yesterday, but up 2 pounds today.  You can bettcha by Friday I'll be solidly standing on 40 pounds lost.  My requirement for surgery was 25 pounds, but I've always been an over achiever, lol.  First born and all of that, lol.  I'm trying to wrap my head around the fact that this is really happening!!!  It's easy to go along each day and do what ya gotta do, and the surgery is somewhere off in the foggy future.  Now, bam, here it is!!!  I've tried very hard to live as if the surgery were already a reality, in terms of my diet.  I do drink the 64 oz. of water a day.  That was a hard habit to get into, and with my Crystal Light, I would not have done it.  I do exercise regularly.  Although I feel guilty saying that because last week was a wash-out.  I was called to help my mother who lives 3 hours from my home, and it wacked out my week.  I finding I'm on a very straightforward "schedule".  I have adopted my ways of dealing with the diet and exercise, and interruptions are going to happen, but I hope not too frequently.  I've found a new excitement in my life, and the future seems so promising.  I see myself running with grandchildren, walking hand in hand with my dear husband, and the fun stuff like, flying to see those grandkids and fitting comfortably in a seat without an extender.  Oh, I forgot to mention shopping!!  Yes, another "s" word.  This one is fun too.  I bought a new pair of pants this last week so that I'd having something that didn't look like an old ladies bloomers when I walked.  I went into the tent and awning store where I usually shop and bought the pants.....2 sizes smaller.  That small victory was so much fun.  I'm rambling along here, and it kinda matches the state of my mind.  This week will pass quickly as I keep a pretty intense schedule most days.  Friday, come on Friday, and please God let it be the fulfillment of my dream for WLS. 

