Happy Bandiversary to me :)

Jul 09, 2010

I am pretty sure I spelled the subject line wrong... but it's a portmanteau anyways so who really cares

It's hard to believe that it has been a year since my surgery.  Where has this year gone??   I remember all the anticipation, the nerves, the slight regret when i woke up in intense pain in recovery.   Fast forward a year and I have no regrets, other then Dec - May of this year when I checked out and gained and lost the same 5lbs over and over. 

I had an outlook reminder pop up this morning with the weight that I *should* have been at if I had kept on track.  Well, I am not that weight, but I am down 61lbs and dammit I'll take it!!

I am still commited to this journey.  There's so much I am doing that I couldn't have done a year ago.  I've done tons of traveling this year, Vegas, Austin, KC, Seattle next week, Chicago in August, maybe Italy in October!   I went on a hot air balloon trip last week which was *awesome* (which was a suprise from a special friend  ) .  

This year I want to do so much more.   I can't wait to do things like.... run the annual 10k with people from work, go skydiving, hike down and back up the grand canyon.  I can see so much opportunity for my future and I can't wait to get there. 

Here's to the start of year 2 of the rest of my life!  *Cheers*  

P.S.  Go on a hot air balloon trip... it's awesome  http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=68162&id=1339391843&l=1026bc80ae

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I forgot it felt so good to lose the weight

Jun 05, 2010

It's been a while since my last update recommitting myself to the goals and so far i've been doing pretty good. 

3 weeks ago today I SEVERELY sprained and cracked one of the bones in my ankle so that has really put a damper on my exercise routine.  More like... stopped it dead in it's tracks. 

However, the Tuesday after the epic ninja battle which resulted in my gimpy state, I had my long awaited appt for a fill so there was no way I was going to miss it.  I grabbed my crutches and gimped my way all over that hospital.   The fill was... amazing.  I forgot what it was like to actually have restriction, good restriction.  Since that Tuesday I've lost 9lbs.  With no exercise really to speak of. 

What a difference a fill makes. 

Alright,  I am off to a wedding wearing a dress I wouldn't have dreamed of wearing a year ago.  

Talk to ya'll later. 

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Still here, I haven't died

Apr 27, 2010

Wow.. my last entry was in August.  Geez what all has happened since August lets see...

1.  Helped best friend move to Texas
2.  Moved houses
3.  Got really really sick, and stayed that way for about a month
4.  Found love
5.  Christmas was nice
6.  Went to Vegas
7.  Lost Love (not at all related to Vegas)
8.  Went to Austin for SXSW, that was awesome
9.  Completely fell off the band wagon (pun intended)

Life has been nothing but rediculous.  I think I've lost a total of 3lbs since the beginning of the year and I am only to blame.   But, it's time to jump back on the path starting well.. yesterday. 

So yeah, I am not dead and I am ready to hop back on the losers bench. 

I want to throw a shout out to everyone who i let down with the competition I tried to organize and flaked out on.  Life happened pretty quickly and I couldn't follow through. 

Happy to  be back.  Until next time...
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At a Snails Pace week 5

Aug 13, 2009

Ooooohhhhh realize band how  I love thee?  Let me count the ways....one..hmmm... yeah....

So, I am getting irritated with myself.  I've only lost about a 1lb a week for the last 3 weeks.   The first two weeks after surgery were great, every time I hopped on the scale I was lighter.   Yeah those days are gone I think.  

What am I doing wrong?  I am following the rules, I am not drinking and eating at the same time.  I have been trying to stay active.  I am not up to 5 days a week yet but I am getting there.  

I am starting to feel hunger again which has been super intense at times.  I think it's just because I haven't felt it in so long.  It's like the first time I had hot sauce after almost a month, it was intensely hot - even though it wasn't.  

This month is going to be so stressful, one of my BFF's is moving a thousand miles away, I am moving to a new house, and I can't eat very much food but it's all for naught because I am NOT LOSING ANY WEIGHT.  BAH.  

My first training appt is on Sept 1, I can't wait.  Maybe I should call him and start early.  

I am gonna hop off my pity pot now.  What I am complaining about?  1lb a week is still 52lbs a year which is awesome!

Until next time Ciao! 


4 weeks out - looking up

Aug 05, 2009

Glad to report that week 4 was much better than week 3.  I am just going to pretend that week 3 didn't exist. 

My port incision isn't bothering me nearly as much.  I get a little pain every now and then if I stand up the wrong way but it's soooooooo much better.   I also got my first fill yesterday, 6cc's and I can definitely tell the difference.  I was ready for the fill, I haven't lost very much weight in the last couple of weeks so hopefully the fill will help.  When I can start intense workouts it will be a boost too.  

Today was a particulary good day -  had two mini 'wows'.  First wow, I had TWO separate people ask me if I've lost weight.  One of which only saw my face looking over their cube wall while I was asking a question.  I peaked my head over and they said "wow Patti, have you lost weight?" I was instant smiles and said, "yeeeeeaaaaah, just 24lbs." 

My second wow was getting dressed this morning. I put on a shirt I haven't been able to wear in a while because it was tight in the sleeves and I was getting pull around the "girls."  Now, the sleeves didn't bother me at all, in fact they have room in them and there is zero pullage around the ladies.  It was such a good day :) 

With that, I am off to the gym.  Until next time, Ciao!


Week 3 - could be better

Jul 30, 2009

As I sit - no, not sit.... As I lay sprawled out on my sofa (so as not to irritate my port) I think to myself for the first time since surgery , "what have I done?"  

I love the band itself!  With no fills I feel restriction, what else could a girl ask for?  But the port, the port is the bane of my existence.  I swear if I get up off this sofa the wrong way it's feels like it's tearing my insides and the wave of pain is so bad sometimes I just want to cry  I hope to God this doesn't last forever, I don't think I could deal with it.  

I also have been crazy nauseous for the last two days.  It was to the point I called my surgeon and got a prescription which helped a lot.  Not sure what caused it, maybe I ate something that didn't agree with me.  I had about a spoonful of rice Wednesday  afternoon before I started feeling sick, so I blame that.   My worst fear at this point is throwing up.  I don't know how it works!!  If I have nothing in my top pouch I'll just dry heave.  I don't want to ever ever ever throw up.  I'll do everything I can to avoid it.  

On a positive note, my scale is starting to move again.   I hadn't lost any weight in like... 9 days.  I knew that when I started eating real food I could gain, but I never expected a full stop.  I think my body might be adjusting now. 

I hit my first goal today, under 290lbs.    I've decided that every 10lbs is a new goal in my list because I am going to have to work hard for every single one of them.   Despite the stall I am still happy -  23lbs in a little over a month is not too shabby :) 

Alright off to bed.  Hopefully week 4 will treat me better than week 3. 


First official day back in the gym

Jul 26, 2009

Just got back from my first full workout since surgery on 7/8 and I am feeling good and EXHAUSTED. 

I was able to make it a full 40 minutes of cardio before calling it quits.  I split my time between eliptical, rucumbent bike and the treadmill.  I wanted to get a feel for which machine would be easiest on my tummy since I am not quite healed.  Glad to report all were fine and didn't irritate me at all.  I also did about 10 minutes in the sauna.  I know it's probably too early for that, but I  the sauna!  

I also strapped on my body bugg for the first time since April.  I love gadgets and this one is pretty awesome!  Its a little sensor that you strap around your left upper arm and it actually measures how many calories you burn per day, down to the minute!  If you've ever seen The Biggest Loser, its that band around the arms of all the contestants.  Sure the band is cool, but it's the site that reallly makes it worthwhile. There are tons of interactive tools that help you track nutrition, activity level, steps per day, calculate your calorie deficit (cals in vs. cals out), etc etc etc.  It is pricey but totally worth it.  check out the site at www.bodybugg.com

Oh yeah!  I've found a personal trainer to start working with starting in september.  Since I am not really eating much, I am going to take the money I am saving and invest it back into me.   I really want to make sure that I am challeging my body and not just going through the motions.  

Alright, off to bed.  Ciao!
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First Social Event Since Surgery

Jul 25, 2009

The sun was shining, birds where singing, and the grill was sizzling at my departments company picnic this afternoon.   I never thought of myself obsessed, addicted, or dependant on food but today it was really really clear how food plays a huge part of my social life. 

This was the first time in a long long long time that I wasn't cooking for the event.  In addition to being an A+ shopper, I am a bit of a gourmet chef and I love to cook amazing food for my friends and coworkers.  For the last several years I've always cooked at these events.  Not being the one in that role made me feel really out of place, like I was missing a part of me.  

Oh, and FINDING SOMETHING TO EAT, UGH!  At this point I am still on soft foods so I had half of a hot dog, a little potato salad and an applesauce cup.  I couldn't eat the apple sauce cause when I got to it I was full.   I got such weird looks from people - especially people's significant others who don't know me and certainly don't know I had surgery.  It was almost a look of "Fat girl must be on a diet."  Of course I can't NOT eat cause I would get the same look and questions on why I wasn't eating.  Damned if you do, damned if you don't.  

I also couldn't participate in the  kickball game, or play the pickup game of touch football.  It was definitely not the most enjoyable event in recent years.  Good thing I love the people I work with, they are all so supportive and understanding.  

Even though it was frustrating, I know that there is always next year.  Hopefully next year I'll be smoking hot and be able to fun circles around everyone.  

Okay I am going to bed now, Ciao!
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2 Weeks out

Jul 23, 2009

I am two weeks out from my surgery and it's been a bit of a rollercoaster.  I lost a bunch of weight at first which is awesome.  Now it's like I am at full stop, I haven't lost anything in 4 days.  I know that I shouldn't even be paying attention to this stuff yet, I should just focus on healing.  BUT IT's SOOOO HAAAARD.  I have lost 22 pounds though, so I am sure my body is just catching up.  

Healing is going well.  I still have a lot of pain and discomfort around my port incision, especially if I am wearing jeans, it's like they are so heavy and pulling on my skin.    I have a lot more energy overall but today I woke up soooo tired.  I must have pushed my exercise too hard yesterday and I felt like I couldn't get out of bed.  I might have been a bit too ambitious.  

I tried on a pair of jeans that I haven't been able to fit in in a couple months and they didn't quite fit yet, but that's okay.  I'll try again in 10lbs.  




About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 14, 2009
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