The Temple Builder Speaks

Jun 28, 2009

 The tests are done, everything is normal.  Three days of fasting to get it finished, but finished it is.  The labs, x-rays, scopes and exams, all of it. DONE.  What an awesome feeling.  It's kinda like freedom.  You forget when you are so into it and trying to get where you need to be, when you need to be, that a time comes when its peaceful.  And, then you hear the Temple Builder speak.  "Be still and know I am God."

He comes with all His strength and might to hold you up when the testing seems endless.  He holds you when your own strength is exhausted and gives you His.  I was so ill following all the tests last week that my husband wanted me to go to the ER.  The Temple Builder saw the distress and lifted me up.  By Saturday I was feeling great.  What did I learn?  I once again was amazed at how quickly I recovered from hypoglycemia and dehydration.  There is no other way to say it.  The Builder repaired the temple and strengthed the walls and provided support to heal.  If He is capable of that, how much more will He bless the surgery this week.  I go confidently to surgery.  I've seen what He can do, and all glory to Him as He does it!!!

Excited is not a big enough word for today.  The anticipation is huge.  I see myself getting thinner, maybe not perfect, but healthy and fit.  I know it will happen and that just overwhelms me.  All these 62 years of carrying around this weight and its all going to change for good this week.  This old temple sure is in need of repair.  It leaks,  and it creaks,  and it aches.    But, its getting a remodel by the Master Builder on Thursday.
The day has finally come, and praise God I'm ready.

